I---- ---_ - -- 6o~ 'I ' 'lheTubltjhers 'Pojl-fctipt. !J)Mchl_c_ffcalldcndclcffcryranmc?(cueranotc _A was the cafe of the late King of France, . f~f:~lfc t\c}igioll ,_lnd int<:p:trablc to the Ro-. 1 1 Oainc trcachcrouDy for no olher caufc by a j.f11l,fl1) whofc \Urltll rage ( like that of Simeon lacobi'J• What argument then can be brought l .~l.lc\~!'ui) Cyn.~;-.39· .&47· 7· -:ucn fierce and , 1 ~o pcrfwadc vs of their eucr according with vs ~rucll,catift'ng thfm roftin~c among the inhabi-,1 10 \\'hole or part in our religion? of which ;a~tJ ofthe ~arth; h:1th nude the fhcctes of inthey dco111C no other, then as of a peccant fi.L~.itc C}tics( whi,ch cithcrthcir force) or;fraudc I humour ucccffarily to bee purged out cucry an.'l falrc arts could call opcn)tonmnc with the r fc'<\'Cyearcs, either by murthcr, if it .prcuai_lc blo?d of Pro~db~1rs, as did once lcrrtf~[e!!' ·\ in the head: or by rn:lffacre, if in th,: bodic Of w.j~h t\H; b\Qpcl ot the S\liots_,V\'~lich Mart1f{f-!J i' any counu:ic j and rather then it.fl10uld not, fh~d li~e\\'~tCr. What l11all !"need to fpe'\ts&J they will not fhcke with Blajiu-1 at the corud1:it notorious bloody inqui{iLion in Spamh:t,li4 maund~mcnt of their g~cat Gracchu~_to '[et o.n {;a9 , the ~h5ifc. fcarcs ofn? ,\~·lpr ofthe many fire:, or blowc vp cuc:n the Capitol it iclfc: alt,nilerab1c m:llfacr..cs,Canib:Jl-likc. confpiracicJ, though ..nature and •Yemilifillc: ..c~mdcmnc Ciar~.\ 3nd trngiCall 1i"lunhcrs in frat~,nce and rhelowe fuch graceleffe deuotcdnes. The late moft diat~untrtes? In .ol}~.qwnc countr!;,~whobut ~ranboli9l:alfcl furious auempt againft his,Nf.aieilic gcrs:u home ::trc 1gnoram "'·hat ficrcencs,fears, B and the whole ftate th:u euer \yas iqu~qted (the amifires, wcr~c r::ti!Cd tO confume the innocent like whereof both in ~J1c:,c<;mtriuing,an.4~whole Fu~~r~ri~n qodtcs of the S?ims liuit1g and dead: in fuch carriage could nc:ua b,e!hewed, no I thi'n~c if , ~fl f;:>:~. forr a_s ~liery. ~91;,1lCr of thc.Lan.d·fecmed a' hot there were Annals and Chronic1cs .kept ip 3 1 $Neh~chd#ti~~~lfrtfllmace ,"Cucn feuen times hell it fctfe) cryeth om againll: them lqng errc llottcr· ihCn' it ·Y'fcd to bee ~ v\'hcrcin \<\•ere this time in all the corncr.s of ChriQ:endomc. ;9, be <~~ 1~h3fq~u.~r' w?~ui~:.i1.0~ fall downc, God almightie llill dc:liucr his Hight~cfl"e .and 8? woq)•,ip _t)o~ I1pagc which t~c_Romi01 NeRoya\1 race from them : and by his lvjaic!iics · 6uch~JH~z.a.r. haH crc6l_crl? Neither yet were meanes, vs and our lai)d from then,. For how thoJC·fires th-~Uglu furio.lts cnoi.tgh for fuch: as much bctt'cr h3.d it be~ne, chat his M~idlie haJ ·~f~t~f~~ q~i,ght haue'apP.<;3rcd, ifth~ Lqrd had ?ot tabeent mooued to haue banifl1cd t~~e(C vipets ir~n cage a1 l<ep th~ rod out,of rho[e v.tcked hands 10 that our ofhis Rcalmes,thcn thofc who prOf~ffc the Pii!:a:t"i: ~~~~~ ~::;::d feafon;when_h~ ~\id:at;ld fincc that t~me! what a fame Latd Iefus, and labour (though Wtth ac.. fi"e. into ln h11r- . number ofd!uJII)lh plots and coofptractes were knowl~dgemcnt of.too 'much weakeneCfe and ~!~~;~~~1• '. aJn~tl_lp~ed agai.o~ the nob!: pcrfon of her late wams,) to be found flithfull before the Lord himtdfe. ~~ ~~uefite of bldfed tn('monc, .~Y Arden, Soand their Soueraigne? Bu.t nor to depart fi om mer~ile, Babintrton, Parry , Lopez., Squffe, and C our purpofc: Thcfe ~c thcwaycsW~C"rein the • \ " 'i · 1 S(~erSXat.ld th~te ilriuagcms npt pc1formcd by Popifll Balaamitc~ would mccte vs_, and \\'ilh ·pCrfons.exOrbitant, bll;t with the priuitic ofthe vs , if the Lord fl:tould not .mt;c.t.c with iAccOrdins: tOI1isMaie· ftiesmo!t wifeohfcr· union,his bflfpceeh atPnlia· ment. kParrie. i~C.:~qr. Popc,and Principals oftheir rc:ligion, backing them, comming :sgainll them in euc:ry corner. t:h'c farpc: not only wiFh thci~i doCl:rin,to \\'hi~.h While then they walkc,in thtfc waye) ~-Cai11~, ft..is·mo!t futablc (as appeareth by fimdry their w.hat booccth it vs to lpcake of a pca·ce with' fcditioUs .pofitions ; btely col!cCted by Mr. them? forwhilewt f}ef4k! ofp.eitce, the; arehent to Mortot;) hl}t v.:iJh p:Jrdons, promi(cs, paycs to w4rre. R'!rtiClil3r k pcrfons: and commandemc:nts geBut be it fomepcaceablc confcnt and agree:.. nerally to all fu~icC\:s whofocucr, as appeareth mcnt were on their part p.romifed;yct char one by the,Popes nun- ag<~infi ·.hct late Maie!lie: confidcratioo of the ,tre.tchcfie in con:pa'Cls, V/Jiumus. &._.if.h~mu&vt aduerfm Eliz ..aberham, would kcepc any iudicious man ffom fct~ing , l &c. fi1hditi'a'rma·caprfl4nt. And yet (as though his conccicc, and aftC~lion vpon a~y iudidM . \all were wCJt) the)'"Can coucr aH the ill hearing ous condufions with them: which trCacherie. of' fuCh t'rait'crous pr3tHfes, vndcr the: name/of is not onely pra8ifed by the pedOns of fJith~ ,C3.tbolike pretences : fOr the timbering of lcfl't PapiAs; but it is prcfuibcd as a n1ainc.prc- ~ ! Which intentions., what may not and muft not D ccpt of that moll infidel do6lrtne of theirs; bcr3ncmptc:'d? Ndw tO chefc purpofes mainenay "''hich cue infidcls.themfclues W9Uid blulh t fai'nc they innumerable Catholikc imc:lligenat in .this bchalfe: for doth not their doCtrine f cersand infi:runicnts (I meane their Priefts and make it lawfull for them to vfc any t.(Iquiuoca.. 1 lefuitef.J) ~cnt'out by them not onely as eyes to tio11s, or re{ertl.:ttions (a!i they tC"ann them) \\'ith feareh om the.fccrcts of O;m:s and countries, their 2duerfaries, :llmoll vpon any adu<'tntagc ? ! and watch thCirbelt aduantages : but as hands yea and that (ldl they fhould l]Ot come to the !. (. fi 1 \l of blood ) to execute what~oeucr mifheight of impinie) in giuinganfwer not o!lcly I Chiefe vpon ~ny ofthe Lmds annomtcd ones, on their words,but vpon orh before: the lawfull Oot oncly oppoting thcmfclucs to the Pap2.ll Magillrate,though not their liues,but ~heir lcil power; but which is more, if they bee but .fufliberties only be couched? Which doChineril1 I peeled noc ( 0 fjrme to the Pope as they WJfb; it bee rcucrfed, how <\arc,.,re take their words or'( which is moilof all to be marked )though orany affumpfit from then') in any thing vvhere- .1 they be tl~ctr owne deadfurc; yet ifthey fl1ev.; in we would not be ouerrc:tched~ But fuppcfe not thrmlclucs as rcadie to execute the Popes ag·ainc: fuch pc:1ceable conclufions were not ' I~~ I ____:_ I _Q~lo-_o_d__:i-:_'----dc_T='g_"_:_· _'·_·_h_c_'_'o_c_o_m_m_•u_n_d_"_'·h_i_c_h__ r_'_o:..m..,.H_<cd_o_n_Jy_,_b_u_t r_'_"_'h_._~_cd_;_'_'_h'_'--_L_''_:_'·~:--=--: