AT ABLE OF THE Contents. ThtEntrmluinto the Difc1ttrfo. P~g.6o7.c.r. CHAP. J. Ofthe Nature ofWichcraft in gcncr:ill. ThtirWitc-h&dfi r~· An Arr. - 607.c.l. That Witchcraft Uawick.!d .Art. 6o8.c.1. The endeofWitchcraft; To wqrk_r wunders. 6oS. C.l. Thegro11nd.J of worki"gwonders, difcon_tmt~ mcntandCHr-irJJitit. 6oS.c. T, Thdt 'Wondm AY< wrought 6J Sat<nt aj[rjlanu. --~02.-!·~I• --· ·• Tlje[orifofwl)nJm.-– Trtuwondernvrotlgbt anely6y God. 6og,c, r .2. L;ingwondn·sWY111ghe b; Satban and hU inf/rumentJ. 6zo,c.r. That Satitn Uatle to d4 extrA~dinArie ~urk.} bphthtlp<ofNatur<. - 6to,c.z. TlrtSof'UOfLyingwonJm. 61 t.c.l. t.lllujiont,ofth<5MStnfr;• 6tt,c.l. 2 snge. 6rr.c.r. 2. ReAOworlcp. 6t2.c. t. Sathllne annot "h""g' Dn~crtAtNre intoanothtr, 6t3.c.t. Godt P"miJlionof tbrprAfii[tsof Witchcraft. Whyhrpmnirttththtm? 613·'·'· SAtA'* ClfNII#t goe Pe;ond hi1 Ptrmifli'"· .6'4·'·'· CHAP. !I. Of the Ground of all the prat\ifcs ofWitchcraft. : Tbttt there M" leAgue /Jet'IPttnt So1t1tiJ and the Witch. 614.c.:. Tbw Lragw u rwofold. 1 Exprtj{t,oroptn. 6r~.c.1. · Srcrtt; attdtkedrgrmthtrtof. 616. c. 1. . -CH !i P..I II. Of the Parts of W~thcraft, and firll of Diuin:~.tion. BJ tl"fili>~g d>~dnoif,..fBirdet, 6r8.c,:. BJth<intralltof Br.jlt. 619.C.I, By tht StArrts, (a/led IHdiciarit Aftr~t~.... gie. 6zo.c.t. That PmMiionl b; tbt Stnrrn .rt7mltm>f•ll. 6:.o.c.t. 6zz.c.t. OfthtO~[tYHationof thtSign<. 6n.c.1. Oftht choifrandob[n-u.rion ofd•;n. 6z ;.<.1. ~Dtllint. 62. ~.c.l. BJD1't4met; NatttrAU, 6z;.c,2, Di•bolicAII. 614.<.1. Norn of Dijferenclto k..nowe them each enchfrom other, 6z4.c,1, Br Lm. DiHinAti'mh; counterfeit meanes; Necromancy. . 616.c.r. whrrh" th•t which ,.,., raifrd PJ th< Wit~h of Endar was trite SAmlkl or no? 6z6.c.r.z. DiNin~ti~n without mtAntf; /J.J immediate 4/iftanetof af•mrliarSpirit. 628.c.z. PrAfftfodt'IPOWA]tr• 1. Whtn the/firit is within the Witch, 618.c.•. 2. whtn tht JPirit if out of tbt Wit<h. 618.c.z. Tht Differtnte ~ttwttntTrttHncts dinine,lfnd di•>olicaU. 6z9.c.i• CHAP. IV. Ofworking Witchcraft. Thr PaYtt •f it. lnchanuncm; -what it is. 62.9.c.2. whataCha"''""· 6Jo.c.r. whtthrrtht Charm< be in it[tlfe ejfrfiuaU t• work!wondt'l·s. 63o.c.t. PArti&Hfnrpr~tflifes refe,-rtd to lnchantment. 6J3·'·'· lugling; c•nffting in delujion •ndflti[;ht,635.c.t That the wondm dont f,; tht Sorc.rtrl of E– g;pt !1rfor< Pharaoh•"'"' luglingjltightt, ~11dn1t trHellndrtnll wPrk;r. 63feC,l. CHAP. V. OfWitches. com<. 6t7.c.t. whatMPitchi4. 6;6.c.>. \ \ Ho,.,Satan/,uing Acr<atttr<, r<N<t<ltthtbingtto \"" -.---DiuinatioHby me~tncs1wf,;chllrt the trHecrtottHrtJ HowmAnJ SortJ o(ffit1h11. 637·.;,z, of God; As, ___:__.___.:.T.::h:.eb::.:•'.::'c.::h::.•------'--6"'-J.8::.:.ii-,'·'· Tht !---------------------------------------------~-----