I~lb \ --- -vf..,'[.)jfcQurjr:ofWitchcraft. · .~ , :...::..._:;:__ l' ·.(\.gnin>!t,is obicCkd:,th.at our. S<lu1~ur ChriH A proofe ofit is n~t fo nccdfary in this ~G;Bnt j - -- in h1s ma.nhoode JV.:Jr.bughu u}a.nyfnUr.acles, as that Satan is able to doe cxtr;J.Ortlino.r~c \,\ o1kcs I \ I thb~c:lhtforc mcntiohcd~a~U lJJ~~Y':Jore.; .An f. by the_helpc ofnanu~(which is the qudlion1!1 ll Ghnfl.as- he was man t11.d lomtl"i1p.g1s rhc: wor~ hancl)Jtihalappcarc~f we confider ln him thclc kirt~ofnriraciC:q.:!riJt.noc.'all. fer .in eucry mithings. · u ·culon9\r\'orke thcrc·bc tV\'0 thing&ithe \-Wtkc firfl,the det1ilis by nature a fpirit,& thcrforc {t j~Gp:md the ~CHn'q--or ~tfpenfwg' of the' o_f_g~cat vt)ded\anding, knov,·lcdgc,~nd capa- ~york~:rhe wo~'\.mfclk.,lxemg.lnt-naturc a_nd one m all natural rhinas,ofwhat fort; qu:\lnic ~ibffant-e.mlraculoqs,c.:oniidcdug-iewas.abouc and condttioo tOcuer,bwhethcr dH')' be Clufc; or-ag.a1nn the ordccof namrall-:c-apfCs, d·id not or effeCts, w,hcthcr ofafimple ot mixt n3turc. p~oc.ccdc from_U.lir1flt~s tn3t~j~but tfr.o~n hi~11 as By rcafon ~vhcrofhe can fCarch more deeply & Gadfhutlthc;dJfpcnfauon of the filme,m this or narrO\\'ly mto the oroynds of thinos then all rh~v.:vi"fible m:milcr1to thC!l'~o ..+e o~ men, was corpor:~.ll c.tcaturcsbthat are clothed \~'ith flcfh donqnd pcrfor.md>l!uy hjs ''l••lmO.cl. Fo' ex< and blood. , amptc.: The rai!i~g.vp.ci I.az~r.u~_plit of theSecondly, he is an acncient fpirit,whofe s.ki1 1 gf.20c,.h::ming·ba~111D'ca:Jf.Guic,d.ayos¥Y.'as amihath beene confirmed by experience of the nde~tol:bc cffctlihg.W~cre<t_(;(l.u·,h..the~God, B: courfc of nature, for the. fpac~ almofi of fixe btad~nd~m2hlropd'>O,f.Ghriih:con<:urr.ed; by thoufand yca;r.:cs. Hence bee hath ;Jt.raincd to tliomfuuc1al & •diffinllh~)ions:Jhom:mhoo<L the knowledge of many fecms, and by long one!;.vtt'cred rHrNo~ce~and hili Laz,;)rus C:01UC' obferu:uion,9f the effeCts, .is.2blc to difCctgc fotth~lio:idw:as ~1C {lodhead.uHih,1!l:that fot• ' and iudgc of hidden canfcs in natu,e, which chc:tflbi fobtcfwfnbcaborr,aildp.u.tti~gbinl:i.n man in liktlyhood cannot)~omc .vnto by ort0.his rbodiC:·," yel which-s01.ueiif~a1l.dpoWer tO djnarlemoanes, for ·want of th:u opponunitic Lazat:as to heatc:.fl~~oic~'Vttr~d, to:r·ifc. andbothol vrlderHandin~ga.nd experience: I?ere- \ come foii~W,~ahJ vtilf.;.<lf(llkdJiiaquer.J.whdl upoo it i,s, rhat·wheJ.eas in l,lature there be fomc I!!:- gaGe .ftg1tr rdlo\!oi>lrnd,li}Jnt~bio~< ~'I· hf p.roper.li~s;inijfcs,and ~ffec!s, w~ich man netouched their eyes with the hands of his man~ ucrirnagincd robe; others, that men did once 1l)b<>dl,bu'omq>moior ofl.oP.O!ili>glibe~;·&'maknow, but are now forgot; !on><;, "hich men I . k•a§>th~mao; ~·~a:amCJf<<>mqu~Godhead, )<now.enpr,o\>.ut ~itght ~ngw, and t\•o,.fands wborecy·hd>V""idbno;d~'l!l<hiJ,g.<a :Jt~t\;in whieh can hardly, or not ~toil be kno,wne: all 1:~lbt>'thcprhiA;.;duJws&\!Ollkesivt.\JillhlleJ.id;<liHe thefc are moH f:un;li:u :¥.mA him, becaufc in mi~otl:owas1 ~b.OW10\'t01lgbt,~<l>i•i diuihq {J themfelues they be 1 nb woo~'cn, but onely myp.,,rtJt,dndl'>'~"l-8milol1and<>.9\tl>' !lcricsood fc;gts, \h_c, w~~t~c and cffeC<whcril~tl<idSlth'lllaD<""DF"Ai~th>liirilo, pro,;bod<il "<;>fh~.hall(f<>•l:>>tim~ 11\>hl!lfe,~prc his <.reatio. frbintrima'l•lu!:INU>Ill~.Cd, 01,1'1 N O<; ·.ild1"" ;. ;Th~dl¥,the. i,s ,a fpir,IQlf, ;)li>,ndo,full power, -'~; if,Ghclll"'!hdnna)>i~<a~n"" ·"·nrlfq ~'l!VIlllg\u>,·Plll~ lllfu~};,e th~~.:mth, and to.cona5crodmir<K"Iefthdr.ilo·mcfrct Wb.wre·cJin doe found theocri;~U\TJ.'~;I~~.I;f:')Co bin~ in m.wrc i~,n0,"'\ot thbAn#l!tthemfel!WI)~<6Joquent> : a_pcj ~ond1rlon, ifhe >'\fTP.IlR~rt(lrail!~d.j~y ;h~ ly not •Sathaa~wbecing a mc.kir:fll!lf>lillnrralt ' Pr>Jilipt>tfO!Ipowcr o~.d.~)l~~his;np·~J'r,as worke, pnfornl:cd. onely by.,tha lmnnia~ont ' . it w;as grcad>~ his creatj.q~.fq it js not)mp?re~ powC< ofGo-.f!>'f:·!!: ·, be! orl1 lUOOJi" •. t o : by his f~l~~~t!l;athe~ intreafeq,and m;l<)c.lpore § z. The fccond fort ofwonders, ard,mg ·I forpblQ.I>y)lJJ< -•I,ccoriPbP!I)p !'l~l!f~,)l,es.l>,caand deceitfutf, which alfo11a<C .cxrponqiti~rie ' rcth to nm>J<indc, lf\<.~ill)[ the fe,pc ,PI·the workcs in regard ofmnn, bel!au~ t})ty•protcc.d :1 y.roman. Jr~.:. rr, r1 rH 10:-1 ~~. ~.J-,Dw ..,.,n,..·; I not from the vfnalland ordinarie.&ourfeof,dai -o Foun~b,I.y,.there i>iJJ~h~ge,uillap, l!~Jroblc ture: and yet they·be no,1)1ira-'ks;.lil'cau{c ~h(\y i ; qujcktlC~i}I1tLagiliry,';FJ!O.c~cdipg fr~ll'fl his fpi– ' arc done by the "'C:nuc of tr.ttlltto,..& not ali~Ue 1 : ~ituall·J:1.a,wrg-~·wh~~qb~kRJ~an_.f·Cfl}'~fpf~diJ¥·.&: ' or agoinlt nature Gmply,but abouc and againfi ,)_, 10 a llwtt1p~cc ofumd;W..AUfl~h h•IJifel(q,ond I theordinaric courfc thCTcof: and. tbefc.arc proIS other:crpatur~s Hlto p)agc;:~;f~r Ptfian~1<lt1S.fj(om perly fuch wondeis,as are don<.by. Satan &rh iS I anothcr.B,y thefe(out.el!el.ps, Smn,is,~J13~lc9 inftrnmems: examples whc.tcot we fuallfce aftodoe firangc \-\;orkes~, r&tr:llngt I.ftylt~ Jnan, I te<wards. ' .. ' whofe knowledge lin<e-tho.fa) is rnivgle<\v-itl) I If any man in reafon thinke it not likely much.igoor!mcc,ruen.jnpaturallth.ings~rvhpfc ! that a creature lhould be able tp work extrao'rcxpcnenceJ$10f<hort, q::mUJUJ...'l.O~<C,~ ':lOOt much l dinarily bv naturallmeanes; he muflremember 1hindered by,forgctfuJncf"~; whofe agilitic...by 1 that though God bath rcferucd to him.felfe aI relfon of his grofTe naturc,..i.s nothing,ifhehad lone the PO\·\·er ofabolifhing :md changmg na,. , not the hc;lpe of othe~-~F_A~t-~l~·cs~ \IY_bq[e~po_wcr turc, the order whereof he fh and dbbli!hcd I isbut wc-akndlc and mfirmme m companfon in the crcation,yet the alreration ofthe ordin:t.. of Satat.t!i. ric eouriC of nature, hce bath pm in the po-..ver Yet lf,thcrc be any further doubt, ho\\" Saof his llrongeft creatures, Angels "3nd D<.·uills. j t:ln canby thofchelps worke wond.e.rs,~c ~ay I !hat the Angels haue rcce!ued_this·power,and I be refolu_eJ ot,thc ttn~h thereof by eo.nhde.nng doe ex~cute the f:1mc vpon hrs cominand or three other t.l\ngs. F1rll~ tl~at by reafon ~f l11s ~ p~~/lion, it i• rnanifc!l by Scripture, ond the g:_eot knowledgc:_an~~~c,_':_c_.".'btl;