Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- I The 'Publijhers P_ojljcript. - ' !~~-- r --- we b.cctcr chcn before?\\ hat bJilcs or brmJ~s A died, ::tnd thucb!l in one day,thrcc and t\o\'Cll ~ : j I wo.n!d or could they l?y m fi.1rc cnot;gh fca our I tli.." t1lo.ll:wd. J"h.c ccnaioc peril! and inC'uii::thlc ! I fccur.ICie, fo long as Lhc1r doClrme flandcrh .m lhnge~ v,·hcreof, rhc Lord well pcrcC"wingidid T()'t.TIJ/lrM!. force publdhed m word and wmmg, tha.t fiac.r not oncly charge hi.s pcopl.e to h:wc nothing S:oar, h(-./'Cttct.r no11 eft jau:~,Jd.z, and th.hLM,g·:ses With to d0c: :1~ :Ill \\'tth the HcathCJ), le:1!l by .~ny j cbcm arc more;, h.o.nou!ablc. m -brc:1kmg then I incancs th~..·y !11ou!J bee f.ryarcd: bm o:!fO th:n 1 Note: I fpcah ftot sg;~;inflthc lugueof concord, If.t.r.6, in making,? how long '?n vyec concciuc , they llt.ouJd be fo opotitc \·~1;.~1 tli{'Ul,.l~l3t ths:y 1 { ·w.ouJd,thc .continu:tncc.Ql Q~lr p.cdc~ Ionl11ould i1) all .ap~e~r:tnccs~ and cir~lll,n(1:ut<re:i. 1 get', then by i< they ~quld wid1 :1qu.a.np1gc Vll- (:md yn llO!),C,}'\'11 lay the Lord hcrc'Jll \·\)ltS.t 1 <:)o' l derminc \'S', •. h . r; n , j ~<'tJ.crc & !lr.a~,r)be v_nli~c vnro ~~;en,1 bpJb in.rc- J ~ ~utbccJulc,I ml}ft..(hut yp. m~AlJ. matters 111 hg1~us :md <;will cxcrCJ(<;$ :for tfthC}' l(lqkAo- . fcwe words, .let J>;s, f~c the Phs-;~;~dtc:C \".'~11ch \VJrds thS.f.Jf1 .ip .cheir T.<;.mp.lcs in 'the hono1ti' J ·would enfuevp'on.Juch ptcten.c)qd o't1Cdl~rl0l) ,,• I of rh~Sunne, IHs people fila!I Jll hlsi.San6ht.1r1C I lllJnmcr ofRchg<9Q.:U11$i filet f<;,Cilig 1 < "'' and 1 emplccontranly lp'!kc't? the W~fl,an<l l a!cede of the ~"iilk<J; co~'!'i't .qjnldren, ha- ''' t1 1 1C W<:ll !hall the Spnftu"'.SME/om~>J;be \cr. umgforfakcn·t!t~ 1.:Q,rd,l9:wholltro:. .ncbc/ols E Ift.lcy oftc.r !~cnfi"·s Vnto ,Oxen, Shc.cpc.,~ <>(t\1~~~9te;vnc ;<;>f t\lJ'.hp;t_d,, .thcr~ a Doucs,·Qo"!es,&c. as ,vvlo,Gods: the loJ dm 1s noth(pg.but.;.-youvd.s "?'':f...,..C4!igg~& fotcs dctdlanoJl l}trco(, v.JI};lnuc:; hJs .people .ta. l· fqll of,corrupi19J~, ·f1!1,d tccm~n}\Cti}~cJucj ii.~~ ~onfiJmC and burne thc!C <rrbt:JteS befcz,rchli~J: becQjll~op~n.ld>..)h15!;f~, ~.h.cir 1,S:iJi!'~ :;i4~·Rf I ull~~nficc:-3~d.bcncc wash that.cuery !hc:c-.p,- , . !dG1atdt., tllc,ir fcrui~cs ail Ido)<J.tW~~'· _hauing bc~,rd, was,~p ~bhpiPilJ.:lilQn C0,. ib.e Egyp.t·min;':· Gcn 4l<.J.J· thus. thct cpycnapt.~R:~iW_c}i}'.o;ah; with \\'lJ\.9JP:they m!ghr non~th ao·r. conldc"rfl!; I & H-P· ~~~ing fii 1hindfc appc!f<;<-\t;<?Wbei!.s~i,t~ts; ""! \>ecaulc they, ilid.k,JJ, ~•t<;-l!nd'faQtifich\\6fc J finally [ccing l>y feclsit)g ,tl)cJr.1\l_Aifjc.~tJon. by Qca~s._s) : ·l h9lif'l.C: ·the et-hC..r : ~'.lorf'hiJ,·p·ech·as·l rh~ workcs of thela}•_c_,. tb;yarJMbpi~Q,qlf";"! (Jo,ls, 1f:.ll,ey· ·vf~ to,~~ 'llmofl nooC::bur . Chrift, andfa/l~~{>:itnt;J'4e< :-('~h~(~hi'h ~'!!'; Swinp ·A~/b; , :>nc:l yet·.oeiobcr ,tb:u: I>> fore · . ticulars hauc beene :clearcly:pf0cm~q ~}'·IP:l:ll~ tht·y h;WqJ:q<'.rif!s:q~ P~hdi~..klfid t.o ch.c M.ooJlc-, our vnanf;vcred and !VJJallf)Y,C~il.i¥1~.!?~9.h~ to or.114cc/Jiu l .1.hc i:oJd•.tfpcciolly prohibitot!J 1 c~mmu.nic:w:; with tb.C'\,n Q~¥S'~{.ijt\t;l;gj yca 119.~ ~·hiH'I'lCJtdof a.ll1qrhe~ lot~~~pe.0fk, tfley ({1:~li ' ab(h\ini1Jg·f(0m thole,all:appCaF~ltc, E?f-:any of 1,10t n)cdJJ~~o\Vid\ft; Jt 01~1"-.b.~t~nQbomjnld-.~ thefc. cuills; wcr~1 li<? o'~hcr ~~c p;.t>1 H-'-:1?~1b ~nd. C Oll·YC)~P· thcrrt. lf ..lheir .. ·P.ridh·t~; m~kc hheir !_ay out fclucsop,cn-and nakep-tQ,~f),nwtncr of :) pqtc,.t>a!;l<-,·:!i><~<tc.ehe 1~<1s_pff their heard•~ dauJlgc,r ;,o'f:ipfs;C)t.oQ of!OU.r.f~l:IJ~$ J~~f~Cli911 ~nd •~l~C .(m~ing1~ iJl tl~cih flefl1, as. BJats fro,t)l out God, agd iJl :rho ~na 0f_deflrutlion Pncl.h,·<Ji~ l .i\ll>Pti<:lls'of~~e SonncN>ftA>td bsnho,f bodic anJ fE>ule. It w_a.s.a-i'Pat)gct:9U~ ~Mmny nctt..d'oc [o, Lf~fficy m:tk:e glo.riez>lzs-:ACJ difo:~fc ;yhich Ifr.-u/bi'ought oq<.oJ.:li.~lpl, hat~rs, andj>)apt Groues.boueohem·;·tbcullac" nRomifl1 lbb~mir::s •l•lkcchrir patcsh.1ld, and lh~ue rhcirbc.:~:ds. Lcuit.lJ. uing th.rough th~ir,lpng ~o~~rfiHHtKC {.herc,l)y liccs mayJlOt do!fo, (:cfpecbllrriO the ·WiJd:cfrd reafon of thofc ma.rifl1~cs, and rhc E.iucr Niftt1~ ncffc)but.cithcr A1tal's o(;dll}'.duch prdfontl E.:o:od.:o, ( L11creti.tu in a d!fii~;h. ~p.p~Ojlr~at;Qlh ly vpon the romoou:1!h 't ight be dcmolitfHn\ this difeafc) COOl:ra&cd. the fam~ vpen lh.em: aBd Cr3fl dQ.~'IlC;tloo(ll the fCIIri:iinds fl\ fOr the proouing, an~purg!n·g ... vhcrcof, _the abl,\fed cto 1fupcrattion·:.,w liFiof.. Roucs.,ithco/ Lord intlitULcd f.oJm.ap_y~crsmon,be_s 01.nd fcpasmurt be roughand rudc;'liiibni•jlc.... 1.n:d vnpoJi;. ratiqns: but farrr: JPQ,l'C tearc(uJl :•~-P$ 1f.hat ill~ :O:icd, lea.fl any bcaJltie·of.thcm fhouJd"foHGi-Nl war4 Itprofic, euen that abhominilhle.. Id0la, ·t·h~ir pt;~fqu'ahoo: as for Groues; feC Datit~-?'6-; . rr~c; \v, they brousht fouh wjtl),'tbcm, and 2 t. 'Ifthc:y '0Jal!.i't1 \-\'ay offuportlnion,ot\\'~t..! Rom~nills _which .cp{l them fo dearc !)pd,1 ,~n-~he wilder,... .fl1ip, rcfctn<.· anj'!·.o'f the_it f3.rri!TccsfiD~ ! ~h~<'b~'ce"~n the land ofCttntJtJfJ/·Y~a-[q habima.l D ~ord r:nbcr thenrl.tcc·vrllllruucany poniontaf tlw ;\l:u1'c,..<to: 3q_d ipbJt4 '(.!as ,th~.ipfeClion ., ·tl!<it- al.though ·t-h.c Pafca~l ·.Lp:nb~~rcfc:ucd.tt1.1.thc morr.ow.CI !;:11 cNi;:rf~. _t~c L~rd vfed mofl v,.:i(eprcuCtions,<t~e~y.w,ay , G Wtll h:wr lt burnt.'r\~ttb fi:re : ncuhcr fhall Motio 11 fl.,, y~t prc(enrly \'pon their dcliuericqm:ofrhc 1 1Ca fes bodic btc ktH)\'\'I~e wher~ it is h!,ried, Jcaft ~~~~~:;;:;.0• will it budt foonh, ~n~ ·bc:cot~QriiJ.~~q qpdc: they Owuld.-l'na~G 3n Idoltof it. Nay "Wlri'dris thei~ YJ.~Cf oucrthro\NC. Ir c:mn<?t ... b~~ butt h~ m.orc, ~nd-p~ wonhie rhc tfOting, wf'c mpj'·ob- , firangcr~ y.·hilh c.ot11t with lfrael our of EgJ'P'·• lerue hO\.,',thc Lord <?ucri in!ciniJI rblr~g:~dr;lgt. bc~ing accuHomcd to the Egyp'rja.n faihi.:m & ~ct:h his people from thcirforicrie and fcHow~ dice; willllill bch:up,ipg on their cucun~her~. fhip; for firll, lfra~l- is 1ch2rgcd 1 th3t they lc~kcs; crnyons, and tJrl)ck~ : and c!t;t ..·: the Jf~ Jhnul<l go no more backc to E.gypt chat .JJay, raclitcs t9 the f.1;1Js;..hJfl'ings .~~pt,Jg~ \'fit\,l t-he [Q :lS the daunocr was'( ifany) by their ncighJo.~t.hipg.of A{ann».i'f (~}l~;.bpt fpch an cuecbour~ , whofe. conmries "'V.'cre·adj3'ccnt. \I), to I ~Hng plaguc.lh::~.ll p\·o.ccedc fr0m.~hG!l.o)·d,r.h~t the wbich rhe LorC:Lrvferh all h1c<me:s: eo 1 w perpctulll mcthor~<:; thereof,;:,cc lh::tll J prcncnt : bpth in rh:it h<'c.wiHct!l hiSpt'OJJlc tO 1 1\;~r~~hl;.~r:e1 bee ~a lied the g:·.lfiU of lt!Pia<r :' <UJC\ if the Ll<>llri/11 a pc:rpt>::u::d} cnmiti.C with the Moabitc \ ~~1.~·i~.t 59.11 ·. d:-mghtcrs of i14o:'1b. 111:15' h1l:~ Z:~~ :lcc~Jfc w I :t;nd AnltlJOll'i,(c , the pettce :md profpcr;ire·of Dc~·~.: 3 .f. · I .~,f,~~";:'~,. f{rt~~f in Sittim, lfr;\d·}"\11 ca(Jiy l><oioyncd to ~•b.olnc, J!J'l ">~} "<~trfee(! aUihcird;IJ''"' ·a~:>l- 'i 1o.B. · ~BI'MLPeol', till the wratl1 Qf the Lord bee kin- ·foro ba~rc th~n from .prcJfi ug into his:.poo-· ----- --· ___~--- _ __ Kk k k 2 plC, '