Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~ T 0 T :·H E, R I G H T HONOVRABLE SIR EovVARD CooKE Knight~ Lord cl~iefc luflice of his Maiefiies [our&. pf [ommon Pleas; 'I ;! I Grace and Peace, , ' . . ' ! m , Jght honourable: The word of God rhat oncly Oracle ofrnnh, i hath pointed out rhe Encmie of r~unkinde, by his proper Cha- . I ra.~er~) in fimdrie places. Our Sauwur him, the a Princtofl a 1oh. ll.Jh I thts World; anp a b Murtherrr from the hegmm•ig. Pct':r compares I b !oh-s. 4+· I him ro' aroariHg LJo", that rangcrh abroad in :he eanh, .feeking 1 , •. P«. ,.s. whomhee may.deuoure. His attempts tn regard of their qualirie, are called • "'f'£7£,,firbrill'and decpe deuifes; yea' 1';6~1'.:.,, plots exqui- .._c.,.,, fire!¥ contriued, and orderly frameJ, as rt were 10 !Vlerhode. The ,·· 1 meaningof the holy Ghofl: in thefe·,and fi1cl~ like attribmes, is,fo exrrcffe rhat mcafi1rc: c Eph.ti.:JI. ofpolicie and power, which Sarhan harb rcferued vnro himfclfe euen in the fiare of his Apoftacie, improoucd by long experience, and inllandy praClifcd vpon rhc formes of men, that he mightfe~vp in the world, a fpiriruall regiment of finne, as a me~ne to encounter the kingdom.<: ofg~ace, and, if ir were pollible,to bring rhcC. me to ruine. To forbeareinllances ofopen force made again({ God and his Church by'orher conrfes, for thecompallingofhisdcGrcs;how skilfully he workes his ownc aduantage,byfecrct op· poGtion,in rhe exarcife ofthatcurfed An, which is rhe fubi.:Cl of the prcfent Difcourfe, is a point not vnworthie your Honourable confidcrarion. , The Powerofrhis Prince of darkcnclfe, beeing abouc th~ mighrof all fenfib!c Cr~atures, and euery way feconded by rhe greatnelfe of his knowledge and c"pcricnce, ma, nifefieth it fclfc herein, for the moft part, by workes of wonder, rranfcendent in both: fexes,fometimc in matter ofDiuination,fomctimeby lnchanrmcnr, fo ncrimc by rare lleiglm and delufions;othe'rwhilesby hurting,by curing,by raifing ofTempells,by fpec– die conucyancean~ rr;mfporrarion frorn.pbce to placc,&c. and all to pnrchafe vnto him– felfc admiration,feare and faith,o£.cl1ecredulous world, which is vltrally carried away withaffecrationaad applaufe oCCignes and wonders. His Policie, appeareth in a wife and cxquifirc manner offramiug and conceiuing borh his pracrifes and irouuds; the one to procure credit and inrenainmem, the other ~oar he may not faile of his purpofe, bur procecdevpon cenaimies. • Touching the manner of his praCl:ifc. He fiands refolued, that the world harh taken notice of him iobe r alyar,andthefathrr thertof: and therefore if be fhould offer to fpeak f!o~ '·•"' in hisowne langnage,or informean Art by Rules of his ownedcuiGng; he might hapily incurre firtpicion of fJ!tbood. Hereupon he compoferh hi• courfes 1"1'"7".;;,,by way of counrcrfait and imit3tion, nor of the actions and dealings of men, but of rhe order of Gods ownc proceeding with his Church; holding it a fine principle in policic,Thar aClions will be much more cffeCl:uall, when they be framed vnto :he befi prcfidenrs, then when they arc fiued to rhe direction of meaner examples. To [his purpofe, as God hath made aCouenant with his Church, binding himfclfe by promife to be their God, and rcquiringofthem the condition offairh and obedience; f.:J dorh Sarhan indent with his SnbieCl:s bymuruall eonfcderacie, either folc,nnlyor fecretly; whereby they bind them. !clues on the one part to obferue his Rules, and he on rhc other to accomplitl1 rheir deti. I \__ _ _ r_c_s._A_g_•_i_n_~_' Godgiucs his VVord, rhclnrerprer.:_o_f_h.~=~J~-~_':~ his Sacr~•~::M~~j ___ j_