Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i-d: I _______ ~1 Vifcour(e ofWtiehaa/t. / _!_~_ I "..,~ to apyly crclturc,to creature,& the caufe~ dfi~ 1A haucd thi:klucs.And the:: htftoncs ofme 111 forCH.'nt to the mattcl , & chc• cbt b.1.1g thltlgs to mc1 ages, h:wc recorded lh:mgc: tdhmonJcs o' pa!Tc, that a1c Ill com111on conccnunpofTib!e. fomc that :1auc bc:c:nc dn1s un ncd uno "'olucs, 1 Sccondly,he had~ povvcr to mouc them,not lyons,<.lOgge5,bJrds,and other crc:hurcs,wLJch o,. cly accordmg to the ordm:mc courli.:, but could not be really m fubibncc, bur one!y tn \O.:ith mmh mnrc. fj)(•cd and ccle1 me. ~ appearance, and phantafic CO!ruptrd, and fo l T htroly, as he can aprly and moouc, fo by chc!c 1 ccords are true.FoJ Godm h1s Ill it wdghis tpiriruall :1amrc is able, if Cod pcrn~it, . mcnt may ii_J,ffcr J~mc m<:l1_fo to b~ bewitched eo ,onucy hun!rlfc nno che fi.tb{lancc of cbc I by rhc dcllli l, th~t to thcu concctt tht'y may crcawr~, wi~ho~t any penctr:nion of dim~nfi- 1 j ftcmc to be like the bruirc bcath, thou;h_in_a ; ons,ano bcemg 111 the crc:nure, alehough it b~ I dccdc- they rem:l!ne the true me-n thll. For It ts neun lo folide ,he c:m worke thcrcirl,not oneI :"\ \\'Orkc limnodnting the dcuiils power, to Iy according ro the principles of the nature change the i"ubH:tnccof any one creature, into thcrcof,but as far as the flrcngth and abiiitic of doe liil>tlance ofanother. By this kind of dclurhofc principles will pollibly rcJcb ::md e-xtend Jlon the Church ofRomc)n the times ofblind.;. chcmfelucs.Thus it appcareth, that the dcuiil ndl"c and ignoranc~. hach taken great aduari1 can in general! workc: ~o\·ondcrs. ! B t:~gc, and much encr~afed her riches and ho- § ~.Nowmore partintl:trly,thc Dcu.tls wonnour. For there be thr~e points of the religion dcrs arc oftwo iorrs. Il!uflons, or rcallaCt:ions. of th:tr Church, to witte, Purgato,;ie, lr.ttocatiAn J!luli.on is a workc of Sa rh an, whereby on ~f S.~.ims,andhonottring of Rdiqsus, wherehe dcludcth or dcceiucrhnun. And ir is t\-\'0hy D1c harh notably inrichcd her fclfe,al whic.h fold, either of che outward fcnfCs, or of the had their fir!t foundation fromthcfe, and fuch minde. An illufion ofthe outl;\'::trd fenfcs, i~ a like Satanicall impoflurcs. for thC oncly '-"''3j' D~l·l'IS.c.ll! \:\'Orke ofrhcdcuiq, whereby he makes a man I whereby rhey hauc brought the common fort to think rh:lt hebcareth,fcerh,fcclcth or touch- j w yccld vmo them, ~oth for bdccfc and praeth fi.1ch things a~ i11dccdc he cloth nor. This ' tt.if..:, ita:h bccne by deluding their omwar.d the deuill cari"e:ttily.doe diucrfe waies, cuen by .fe,nfcs , with fillfe app:tritions of gho(ls and the: Rrength of naturc.For cxamp!c,by corrupfoulcs of men,\'.'alking :~nd ranging abro:td afting rhc inrlrumcms offeHfe, as the humor of ter rhei~, dcp:uturc,and f~ch like;whereby firuthc eye, &c. orby alte-ring and changing the }~I: per!on~, ignorant· of 'their·fetches and d·e- :'lyre., which is the n.1canes whereby we fec,and luh ons, h:mc beene much ::fft-ightc.d, ancl cau.;- :fuch hkc. . ': , fed through of fearc.:and, tO' Experience teacheth vs; that rhc.dcuill is a plirchaf~ thc-ir•ow;ll peace,hy ma• skilfhllprlCliriotler in this kmde, though cbe C · ny~aoJ grtar cxpc?nfcs.·'i And in'd:C"Cd.rhcfc.wtrc meancs\vhcreby he worketh fuch fcats,be vn- ' thc:tlrongcdl argumcntHh;J[ eticr thty had,and knownc V'nto vs. In this manner Paulaffirmcth whi<.·h mofi p;cua.iled with the cqmmon people thanhe (!4llatians were deluded, \Nhe he faith, aS is man1fcH tn tlor1es of :11l natipns and ages, 0 ftJotifo _Galathiaiis) .wf1o,bath bewirchcdJOU? whc.L"c .fuch dc.:ccits hauc taken p!a<u·, though , " ;~'"""· Gal.jt r,!Where heiV.f<!t"h 3 word' b'orrowe& o"frentimcsby rhe inH iu.dgemcnt ofGod, they · 1fr'.orri the.praCHfe of.W.'irches and forccrers, were t~ken in ~heir crafr;& their fe:ats rcu'ealed. I' I '-"'ho vrb'to'CaH amillc ( a·s it were) before the :.. .The fccond kinde ofillufi~o1 U ofirhe~mind~-, 1 clc-s,to"tbz;lc thcm,and rnakcthings to appearc whereby the del!ill -deceiue:s the' m'inde,. and v,mo·thcllL,which indcdlcthey doe not"t"cc;:md makes a man thinke rhat of himfelfe whi·ch iS 1 thegrol.mdOf P.aul.s comp:nifon, is th:a wh1ch nOtitrucl, 1lh.usrHpcricnce :tbldlcrh _,. th2t d'lf! ln: tak"cs for a granted truth ~ that there be fuch .}lath ddud~:"d nio.n .both in form~r ·& lacer. tilDes 1 1delufions,whercby mcrls fcnfcs are in·dmny be / lNho ha!le auoUchexhn·dJprofdfcrl tb.emkluf s~ corrupu:d by fltanic-all operation. to b<." Kings:.ort.ho fonncs'ofKi.ngs~ Yea·fo-nle! Thusagainc the dcuill by the Witch:of En1 haue holde-n r-hcrill? ucs'ro be.CbriH, fomc'-r.o) dor dccciucd San~ in th~ appearan,e •ofS~m:tcl!. I PCJ!~;lias,_fo~c to>be.Iohu the Bapli_H;and ~o~i r. Sam! .loS', maktng h1.m ~·cJe(lue that 'lt h-Jd D l.exuaorchnanc Prophets•And f.:h~ lrk.c c-ou'c.clts be~cnc S:tfn_Ud ~n.dcc~~t whereas it.w:rs 'but a .hat1c cntr.t~·in_to th.c mlnds oLfunal.r.y ,,·dt<!h~s,; meere c·ounterfea ofh~;n,as {hall appcate here:.. _by the luggefhonanrl perfwafion of thcrdc.J.rill. after.Againc, thedcmill.knof\'1ng rlrc coilfli"tuTo whofn, :whC.n they hau~ ~\'h.olry refigned 1 tions ofmen and the panitular difcafcs wherethcidOules and bodies;theyhaue: bcencmo9-l I unto theyare -iaclinod., rakCs the 'Y3!1tagc of ne.d io belccuc: thi1.1gs impo!f:bJctouching t.hE;--: fomc 1 and fccondcd the •nltllre ~of the difc:tfe frluc,s, :is rhan·h.~.:y hauc indccd,beene chang~d! by the concurrcucc ofHis ownc dclufidn,ther.:. inm Olh.c'r creatures, :ts 'catts, b.irds-;miJC.,&·c.! . by co:rupting rhe im:tgin::ttion: & working in ·T~e inquifi~i"ons:o_f Sp:l.ine nt!~ othc~ cou'"nl....j I the m1nd a fhong perfwafion, tn.. 'lt they .arc bet'rtcs, whercJn.. thci-c :1na.Juch l1kc th1ngs art1 come~'that which in rrmh they ar~ not, This is ·recorded tauclli•~g \"lit(b-es .really mctamor,- aJiP~~5t. fn t 1~at difca fr. 'r\"~1i1·h is ~ear~~Cd '\ \ phof~d inro f~t~l ~n~a~mos,cartn0t be.truc;co~-· . '.m·opta, whc!efome,ham~g~~heJr bram~ poffcfi. fidcr'1n.g dnwH1s nnt mth<! p0· ofthe·de:ul1, 1 ! led & dHl'cmprccl \o\'ith mclancholy;hauC verily ~ thUSjtO cb~mgc fu~ftanccs jn"fo orhc:r fUbfl:tn-1 j.:_h~ug~: thCfclucs to b_c wolues,& fo hhue heJ ccs. And1thole conucrllons rCoorile-dbythcril, · ~-'-"<_r_e"- , --~