'Ihe Pullifhers Pojl-fcript. '··3· 1''""7· I l ,. \ ~ ~c::~~~& ! '"''"'·'"'~'· & co11(i1tn ~ 'l.'ttl~. /um I plc, he ch:ugech that ncirber of rhm-:-mer mt~r A 1 i4totht: Cfm![/cg.uirmoftl,e Lo1·d , to thetenthge- \·ne~.1tic.m:int(:nJmg hereby char they fhould not rile to prcfcnncnc, authorinc or Magiflracic a– mong chcm. Ancl as for the other fhjngers, i though lfar:l (ccmcd in priuatc rcfpcCb to be, 'I if noc tOmewhat obliged & i:HJcbtcd to diners ofchcm, yet as it wcr..: bound to peace, and to , hold their hids from open hofliliticjyct might chcy not be admitted imo rhe congrcgalion of l GoJ 1 v.-;rothe third generation, Befidcs this, Iforcfceing chat the nc:xr anci mofl: dircCl: way, whereby the heathen might lc:'lguc ;md lincke in chemrclltcs with his pcople,might be by ma– ri'agcs atld concraCl:s: the lord is very fludious that all fuch meancs be cut off; and therefore v\'ould hauc the dillinGlion of tribes obferued; \B with Uraitc prohibition, that no lcwe (except the Lcuitc) 0:'l0uld manic our ofhis own tribe, much ldfc witholic his ownc people: whereof I although I acknov.~ellgc other more maine cJilfcs (os the diflinC\ion of the Tribe ·of the .ldejfw.h from the reil: the clcare :Jcknowlcdgc. mcnt of his race : ·.rhc cxccucion of the Lords whole rcgimen't Ecclcfl:Jilic::tll :tnd Ciuill in chat pollicic, fined according to that JitHncti.. on to their feucrall offices, a~1d poffcffions)yct I thinkc this is one included rc:1t"on not ro bee f j,_ DIU~, llo r Exod, H tf. i Ex•d.:u.+ ncglc:Clcd, cfpccially feeing they h:td firaitc charge againfi ir.-Againc, i1 c:1!C a feru~mt Jew would marry a Cl.ranger intohis Mafiers houfc, I .! I ; bee was not at his departure tO carriehis wjfc C 3nd children, for they were eo bee his Ma!leh: but ifhec would abide fiill \Vhh her, hecwas then lhamefi111y to come before the Magitlnt, and for eoer renounce his liberrie,vnrill the In– bile releafed him: by which !lraite !awes the LorJ would reftraine euen {laucs and feru~mts (who for the moO: parr are negleCted) front matchh1g themiclues with flrangers.Such 3no– ther law eo this purpofc is recorded, Dcm.zr. to. that if an Jiraclite in warrc, 010ultl ice a bcautifull woman taken C3pti~;~e, whom he did affeC1for hts wife, it was ordered by God, that firfl all means lhoul d be vfed for the olicnating ofhis affeCtion, as chat he mull h:mc her home 3 moncth before, and not mary vpon any fud– .dainc motion. Secondly, thee mull fhaue her head to make her <~s ill fauourcd in his eyes as D might be. Thirdly,fhe mull nouril11 her nailcs to make her yet more fordid. Fourthly, fl1ec mull put off the g3rntent wherein lbce was taken, and put onbafe,and ncgleClcd g:tnnents fit for a penfiue capriue. Fiftly, lhce mull be– waile her Father and mother a whole monech, to fl1cwe how hardly, ~md forrowfitlly lhec was brought from her Fathers houfe, into the power of ilrangers ; :md the-n if by all thefe mcanes the man could not bee dr3wne from her loue, it was pcnniued m him to rn:trric her for hi5 wifc 1 : which la"vc lettcth Vs fee how hardly the Lord endurcth, and is drawne to ndmirtc the !C"3A: Iibenic in this behalfc. Howc m.:ny duill things might I in(lancc in w·hcrein the Lord flrJimed his people. that they might be vtrerly vnlikc the Gentile~ in habit,manncr ofliuing,bchauiour,and other like circumAan– ccs, othcn\·ifc in rhemfclues very indiffe-rent? "'hieh I had hc-rc infcrted, but that I mufl con– fid er that I wricc: an addition , nor a booke; arl admonition,and not an cxpofition ; and lf yet thefc ordinances of God himfclfc , fccmc in fome mens opin1ons roo Hraitc, 01nd not to bee imitated of vs in regard of ti1e Papills, co– wards whorne we arc not to be fo fcuere, as fo farre to fcuer our fclues; th3t is but the fccking ofa knot in aru01, and to bee acute in diAinguifl1ing, where God hath not di!lin– guilbed; and in dfetl to affim1c, drhcr that the Jdolatrie ofthe Romi01 Church is net fo vile and gro{fc, 3S is that of other Idolaters: or elie ( feeiiig our people conucdC with rhern, .more then with any other Idol:ncrs) chat ro Communicate-with their Idolattic, is nothing fo dangerous noY.", as it was for Gods pe'o– plc topmicip~te with the Idolatry of the hu– thc-n againll,..Gods exprdfe :- tommandcmtnt. But if with any fuch rhe tdHmonie of man, bee greater then the tdlimonie ofGod (as it is commonly, with the Popifh minded, wbo flic from rhc Scripture~ vmo men, becaufe their doCtrine is frombdowe) let them lookc vnro thofe mofi auncicnr Councels, which V.·ere the purer, fixe hundred yeares after Chri!l; and they !hall finde that the Church would haue her children diametrally oppofed euen on lawfull things , to the Iewes, and heathen ofwhom they were indaungc:r to bee conup~ ted. Thofe were more famous, of Nicr , '! which decreed thot the feofl of Eaf\er lhould not be kept of Chrifiians, at that time, 3tld in thatmannerthat the Jewfs cHd : that in no~ 'rhing they might agree with 1hcm. Thatalfo of Br11cca 7• decreed , that Chriflians lhould not deckc their houfcs with bay-leaucs aM,? grcene boughes, ( then which " hat c;~n bee more indiffercm? ) neither rdl·the fame day from their calling! v. hC'teiJ'l they did : nor keep the firfl d'y of cucry moneth '>they did: It would be too rc-dious,2nd argue fbrgetful .. ncife of my·fdfe, anJ no remembrance of my t·eader, to·recitc the teflHnonics of Olhcr coon– eels, Fathers, and our Own·e principall' Wri– ters in this behalfe: which othcn,ifc eafily had I beenecarried vmo by the tena~itie and fiitfcneffe ofmany in this argumc-nr.Buito end as our S:miour wilhed his hearers , B~'=,'"~ cf th, /eaHm of th( Pharifi~J; fo IC't cucry man be– ware ofthe leauen of the Papills: for what is Popilh doctrine <lfc, bnt a Pharifaicalllea– ucn, alwaies tob<'c purge-d om of Churches, :md fhtes; as the: }ewes vpon fome occafions were to purge ~11 kancn out\of tht.ir houfcs. Let no m:m fay, it was bur a litrle , :md fuch a difference which may bee tol!cratcd: for cucn the PhariflcsdoCtrine was much of it more true, then rhis Pharifaicall doC"hine of theirs; yetwastheir leaucn hid in ir, (as --- Jn ----------------------------- \ --·j ~.;/, D(I"to &•o.T-.:a. ''"'·1J