I The Conteilts. 1 -- i ----,-;-------~----------;:----- { ___ , J The....good f¥itcb, the p.•orfcr of the tlPO, / Satans memtet , t'i45 .c. 2. t____ 638.c.2. ' Ill. wbat Rem~d,e m7 bee vfod,ropfmwt or/' 71Jttt tl;ewtJrd ~«.fpd.x'i.Vt , vfldb;rhc C14rethehm'ttof Wzn;IJcrll{t. 6-r6.c.r. 7o.fig;rijicf lliYircb. 638.c.2. , Remedu•s of two Sor/f • CHAP. VI. Ofthe punilhmcnt of Witches, 'f?bJ Witchu are and ougln to hups-ini{hed lJJith Death. 639.<.r. CHAP. VII. Theopplication of the Doctrine ofWitch– crafc eo the prcfcnc times. Here fower Points are handled. I.rPhctherthe fPitchesof oUr times, bethefome with thofe, which t:re cowdemncd b; thi5Lawe •f Moftr, 64o.c.1 . Rea[onrproouing t hn.t they are 640. c. t. .Ailtgntions tu the contrarie anfwered. 640,C,1, 6..p .C.l. &c. ll. Ho"'"'' mayGeable i;u/;cft MJU to dift.rne anddifcoueraWitch. 64z.c.z. Thcmeanesof Difcouerietwo; 642.c.2. 1. E.t:lfmi;;atioll, vpon Prcfumptiom, 64z.C.l, 2. Co,uiflion5leffef~f/icient. 643.c. I .2 vpon ptoofes 2,morc fofficicnt.. 6;.4.c.1. ThecaUfumoo/lingS11th11n to fnrther their Jifcouerie. , 645 .c. r . why 41/Wilclm are"" FfeedifJ dercfl:edby L~t,fu/1, ei1hcr Pnf~nlatiue, or lterlcrntfue; 646. 1 c. I. ,. Preforu:rris:e, con{'thting Perfo.m. 6~6.c.i; TPhnheT the chiJdegf Godmll.J hebewir.. : chedorno. 646.c.2. 1 Concerning place! of a6oadc. . 647·'· T. ! Re{forAriue, How whole co:mtrin may 6ec I . cured. 64 ].c. 2. Howpartrclllarperflms m.9 bC 1 cured. . 647·C.1, l F.•!fo and vnlawfuU Remcdiu P"'fcribcd bJ rlu I Ch:~rch of Rome. . General/, Thegift of cajfing onr oJ De– ui/lt, 648.c. I, Thatrhereu nofnchgift in rbeClmrch; . Jincethe daie.< ofrhe ApoftleJ.648,c, r; Pflrticnlar jiHe, The name Icfiu. 649.<.2. Th, vftof Sainrr Rcliqsirr. 65o.c,I; ThcSigneofrbeCrof[e. 65o.c,I, Hallowing of Cre~ZIHru. 65o.c.z. E.'t:orcifmc>J. 65o.c,2, I P. Wkt:ther_~IJ~ WitcheJ of our timo au to 6ri I punifbedwuh dcarh,and that by venueofrhU /awe (Jf Mofos? 65o.c.z. Re:ljomproouing ;harthe} oi~~hr. 65o.c.z. 65r.c.r . Obic£/iohslllifwered., 65 r.c.~.&C; Llll z. I i I ! ·------···----- ---·--~·------ --, l -- . ---···r-