Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I I i .i 8; vrc.r. Dc:uillsoft .1-boutv~ thougl1vn• Iecnc:. Mmiz.';. \ ~· O~f)!~s,.as wcll.asf1./A1Jh ,.and b1 fr,<>_ath' &.in a \A ' But·whjl'li•tl\c do'uilUoolldLth'ccuil~•pnel .. w:.l s"" w,?r,d,~ll fpc~_cQ~s -j~UH>nltl)OI) wlk.e1,,addc<i to t .Anfw. By!a:Rhnlc.oii·et:d~bltencic Offpeaeb;for ~11 t1~:~~~~hc: c9~(\r!nc ou& fpe~~>;a.Qou~JM,atFd:naJ,, arc a;.; : 1thefe.t·enibilS,-Firft·,~r:;auf<nb:C is cuil in:e:»aa!fc'; 1 _ bufl:s~ainf! th!t!l.~)r,of C.hrif\J fotprdinaril> :his Jit)< ili,fhc highcfhle§rcc: for,ir<i\ jik,e;.\. c·ommunication. , .~i <':1,_\;..; m;·r! his\·lmas•.:..dircCUy.!2.gainft·rh:e:!hOiy Fer lVhtl~focaer.. if mare ~lie,n tht{r;;., that is, 1 GhoH:,JWhi:_ch rilay-be0no;.eai0n , whr-Ood wh\hf'ocucr·cxtec\lct\Fa lirt~plc 'affifinaribn or , chofc notil\l''gkls,but mcd,qn :vhomlie::1.'\'ould nc_g_arion in cm~J't~0!1 [vfcch .~~--,•h'<ut!l4t!Jn lthew!nercicafror th~ir:fall; S~c·ondly<jbecaule ~ ts, oft)le cutll onc,the detttll: ~hat\:6. t 3·D{ hec'otnihirsleutll and wtckedneife •Vithl>Ut ceac. lif~vsftom c#ijl· thatis,-fromf \4\\iuill, tha~ · Gng~ andtdicrcforc is·comp:treJ,to mft:l buffgrr..: 1·· t.Pct.s_.B. cuill one. This. is _a moll: ~>;c~~~dlt:fca~qn , to ~ bitun~L}rctr.;:•'f!ho goer? .abour.~ornin~ll~'Jl(Uif!lti : moouc men to put tn praCtiCe m1i Rtl.!~ : for af<f.t whqme b,e mdJ-deuoure:{l:. \o\'i<"ktdlll'lil' , ahufcs ofo~ths,.~!feucrations;in~~<ltions,and . 1 that is;oi:~u·e'rWas, wiU'fontetirnc dee-~Go\i:> 1 -~~.1 t.1 ~,, I dopHc~tions ,.i!) Coffill.lQn.Cpcqc[j).are,abufespf, I : bPharaih· hmvblcd hi,'rlfelfi:\and confo1feil hiS' lb E<o.,.,.. . ~S?d.S.n:Ltn~,. :l'l9 5hf.ty COQle_fJ.;QJll tl~e_..{kuill, ~~ ~ J filltlC~..t~ ~Of~s rahd:lS'at~tJtf!re'i to) f!:01f>ip]f~·~~a:·S.1m.l$• ' 1S,s}l,cfchoolm>Ac.r that teachctll!Ae.tovfe rhc,; )l God wirb<S~mul'<HttqdWftdieard k[kn>Bapi 0 _Q&. , Wh~tl)cr .. dot\1 ~.u.eiY,t.~~mpta oi_ori! 1 'tift d gladfJ.;: <!_nddidmai;f. thi~.o).cco~trg ·r-ii : d ""·'•"· 'con~t.froll1 ;ht.~~~tJl ~ .An[.. EJJ.~t;.yct~mptaltom [ hts M1mfi<:t1C: bub.tRc DeotH·bettej'I\,Jtffi:rs , n~~.JA t:o ·~ui.l,l ~ is '?~,:\~de~ill ;cfQ:_J;1l!J.€bc,this: ~(Xtt I .from:allM•ickcd mcn,th~~·~rd~tH-notl-~hg;t;U!' ~,}\;; ;•_·:~~ propueth::u~d ¥51-'t~~·4·.3. tht 'fl.~fltll is:.cailtrtlr ! :pra·Chfe wickedneffc, h·eJJs atw~ues tml.f.it1~' 1 .t,t ~hf Te-mpur,becauft·he giues l,irQ.fdf~tO•templil and neUI:'tnc~ifcth tod"e:ckc'tncns tidhu&fun.: •U}n,cn,by all ll'l'i!'l?,at.all timehl!tuc it is,i:hatr. . Thi,dly,bcaaiifc he-pracn(erh fidm.-s•.,.f.a~rf6ftS ' 3 ;0fne ._ tcmpt:t)9nft;. c~m.c .. frQJll)0.~lrJ _con~PC,: and de~r-ce-s~in1himfel~~--~n4by his·~it)iitcrs:: 1' hearts, but yet;<\>~ ~cutll•halk•n b<Uid, 'I' d\em. ' far th-e·finncs that be o1!' lit::ali frorlv to f~rthcr thet'!·.~·How ea~~hil·be.feoing' I him, cith_c;'originall;o, otb)'futhcrancc!i i[lhe , tl1e <\cui! is b~t9'\<,and can bd>.\\t i!l onc.placc ' vilcfi..mat><thar is ,r.dmh.rab!hine ii:.Oitl'li'i\n~:< at once? .An[w.Th<;re is.indc~l~::onchead of, fometimc;•ycaby nat·u.rdrf'"hatcth fomC:finncs:· wi,kcd fp)rics, callcdB"(«huk, a11d th<-d.lfil, theprau.ol.and P'oflig:!l!.m;<n cannoqd:rlri·e (: 0 } ' 'wl~o. bath in?Uincrablc, wickedrang\els}rnioi-t j uc.toU~nd!fc;: an~ the _dtnnk~rd .may ~~<'rre·i-.; finng vnco htm,as may be garhere9,M~trl>,a s-r dola~tldf hut the deutl;nonttn~tlly 'fil'a<liifetll' . 4-1. where h<lluJit~d ta 0Apteparedfartht< -d.!f.i/J.. C ,fitme~ofaltforts, anq~lr<rcl'orc IS •ulHy:nflell· · am/.his Angt!J: an4,it is not rvnli~kc, but: ~bC¥r the eUtlioitJ. 1 ( ~ • ~J,1~<· · .-..:1·.) ~- n ~~f~moc in numbcr,,thcn all tbe men vpo·n~he. 1 :- Here then ,ve may·, !..Vhy.lV'Ie·aFc~ whywe·ate'• Fart\1: f~r wh~rc'9ll~ny,mag ~.iJi this life;biJ.t, . cal!echherhildrep •f'"'""'b>:: andofthe.J';RI/1 /;f·, :h:[;~~.rfomc wtcked fpm_s..ytll ~c rea(b~ t0 tempt hwn) 1 nttrwe: 11arilcly, bccaufa bo/ nature we car.Me inI. wr.tth,and o£ V.Qt_oJftnqc ?·~~~}l he npt ptoJ!O_kc-the ~ld1ie ' ~s,and"ab~otit-vs,~s hu~!f ani~~age of:FRe~eu·i~· _thcdc:uill, p~rfon ~o ~n~\!fcffc, and e_ucpc man to-fu_cln m liz?OO,~ilny chtl<i rlorh ofhts naroralt-faher: · !in'.q_C t v_v\lc.(cunto.bee is moll Lndin.ed?An.d f.lyn 1 'F.Or,imonn:Gnccpti'0ll•WC drc·gyftty.o, 'th~,·ti~ri ~rifcth from qur_owne corruP~-l damJ.Llnnc.;-jn catiJ~'g;>drc f6rbiddct~Fi-~·ii..~-S<::.. ~ifW_,¥ct t~c dcmlls hclpc istleuer waming,t0 , coridly.,.our nature is fiainc·d ; with tOriginalf b.r1ngit into aCHoq. ·.; ·: ,, ,. J finne..,.which is (nota.p-Fictlfc) bOt'\\:pl-oneliC$" ;:This fcructh to copfutc rh~fo!li~<~f our c.ot~ all malmcr ofmifcheifc::.a~d wicko<ln•f,that · "!'?!1 People, who neuerfcare-;th~ !denill, fbuc, ! is co~mitted in thC..M·od_d. _Sc~fi- thoo-=a. man 'wncn hee appcarcs vnco them it\ fomc lhapo:· kill•hhfaQ!cr,.or rn:orh,r;:br betray bis:cilatlcr, thinkc he is neuer neere them, but,wbbt • as Iud~~ did"' Chri!l Jthilugh it fi1:f)''b<','thou tMy,fee him: but they mullkno\v, that thede1 abhol'attifu<h finnes; yttoaoubrieffr',ihefeed t~llby his wicked ipirits is t~.lwaies.a,bout them·. thCreoEis in thee: ~a;tili <!;.od'.ifi tncrtie d-id: d;l)' :ond night, and in all places: and therefore. D no•J;:eep ~• fromic,~or. <t>t~upti~1J \\~id·~<a<Y,- : ,th~ymu!llearnc more to fcare htS rempranosqc . vs r<>";tho,blafphenu~'llg2mft- ~lie Sj>ll'li·. :A:n;!_ tb~upis appearance: for that is not fo terril>kr ~ thirdfy~fr.On:t this nat.Ol'a.ll~cOrtnp~io~:d~o~ife t.9 t~c fight, as his tcmptations.are hunfull i:o inum~table ~aill thoughts,wd'rtls, and deedcs ;· 1 ithe fbulc. Secondly, tiltSprcfcnce·of the de~ib : in rh'e:!Cour!l: ofour ~u•~,'n'ldlwlMh'wc'&eare ' \Vf_tl~ cucry man, to tempt him at all times,miJil:. 1 the iltiagC'6f:the·dcuiH;•ti}JtGo·dbtii%.~(t9 re~ teach vs to kecpc !lrairc watch againft all firinc ; pcnmn't<'toaml thcrcfth'e'l~lym>)"';"tbecaland the occofions thereof: we arc cafily per- , led rhe-.,hild':"n ofWtltth•;'a.nd of r~~di'uil by , fwad_cd to wr:uh againfl thcJ.CUC$ that wou1ch ~l~tun:_;---h~nng'the f.1ml>'«f~t·uptt.OI~m,'V~, t~lat depnuc vs ofour temporail g:odJs, or natural! 1 1s m the J. iil ,_-thougil-uot-1!1 the fam~ uegrec ltfc: now the deuill our fp.irirualt cncmie; is and~n'fD11 ;· ·, · ·: l:r") n:" ·.-· ·'' · 1·'- ·''·• daily about vs,to feckc rb.c ruine ofour fOul-es, i Hc_ncc.wc le:lrne, Ffrft;·fo be a{haiiltd'~rid' vr, •· & thcrforc wqnuft ah,•aics hauc an eye to his., confomrdt-d;iil outt feiltfc·s, ··'Y.ea tohaogdowne temptations. And indccdc; if. .wewo"ld well ' oitrhc:rds::fdrwhat~aufc;h.lh- hero Bc';pulfed cpnfidcr his p~<;{cnce, and malice again{! vs, it , vp with:fclfc-louc~."that!s~by nature in hifufclfe wquldma~c vs watth and fearc,lca!l he lhoulrl like to:tkotlcuill. Sct<!Adiy., ~llis \eacbc'th·'V< ·arake vs in his fhare. bouc~~hi~~:g~~:tola.b?UrYo_hatfC the _unngc-~f _(;od