_ .__ ....... I 1 The 'PttMfoers -POjlfiript. ! 6ot i I /__, --- his headfhip ouer the-Church, with rhar_crro- A according to the Apofilc. So as Sp~1in~ rlli~ ! 1 ! ncous poficio11, thttt he cannot are; (\\•lnch he kcth not a more diligCc annuafi fcarcb rhatdll: i 1 1 I is likely to lay downc with his Crovvne and /ert~u among them h~uc no artn~s in r~'cir Crofitr, (for fooner ro by them downc were !.loufcs, then· both Spttillc and,ft4/y viglhritly f a fowlc: error) ifbymuch lwc::nc fome indiffefc:i:urc themfelucs in this bchalfc: and r.o mJt- ! rem p:~.rlcy were comp:~!l'ed ( himfr.:lfc flill r~- u~il= i: ou.r ?ookcs bee fo auoidcd, ~ccing t.ha~ j maining bo.th panic :uid Judge, as he: \-\'~S 111 -they mhtbnc tltcn from the rcadmg of.dic , the Comi~cll of Trem) 'imp,robablc, yea imScriptures then&lues le:dl th'cy ~lhould brC': J poffiblc it.\\'CfC th:it any"CO'nclufion cou1d on ~omc hcrctikcs :~=condemning it , and s brir... 1 ..,. FMAlh & No!i.,,ufltvl" thcirp'arrbc p~ffcd, (ifon any at:tll propoun- ~~ men in ~'ar1~e~ of ~heir ~iucs for r~a~!~~& ~~ t.1o~;,mcnu [:1.111 "'..k~'~ tc'· , dcd ) which any way ·tllay bee dcrogo.toric , 1112iff'as for an hcreucall praC'hfc. In awor<f3r tUt.f.r.rfir.. to his vfu~pcd power; zlild pretended fllprcI ~day fuch apfght doe thc'~t' o~~f~s delight macic. 11 •• 1 r,... to lmc 111) thac.arryong thcmfcl.ucs cucn their Thlrdl}r) their c3u,telous clrcumfJlctlion, R~g:u:ars _(much le!fc their L~!dts) n•?Y nO~ I lclil'Oyaiiy mcanrs £h'c Rhowlcdg_c of our do- ~uhouc hcencc frOm the Pbpe1 or rhc1r Pr'c; c1rine mightpcrh:tps be rCltued am?Og them) late~, re.ade the Bib!~; no ~'rilf£he Cathqlik. ~ arg:ucth 1 an Yttcr aucrf.,tion in them for .cucr B rranOatiOn. · ·- ... c~ ackuowiCdginJ.f it, which appcarcch in fun- ' FourthlyCo}l{ider their irfciConciliablc 111~ I Cirie their ,praCtifCs: r·. ln that they bind the trcd again~l ours) far abo_ue_:i]f~~Hcr (alrhOug~ ~ .' ,;t confcicntes of all Catholikes, to aJ?Crpctuall ~~~oil hcrcucall andti~mnab!e) telj-gio~s: f(i~, fcpaiatioll from all Ecclcl>aflicall ofl'emblics why' clfc can ~hoy. ~ol~t~nr,tft6i!leltld ~ witlt /f in religious ~ublike dmks, which is the g:roiid fo Hudtous prcucntton of die 'ProteflahupfO:.' ofall R~cufancic'; to -...•hkh purpofc they teach fdfion onely; vJhcreas both ~~~land Gl~claii~ I it to bee: a (inne to hcarc our fermons·, for that euen i.n Ro~e. i.t felfe th~ PO}>es"fc:a, arc futft~ I were a f pa~ticipation \'l.'hh btafphemirs :' and red wnh thctr Cercmomes,Synagooues Ser: for prayer With V'S fo lh"aite laced :lrC they , 3S ui~es, yea &. <:ir,cumcifion it feJrc·.admip,iflr~4 they may not fa.y Amen i~· publil<e or prrua:c:, to' the dead as \\'eH Jas to theJltumo? whic~ . ( fuppofc a:chcir cables) if ony Protcflant bee lowdly procloimetl> , that f>rrc'Hrcy~'ari! fro fq 1.: ·prefent. 2.. In that they ccnfurc moA: feucrely iudging) and 8ceming fo fndi\tc:rcntly of our" I l :~11 their fubicCl:i that traucll or trafficke into d1ffcrenccs, as fotneamongoFr (clues feeq1cto . ;'~, : 1 .. Prote(hnt Countries, bJaffing them wich exdoe; and that ;fey would fdO,p,'t r.b~d;~0)1 ne 1· commun'ic:ttion. ~. In that they haue crcClcd to the l~wn Clc 1 T}:fl!.!s ih pofdTion rheri''t1if! · · in thcir·Cities an Inquifition tO exmililic: vpon c ProteflanrsJ: whicht h on\e of them faith ·fs\i~ I Rt i4HI oathany forrainer or {hanger, wher<"by they nothing better then tharOf thi'Alcaron· &nfn 1 ,,. ' ranfacke not ontly all hiscarriages, but cuen many things ~rrc woife 'andfudre det~fl'~b~~rf his confcicnce 3lfo, leait hce fhould b1ing >ny Ancj good rcafon ( me lhinkes)' theyh3u~ of opinion within him; or.in!hu~en~ w,ithout f~tfering· ~rnong them t~c"f0rCriamed 'Sc8.t~ '"' n.:. him, that fiandeth noty.'lth their mmdes and" a9d Hcrcukcs, as fromwhome tocCrher witft' liking: wherc.in noronely fomc little cfcapc, ~he heathen, t}1c whole bodie of~Poperie. isl but cucn fi1fpition it felfe prooucth often eapeecmcalepatched together,'and tee th.e nan1C'" l -i·· pit3I1. 4• In their w:trindfc) le3fl: anyof our ofaProrcihnt is as much detdHcd' of~~eni~~~ rb .; ,: bookcs, efpecially df ou·r tranflations ofthC: !ewes names·wcreof the Heath(ti'K:,in("ls, F6r. Bible fuould bee h•d, orrcad among them: wliich caufc Danhlandhis fcllow.cs'm~flliaug whence it is ch:u nobookes, which pane no( 311 their ~1amcs 'hanged bef~r"'e\lic}n·::iy ~~.e~ the InquiG.tion) may be fold in Italy: to which brought mto theprctence ofN"e'~u?~adnr~,(.,ar:• purpofe alfo fiudiouDy they teach it to bee a \\'he1~ce tb_eir ?~dinarie t?.ract~(~·.:g!_qcce$fCtti;- fiuneagainfl: thetitfi Commandcmenr to read that m their wnung~, thetr b~ttefnfs ai1d dif.... anyoftheir prohibited bookes, ofwhich they d3inc fuffenhcm not' tO" name; but in hi; fi.rc? h3uca1argclndexveric common, Jnd confe- D proachfull tc:tn1les·,' the fir(\ refQ,:n;'~·is'aOO r~-~ ~ qucndy becingfuch amortal fin ne, it mull nellorcrs ofour Religion : calling 'rh~J1 .... vfualJXrLI cc!farily be confcffcd <H time of fhrift: yea 3i Ca!Hini/h., Puritans , lnnouato[s., .and H~r_~:: / m·cn euery way fore!Ceing· what "''ay otir doti~:'":ncither doth this mbred m~Jj~~~ofJ?ap'i~s1 8:rinesmay be induced amo.ng thtm, tQ l11Uttc . agamH: our Religlon Clay it feifc h,crc, but haih. vp furdy euery cranny& cnrrance, they fca.rOy broken out into moll barbJrbus butcherics"'; fuffer to fee, or be leen in'the light their O'-Nne and mofl crucJl bloocl{hcddlngS/ ._,:hich Y.c~· grcatdl Wti~ers'; fuch hs 'B~Ilarmin~, Gr~gori~ they could neuer ::~ccount fu~ci,elitly f 3 uag·e:- d~Valmritt, &~. that our pofitions, al!cgatinot of their O\Ync fubie8-s cnt1J ,3hd\.,ijtlii 1: 1) ons, and anf ..,,ers(rhough anfwcred by themtheir owne Tcritories: but '''ithin>othe·r dS:! fclus)in thofe bnoks may not be nude known: minions : not of priuate oncly~~~< ofpkblike~ leaH pcrhaps it fhould befall others of them as pcrf?m :_notofmenne, but dfmOCl Ifoble-, yc:i~ I it did Pighitu, who rc:1diog oncr Calvins InftiI~?~~ all dtfcem: ~nd n~t o~ pcrfons~Only""but et tutio111, with purpofc of refuting it, v·:as (ere Cltlcs,Staces)K,ngdorncs)anl_l Countries. B'ui l he was aWJre) wonne to the defence of the tvhcre fhould I beginne, or iflll 1 0uld, \.\•he;c doCh ioe of iufHficJrioo by fi·ce imputation fh'ould I mokc an end of in(hncing their moll i I Kk kk 1 matc!l. I