Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- ---··-------- \ The Ep~1le Dedicatorie. . ----1 ---- --- - --- . fdcsofhis promifcs, ro which becing rightly Jdm1ni!lq:d~nd'rce,c-Ci\)cd, hehar.~l<jcd his l ownc prcfcncc , and the workc of his grace it) rhcn1 ~lpt bclcct•e•.. ,:\nfwc:~a!Jly to this, r.hc Dcuill giues a word of direCri?" to his infirum~. n'(s;.-imd adde\11\nroir,CI~rmcs,Fi- j gurcs) Cha racrcrs, and other out\V;Jtd CeremQl)ie~.:; ·<it_lhe ,f•. whereof h.c hath bouDd hin'ltc\fe r~ be prcfcnt, a•Jd to manifdl h\s ,jf~c!ing the :liing_dcti.r'ca. Furrher- 1 more, God hath rcuealed hts wdl to the Pamarcl]s, Pr\lphcrs,fiild;Apo!Ucs, bJ! fJmih- ~ , ~'_"·'':''· \ ar' confcre'_"_'.c;.by b ch·came<; by' infpirarlon}by~ Trl>fces: In rnd:imc n\anner, ''Sarhln ~~~·~;.',~:.· bath his Di\linors,and SP.o.thf.lycrs, hi~J?ith{l'niffest h(siQaff:;9,tJril,S, I~ is Sil;ylles, ro I dM.•o.•o. whom he maketh thiqgs rocome, qyfunlli:upreleilcc,oy drcan1es,&tctocon– ' .,o.><·"· elude, God<had in the 0fde'Tc!lamcntl1is TcJJ•P'l~ .;~~ lgr(,f~lclrii; Y,"! 'his·' Oracle, from I ~;t~~:?d~~· !· whence .he[pakc 1and gaue d;c anfwer;~~~o ~~ofc,s ~So ;>f aun~ic~1~ ti~es, the Dcuill e- ''""'P· ·rdt~d Ius "1 cmplc at • Doclona,xnd Delphos, ;x!Jen<fe he gaue hts anfwers, forrhc fatis· [ 1 fltlion of the lttperflirious Heathen. Yea and at thisday, as the Miniflcrs of God doe !giuc refo!ution to cbe conrcicncc, in matters doubtfitll and ·difficult; fo the Miniflcrs of Satan, vndcr the name ofWife-rnen,:l!1TI Wile-woman,areathand by his:~ppointmcnr, to rc[;,Juc,dirctl,and helpe ignorant andvnfetleCI p'<:tfon•,!l:s r!lf't<\ifiraCtiqn£loffi:-, or Other omward'calamiries. · . ·· )~~'J b : r2 rbLd ~ · .., ·~· -·-- f1 Now the Grocuids whereupon hcebuildeth his·ptio-ceedings cfm ·certa'intie;'~te c;ln– ninglY, g:nbcred-fro.m the dilpofition of'rilans heart; t>y natHrall-l:or-ruption, anp ··~h~t io three fpcciall inflinces. Flrtt, he koowes·rhat Man l,l'atmllly, <lQtrof. 'the light of 'grace,•.,,,,. hath but fa mtere fotJie, indlicd oncly with.foinc genc!allanritonflll'ed nq\j<in~; ,and as tqr 40:!'"· matters of deeper apprchetiflon tduc)i'it1~ God alldllbea[tctrly"tlritigs,-,rh', is· 1 r -vaile<l'f · ighorJncc and bli,id.~cffe'df.-fwnc 'otierrlieeyesofhis•minder-Win:1e,ipon, lnough he be aP,~to kriow at1d worfhi,p a God, :i1id·l~arne h'is wtlt; yet fot,wai'n:of it,-form&tio:n,by. I . the word, he·~s· pronc ro c'rrc iii tlie pra?tife:.0:f hisn-i:tti<'>n. Here!S'a[llll"ll'pplyl:ISJJim!dfe . .r<i mans meafu~~; and at i)i~ ~~vlic vl·ill~ <l~aWes tlw tl>inde ,inro eir•atr,-•by,Iris ;idulio~$ g ;·''"·'7-'? atlcl tmpoflures~Thrs n)atle'tne<Samamans m.lhe tl>ld'feflalnenr ;~nd the.!npc~fitgous ~o~J:,';.;,, . h.Athenians in the.Ne\ve'; tb '~'or!hip·aJJ-'ti!lknouine a.i:l, that is;:cl1e:i ll>enill.!Henie iowas; ~~:co•.>o. that" the gre~refi Clarks of Greece, klfhales, •Pl1tt~1,1nd the refl;;for-wnrrr. bnOP!n:tte~ ~.?,',i~.;:,~ li&ht,fought vnro theWi1.zor?~.of ~g~jit,-whdnl rh by called P<ophers, n,rcnTin(lmCted , Th•'"'"· by Saran m-the-grounds of·Dmmauoi1.1Am:l of-t.hJsro~OW€re Iarihes:aml~hlbThr.esotnen~ ~·,~,:~ r:~· tioned in tl)e I Scriptures. Hence it was all'o that rhe~on·ci'ehtHe,athl!o';' h'auihg t'>t\Vo/•we '::,~~;_o,o- 1 an~ rejlimoni~fromGod, ill!:julrcd ;lt Soothlaym ari1l ;,,utt~mring:Ind<antersrotHersoe· f•. T,m.,.a. woTte themfe!LK!S,'tnmatrers of donbt and dtfficuhte,ro t)le olde Ocilc)e~<of'• lt'J>'irer A'n1-: ~g:.,~.¥.~~o ( mon in Liby;, ·of o InpitcrDodonxus at Dodona in Eprrus; of r·'A'poilo ar''lil~lphG~-cifi , ~;?·•'""·•· q h1pitcrTropltonius iM Bqi:iid~and the rHl; where tlre•Beuill gal'icnl!i: anlwor;<.forwe-1 . ~.~:;;;do:. ti1rres on~ way, and fomcrin1es anothcr.(<!.SecMdly;'8abhan by l§bfeFLiation 'f"e>cei4.eth~ ' ~:~.~;~~~: tliat'hlinivp&n ·a• wedk!'.'!''chgnoram m!·nde, is pro!\e•fi,perflitiou!Ty to dot~'Vtf<fl'rthrb Ody~,. . creaftties, mributing {onJc H/nine operatiOt~ or VC<Hte fO-then1, Witho'ut·any ground. of. &::;;~i;:'" Gd'ds w6rd,orcommbn'h{oertlanding\ and confcqueiirly difpored !t<:>-Worfhippi:"Cihiil', ~:~~~~;:,;" iti (ornc worke'of mani orro ioyt1e r~ the fame worfhip ·thc inncnrions of man~w-hh:li· G<»gd.,.& hHut1\·not cbih~rindcd> Vponwhich ground he madt•rhc Heat!ien to dote •pon.their ~~~~1 ,(1n,in wi(ems:;n, to regardh Sootljayers,and th~m that wro:1g~twith Spiriu;-ifhe Chalde~n"'Phi: ~~;;~:;·,0. l:Ofophersr~n9wned for th<ir !uper!litions a11d Magicall courfcs 1 .ro_make ;rl]e Hcauens, ~r~~~is cufotali'ttm Legum Tabu/am, ·afcr'ibing chat to the vertue of th'e Starres, "\vhich was~ ktrownc ~;;;~;;'~,i~i and·doncby S~\anicall operation.;- The-Magicians ofPedia,, to admit of corruptions •ni;'""'' in their auncicnt good learn it; and to gitte themlelues, vpon the reading_ of rhc fa- ~~~:~·"' bulous writings oft!te Chald ·,n Sorcere-rs, to the flud reofvnhwfull Am mucored by I hL"·''·''· himldfe, before and afr r the time> ofDJnicl the Prophet: Lafiiy., theaune-ient , ~~;;~~6~1· T}.omans vpon :ifi.JPerH:itiol'IS t.{Orage,ncuer to vnderdkc.any bufincffeofwai&ht,nijlariJii. i ;::,~:~. Gw· mt~, y11leffc they ha-d-luck-ic con'fent and warrant from the Colledgcs of the It Augurors i ~:;;!.:::,. tret'.ted byRoimt!m. Thirdly; there ts J namrall Ddlemper m the mmde of~1an, fhewmg I ' it ft lte in thefc p>rricubos, ·'J;h'at he cJnnot indure to itand _mfeare of rmmment danger; :(hat he !wells in Jn h'i'gb conceit ofhis ownc defcrts,erpecrallywhen he ts tn lower cfl~te ! the;, he would be; That he will not beare a wrong do:1c, without rcttenge:<Tbat he ~ ~-- I re~\n~~ withth~meaftl[cofknowlcdgc recciued, bnt affeCteth the fearchi1L