Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I Ch.1. I d Vifcouifeoj Wiri:htt-aft. . --16o_p ;; ~ - --·· - _j _ __ .' PLtti;u tie . vir,P., ~·iu Si!r.s. · };.tlc:u,in Ad:H.nrn. Pont.Ji~.). &lib.'". ~~;(;~rncnt in the ~,,.;;JZJ,;ncad of all~~~-~ ~h;;~~:lt~rs; aitd to d.,e.rhe c~mh; yet rol'}>:nt : peucth tn ccrtaincPopcs ofRome,as Sylucflct rhe fc:t afund~r, & to make the VI :uC"rs to ihnd 1 1 the Cecond, BenedtCt the c1glu, Alcx:l,ndc1the as w:1lls od each lid~, and the bottom <.)ftbc fea , fixe Iohn 10. and the twcnuc one, &c. who 3! a pauemctl;tthiJ; JS a v.:orke fimpl~ abot!~~h c for ;he :maynmg: ofthe Popcd~me(as h1J1oncs n:uur21l p()v. er Of:inyV\'iod, npd thC"rcfor' 1s i /record) gauc thEiclttes to the Dcuill in the praI miracle: 'Ag3il~e, fuch w_erc the ! Clife ofwicchcrafc,thac by che working ofwou1 by Moles and:Aaron bdU!'e.Pharaeh i~\Eg~lp<j ' I dcrs, they might rife from oa~e !lep of honour one ... ,·he-reof;m llea~ of niany, w:~s thi:,tbrhmg : to another,vnrill they had £C·~·aed thcmfelnesm I of AarOnS' rdddc into a ferpcnt 1 a ~·.("lrkc;trUiy the ehaire of P:~pacir1Sogrc:lt was their defire miraculou$.tFor ids-ab-ouc t·hbpdWcr bf n:~wofcmincncie in the Church,that ir eaufed them r:tll gtncd.tion~ that thombt~':;mce ofobe Crca!l I to dfiikc m~3~1cr (Onditions of ~it~, and tiel!er I ture fl1ould be: really mrnt·d intO the r~bH3n(c: to ce:~le afpmng, though r_l~ey mclirrcd ehere.. 1of an~ther;as.~he fub!lancc of~ rod~c 1nto the by che hazard ofgood conlctence,and che loffe I fubflance of.alerpcnr. Ofthc,hkckrrnle, wcit 1 of cheir fouks. chdlanding of-:thl: Sunne in .che firm•m>n< ( The fccond degree ofdifeontentment, is in I without 111P.Ol!.i·ng-in tiis courfe;fOr a \\'hole day~ Au~R.con· 1 the mindc and inwardm3h; and that is curiofi ... Bl Iofh. to; t ;.:.tl1t'going b~-ckc::..O£ the-funne in f fdQ.,o.q.J fti~, when ~man rt~cth no~ iltisfied .with the t~e.6rm2n1en.~ccDn:'dt-gre~;r2 . King. 20. 11:1 mca(urc of1nward g1fu reccmed; as of know.o , ~11e- prcfcnSauonof the .thr.ce.:mcnr Shadrach,: ledge, wit, vnderlbnding, ntcm6rie; and fuch Me01ach, and .Abcdnego;Jn the midfl oPthe . like, but afpires to (carch out fu(h things as hoatficticfdfrtice, Dlh. 3?.~tr5.and~of~Daukl ' God would haue kepc fw·et: and ·hen~e he is in che I:.yo·ns deh1Elan.6:>d.<hefcedingdffiue mooued to attempt the cUrfcd art t>f rMagicke thoufanqm~otbcfi.d~ wOmen & chitdren,whh and witchcraft, as a way to get furth!!'r knowfiue ldauc:s ~nchwo fl!hcs]Jd:mh. 14, 10. 1 I ! ledge in matters fecrct & not rctlcalcd, that Qy the- c-tt_dng~firbe.Cytfs .of't...tho: bHUd,aJtnan with working of wonders, he may purchafe fame itl fpiu!e arrd d n'l;'Jt"Cmjl<reddo!lethcr,U?h•.9. 6q.1 the world,and confcquently reapenidte bene- &c.rt. < .f ::) ~~:;to.1 ~ rf1 r:.;•n v ·\7 ·u :·;' •.f ··.i .• 10! fit by fuch vnlawfull courfes,cher1 inlikcliho~d '·Now cbdrltj-ding.,f.. mlracle:in ch;s,~ind," he could haue don~, by"ordinar/e andla\Vfti!l i!a w<>rkC>ptopCTto God"Onoly ;oaud·nb-<:reaJ meaocs. turc, ~~n;pri~~~ell',ocanrdO.t auy .cbing 'eitber r 'C1. 1 ~ trl' 3IJ"ouc or conn:ane" tfl) naattq~ buo htc.::~lon'e IJCU. LY • !;> whichi.-t-~<:(!t.Og>IQFor.nSiGddirnbe:liogio" Fourchly, it is affirmed in che d<fctiption, nin·g·•n•deallohiriji;l.,£ntnbmg;,cp:behachre• thai Witchcraft is puetifed hy the "aJTtjfance of ferued:ro hiprfelfc;ua.pocoilp~erh ofhisa!" tbt DtMill, yetthe mbrefully ro"dillinguiib ic mighric powrr, eo charrgc>Gt'>belilh eh< Cub• from all good,lawfull_,~nd comrhtl\dablt ~rrs. ft:i nce',«yrr.!)cion,m:RlvfdOf :l_n~cr~aFor in them expc:rifnce~teachcth, that the Att:SJ. turc/ fhe r.ea.ftjri i's; the author-& mafler i• able by.hi"mfdfe copratlifc his arc, & <rtaror ot"lnorpr~'ind cllm'~<.3t hisplcafirrc; todoe things bdongin'g thercupto, w~thout iis. peltfetl:tyJ~blc'"Jto commcndr rclhainc, cn..L the helpe ofanocher.Bu~in this it i<oth~rwifej,pr extcad•lte po.wcr:in:d Hrength chere. for here the worke is done by rhc,h_dpe of •· of! wichout ~he he!pc or a!Jifi:ui_ce of theerea> nother, namely,the pc:uill,-who·is cohfCdcrare lt.rreJ ~1c tl!~-;;);,,' · 1 ~··t· with the Witch. The po}'•er of.cftCC\ing fi1ch ~w:l Againep:hc .wor.killf! ofr:J mir.:tde is 3kinde llrange workc~,is no~ in the art,~cit~~r do rh it 0f ~reariorri fort-hncin a·lhirig is made tobe, fl.owc from the ski1 ofthe Sorcdcr,nlan orwowhich ·wns 110t before-.. And 'this mull needs be man, but is deriued wholly from Sat3n, and is . prOport0Gqd ::\lone, by \-\'hofe power, things brQugl~t imo execution· by venue- ofmutuall th1\t arc,wct<:pnceproduced out ofthings that col'lreltcracie, bc't\,•cenhim and th~M·a-gician. tli"d noc:1ppcarc.ThecoQclufion therefOre mufl ·· Now chlnhis parcofche defcripri·on maybe P needs be chis, which Dauid confcffeth in che 'mbre clc3-reJy manifdled, we are to procecdc :pfalme: Godon~J;·dorh wondroHJ rhin.gJ, Pfat, j to afUrther point, to lhewe what kind ofwon- ~136. 4· that is,workes limply \\:ondcrfull. dcrs they be which are ordinarily wrought lly But it is alle3dgcd to the comrarie, that the 1 tlfe tiliniflc-rie and power ofthe dcuill. tJrophct~ in the oldeTdbmcnt, and ~he Apo- 1 § r. Wonders therefore be oftwo fortS;eiHies in the new, did worke mlratlcs. I ::mfwcr, I ther true and plainc,or lying and deccitfull. I they did fo, but how? no.t by their own power, A true wondC"r is a rare workc, done by the 1 but by thepower of Go<l', bccing o.ncly hisinpov.:er'of God limply, either abouc,or againft lhu111cnu,whom he v{Cd for forne fpeciall purthe power of nature, and it is properly called J. potCin rhofe "''orks; and filCh as d1d not them.. t mzrtlclc, The Scripture is plcntifull in examples /Clue~ c:luiC the miracle,but god ln &by them. of this kind. Ofthis fon, was the dcuiding of The fame doth Peter -and John acknowledge, I the red fca, :md maldng it drie bnd by a mighwhen 1hcy had rcilorcd the lame man to the tic cafi: wind, th:lt the children of Ifracl might perfeCI: ·vfe of his Hmmc·s, i/,at b7 tbctr power p:10C through it,E:xod. 14. 21. Fonhough the lfrTd godlwe.f{c, they hadnot made the man to got", 1 1E:allwind be n:nur:llly ofgreat force to mooue ACt.. ~· 1 "1." ~~ . ____ !__==- -·-------·---· Llll 4--------A"g;i~~