Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1__ \ The Ep~f/le 'Dedicatorie. I A Law pcnail in refpccrof the offence, and therefore fiuable ro bis proceedingI, whole office is ro hcarc with fauour, andro determine with equiric,ro execute iuflicc wirh mo– deration. A law ofthe high.dl and grcatefl waighr, immcdiatcl)' conc~rning God and his Honour,and therefore appcrrainingfo him, rhatjiiJ in the plm ofGod, to mJint~ine· 0 '"' '"''· his right, thathe m.tyhee withhim intbuau[eafldit~dgemttJ/. .• ,,eh•.••"'· By fuch Mot)pes, I haue encouraged my fclfc, vnderaffi:rancc ofyour Lordfhips pardon, to prefcnt you with.tlm, wherein you are mo{) dcfcrucdly inrereffcd; further in– treating of your faupurable itlterprctation and acccprauce, both of the qualirie ofthe Worke,andofthe paines ofthe publifhcr, And thus heartily Wifhing ro your Lordfhip increafe ofgrace & honour; with a daily influcnceofblcffing and direction from hcauen, vpon your graueconfithations and employmcms,l humbly rake my leaue,and commend p,o,,8.u. you to the grace of God,by-whom d9e mle all theiudgu of the earth, :hnchingficl?; 0Clob. z6. I6o&.. • · ' i-.m.. m4ll!iiw~~~:.~ .. t'l'..!!!._b.U.:~Pti'.-E::l, ..ti!... o•~~~ \ t\ . . ·.! '\ Tour L. i~ all [hrijlian 4utie .to he commanded> I ! - I \ .r - :' . . : TH. l' 1 c K E R.I N a. "' . ~'1' I • I t ,. ' 1 ... 1 . I ,) . I --·- - \'.f\ I . ~i"!l-..::.•>!C_,o..,m.-~~;R~·fr•Jii"ZI'OEi$i"Ji;;:ra.b!fU I ' 1 :. ; 1 .o L.Ill . \\ I ' ~· ----_l~:~\~---------------- -~·~ ·--