Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

J_ f_ _ -' -"---'-1 I I !-·I A DISCOVRSE I OF THE DAMNED ART OF WlTCHC R,_ AF7.; SO FA1{'R.,e forth as it is reuealed in theScriptures, and manifejt by true experience. FRAMED AND DELIVERED BY M. W IL LIAM P E RK INS , IN HIS O RDI NA RI E C OVRSE of Preaching, and publijhcd ~J T H 0 M :\ s PIcK ER I N G Batcht!oilr of Diuini[ic, and MiniClcr of Finchingfic:ld in Ejfo.'(. I Printed by CAN T R ELL L E a o & , Printer to the Vniuerfitie of CA M BR 1 o a E, x6q. K k-kk':-4:------- - I i I