1 -6~s 1 - - -------- -· vf Viftourje of Witchcraft. \Ch. 1, 1 - -- 1-- - - A In~< lcc:n~~:~ .. 2~-.- .. t-,-.,-,c~k;-d_A_r-t,-J - -- i i For maifcfhtion \\hereof, it is to be conil– l dcred, that God is not onc\y in gencrall a So– ucrn.ignc Lord and King oucr all h1s creatures, whether in hcaucn or earth, none cxcc:ptcd,no not the dcuils thcm(dl!cs: but that hcc cxcrci– fcth alfo a lpcciall kingdo;n<, partly of grace hnhc Church militant vpon earth, and partly ofglorie oucr the Saints and Angels, members ofthe Church triumphant in hcaucn. Now in like tll:tnn(r the Dcuill lllth a kingdomc called in Scripture the kitlgdoniCof d:uknes,whcre.. ofhimfclfc is the head :md goucrnor,for which tEplt.f.t:::. c~ufc he is tcarmcd l the Princcofdt,d:.tnes,b the b,..cor.i·i· God ofthU lVor!d, ruling and cffc~lually ,,.,·ork– ing in the hc:1rts of the children of dif"obcdi. cnce. dtfilnglllili 1t from all good~n<lla\,full arts, \ tlugl1t 111 fchoolcs of lc.unmg, v.h1ch as they arc \\~rramablc by the \\'Ord of God, iO arc I they ho Idfe proftablc and nccclfane m the Church. Ag::unc, to{hew the nature and qua. I ltue of tt,that 1t IS a moft vngrac1ous &.w1ckct1 art, as appcareth by the ScriptUres. For when Saul h:.1d broken the cxprc{fc conunandcmcnt ofGo9,in !paring Agag & the bcilthings; Sa– mud tcls him, th:lt rebellion and difobcdicncc is as the fin ofWitchcrafc,th:tt is, a moH: horri– ble and gricuous crime, like vnto that \\'icked B capit:~ll,:mdmothcrfinne, x.Satn.I).Zj. ' SeEI.llL Againc, ~~Godh:ah enaC\ed Lawcs,wher– byhis king<lomc:: is goucrncd j 10honh the Dcuil his ordin<HlCcs, \\herby he kcepcth his fubThirdly I adde, t(ntiing to rhtwtJrl:jngorpro- \ icCl:s in 2wc and obcdicncc,which generally& Jucing ofwonder!, wherein is noted the proper for lubi!ancc,arc nothing clsbutcranlgrcllions onde of this m, whereby I put a further diifcof'thc veric !awe of God. And amongfl them renee betwccnc it, 2nd orhers that 2rc godly all , the precepts of Witchcraft are the vcrie ond lawfull. chief'c and moH notorious. For1by them efpcNow if qucfiion be mooucd, \\·hy man dally he holds vp his kmgdome,and thcrdote !hould dcGrc by witchcraft to work wonders? more cflccmc:: theobedience of them, tHen of l anfwcr, the true.and proper c:.ufc is this:The other.Ncithcr doth he dcliucr them indiffcrCtfirH temptation, whc:rcby the Deuill prcuailcd ly to cucry man, but to his o\\'JlC fi1bictls the egainll ourfirfi parents ,had inclo1Cd within it wicked :and not to them all, but toCome (pcmany finncs: for the eatingof the forbidden cialland rryedones, whom he moHbcuuficth frulte, was no fmall or tingle offence, but 01s with his fecr:ts •asbeing-the ~ttt.fi.to frrue his tOme hauc t:mght,comamed mtt the ~reach of turnc, both Hl r~freti Of thctrwtl~mg~~~c to 1 cucry CQmmaundcmcnt of the MoralHiw. Alearn< and prac\tfc, as allo for thm ab1hue to c , mongll the reil, Satan laboured to brins them become inl\ruments oftbe 'iilchicfc,which}>e i to the finno ofdilconrcnrment, whereby thoy1 intcndcth to others. ~ I fought to becomc·as Gods, that is,.bcctcr tlicn Ifit bc .hcre asked, whence the Deuill did God had madcthcm,not rdting comenLwith . fetch&: concciuc his rulcs?l anfwcr ,out ofthe the condition ofmen. This finn~ wastllCJcar... · 1 corruption and dcprauation ofthat great n,c:.. ncn , and couldneuer fii1ce be fdrgohc'n, but fur< of knowlcdgf ho once had ofGod,and of continually is dcriucu from thellt'toal~ their all the duties OfhiS fcruice.For..that being quite poA:critie; and nowUSbecome· fo (om~onl :If\ deprauedby bis fa,11, he turncsthc fame to the corruption in th~ V.hole'liatui'c~of flafh and inucnting >nd deuifing ofwhat he is polliblc•- blood, thattbereis· fcarfc a mnn [6 be fbund(l ' ble, ag:~inll God :md hi'S honour. Hereupon,· who is not ol'ig,in·alJf i3intccfthtr.fwhh•o.spt is wellpt:cciuin~th:nGodhath cxprdfclycom- ~m3n. ..: .,..:., ·.' 1:.:·· :::n ~ rJ-:-~~~ :···I mandcd to renounce and_abhorrc all pnCtifcs This corruption· ffi.c\~i icfclfC p"ri~oip3llf i~ ofWitchcraft, hec hath fct abroach this art in two things,both which arc the maine nufcs of -thC \Vorld, as amaine pillar of his kingdome, the praCHfes ofWitchcraft. ·:c.: .! 1 which notwithftanding is fhtly and dircClly Firft, inm:ms outv... ard dbte; fohhti>'Ceing oppofcd, to oneof the maine pm1C1palllawes ID naturally po(fdfcd with·~ l.oueofhiffifclfc, 2nd ofthekmgdomc ofGod, touching the feruicc an high conceit ofhi:Sol:.V11C' dcfetuing, when ofhimfeHC in fptnt and truth. he hues in bafeana JOwc.rfiace;.-whcthcr in re- ! Againe, the rc3f0n V~:hy hec coucies tbefc gard of poucrtic, or· w~mof honour and re- ~ vngodly principles and praCbfes f~om man to putation, which he tbmkesby nght is due vuman is, becau(c hcefindes tn expcnence. that toh1m: hcchegroYos to fon1cmcafUre .ofgritfe thinf1's arc far more welcome and agreeable to and forrowwahm h1 mf'clfc. Hereupon, hctris the ~ommon n:uurc of mankind, which are I mooned to yecldhimfelfe tothcDcuiiJ ,tobC"e \ taught by man like: vmo thcmfclucs, then ifthe lusv3ff<1ll and fcholler,tu thts w1cked ~rt, fup .. I Deuill !hould p<rfonally dcliucr the lame , tt> poGng that by thc,workmgof lome,wondcrs, e:tch man in fpcci:lll. Hereupon, ht"c takes the he may bee able m.tnm: to rclctuc his poucrtic, courfc at firJl to inHruCl feme tCwe oncly,who to pmch:tfC to lumfclfe,Crcdlt:i.nd coumen:uue I bccing t:lllghc by ham, arc apt to conucyoth~t amongit men. r ' wh1rh they know to others.And h~ncr1n pr9,., It Y\ Crc e~fle ro ihc~c thcttuth of this, by babdwc ch1s dcu1Uifh trade, badhti firH onex:tmplcs offomcpcrfons>\\ho bythcfc means ginalland continu::ncc. l!auc nfcc. from nmhu1g, to grc:n places and \ ptc~ 1 - ·--------- --- ----- ------ -- --- --