Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

The Tublifhers in this) fhc nature whereof is (though it be but !A ; linle)yet to fo,Nrc the whole lumpe.In a "'"ord, I as Cal~b and lofhutt faid ofCar.aan, the land is a ' very good land; Ifthe Lord /ol!evs, her-"iflhring ' vs vllfoit: eucn !0 ifrhc Lord louc vs, he will ' cxpdl chcfe Gyams from vs, and giuc vs fccu– ritic in our ownc land from the Anakims: or if not, ifany of thcfe llr:mgcrs abide wi1h vs, our faithfull prayer and hope is, chat as Sa!omon nUlbring alllhe flrangers in the Land,fct rhcm to workc in his tcmple,cucn a hundred three and I fiftiethoufand and fixe hundred : fo our wife & Pojlfiript. · 1661 ! pc:tccable Sa!omonand Soucraigtic vvillcomi- .---~i nuc, to (C't cuen choufands of thcfc to worfl1ip I . , with vs in the Temple: yea and in this ot~c cir- \'df.!e. j cumRancc paffcSa/omom "':i(cdomc,in not dlU1 / fing cucrfcers ofchcm(elues, to c:mfc rhem to 1 worlliip. The Lord Icfus {hengthcn h1s highI ncffe heart, vmo this and many mo honourable V\'Orks, :llld make vs happic in his long and profrcrous Raigne,to his rcnownc ~md glory in this life, and fruition of the blcffcd Crownc of rightcoufiH:ffc at the peaceOlblc cndc of his through-comfortable daycs. Amen. F I :1{_,/S. Kkkk 3