Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

6n !!A 'Dijcoudeoj Witchcraft. \ Cb.t. w~rc onely _s~u\~ans t!iufiot~s, \\herewith ~he-~ A v11to I~ m, ond h; is~,;,ig~o-;:-;;,~h-o\\ 1hc huI----- : mmds ?fV~Jtches \':ere po{kfi'c.J,and _not~1~1g mors 111 the bodic may be purrificJ:~. and wbat : \ cls; wlHch. t11~u~h they were cxrraor(hnanc\as corrupt hmnors will brccJc fuch &: fut"h dift'ai 1 rhc: re[~ ot thts ktnd ~re) yet they \\'Cnt not befes, and by wha.t me<Jnc~ the ~ire it fClfctm.y be I \ yond w: powc_~ ofnarmc. . infected: hereupon pre-paring his matter, 3nJ The lccond lort of_chc: dcmls \Venders, :m: \ applying c:lUfe to out'c, he praC\ilcd vpon the · I rfai~ wor~t, that !s, luch as :~re indccdc rh_at boJie .oflob,& filled him \\'ith gricuous forcs. . ) whtch tncy fcemc and appcarc t:0 bee. Thctc, Another example of Satans reall workcs is ho ....\{oc.·ucr tdmen dut kno"''' not the natures I this. By rcafon of his ortat power and s·kill I of thin~s, nor th.c leer et and hidden c3ui~s he is :1blc to appcarc in ~le forme and {hapc of thcr.cot, ·they tuay fccmc very flranr,c & adm1- ~ :1 m:1n,and rcfcm~lc any pcrfon or crc~mrc,and i nblc, yet they arc true miracles, bccau[c they th:.n not by dcludina rhc fenfes but by affu- , arc not aboue& beyond the power of nature. . 111ing to him(clfc a t~1c bodic.His power is not ! .!fit be here allcac!gcJ,that the deuils works \ fo large; as to create abodie, or bring againe a -:uc non~:1il and true a0ions, bcc:mle the holy ) 1 ~oulc mtO a bodie,yct by his dextcriticand ski! GhoH c::11lcth them l"'.], :-.. Thdf.2. m namrall caufcs he can \>Vorke wonderfully. 9-· r.anfwer, tb:JnhcyarccallcJ ~J·ingn•ondrrs, ' B For he is able, hauing gathered together fit not.l11 rcf[,eCt ofthe works thcml:lucs,for they matter, to ioyne member to member, and to . ~were wonders rrucly done and cfteacd;but in make a true bodic, eirhct after the ltkenctfc of -~.·eg~.rd ofthe dcuills ende and putp9fc in worman, or fomc other crc:nurc; and hauing fo .king them, whiCh is to lie vnto men, and by done, to cmer into h, to moouc and llirre it vp them to dccciuc. The truth of wh1eh point V•'il :~nd downc,:md therein vifibly and fentibly to appc~rc in the viewof Come particular cxiples. appcarc vmo m5.; which though it be a Grange . Firfl, \\'C rc·ad in the Hifloric of lob. that "'01 k,& befides the ordin11ry courfe of nature, Iob. 1• 16 " Satan broughtdownc fire from hcaucn, v·:hich yet it is nm fimply abouc the po\nt thereof. 'burnt vp lobs l11eepe and fcruants; and eaufed For-a third in{hncc. The dcuill is able to vtamighric winde to blow do ..vnc the houfc vp .. 1 tcr a voice in plaine wordS& ipccch, anfwcra-: verf.17. on his children_,qs thcywcre feafling,to <ldhoy j ble to mans vnder!landing in any langu2gc. them. Againc, he fmot the bod1c of lob\\ ith f Not that he can rake vpon himfelff, bc.~ing a b.Otchcs and b6yles!All thcfc v. ere uuc and refpirit,an immediate power to fpeakc or frame 2 all \\'orkcs, very flr2nge and ~utmirablc,anti yet j voycc gf nothing withem meanes, but'know... no mira~lcs,. bccau(c they exceeded not the . ing the n:nurall and proper caufcs and-n'1e~ncs ci:>mpaflc of·naturc. For firil, when hceca~ C bywhich.mcndoefpealec, byrhcmlieframcs downerhe fire'from hc:1ucn, he.did not cre:lt.c ' ...., in himfdfc the: voycc ofan,an,and plaincl)' vt• the fire ofnothing,·for rharis,a ~'·orke proper. ' ters the fame in a knowne language. In this to .God alonc,but applyed creature to cre:uure mannerheabufcd the tongue :md mouth ofthe and rherc0f produced ful'h.a matter as was'fit fr.rpcnt,.whcn in pl:line words he tempted Eue 1 to make fire of. If it be demanded, howhe is to eatC the forbiddcn.f,u.ic,. Now it iseobe re- -able to doC this? we muflrcmcmbcr, that bis, tbat ~whcn the deuill fpcakes in : lmowlcdgeiil oaturall caufCs is great, & there- \1 creature, it mufl be .futh_a <rcature, as hath 1forehcwa~~notignoram of themateri<lllcaufc \he infln1mcnts of fpf;tcll, or fuch ''~hereby 1 of:fi~te• .,.,.~ich bceing rhrouohl.y knowne and fpeach m1y b~ framed add vttcrcd, not othe.t- ! found,out ;1Snad. br.ought fire vnto ic, and fo \'-·i(e: ·!.'-'as ncucrihe:trd,th:Jt he fpa~ in a l .piltririg firc.to1.rhe mattc1' Qffi~:c, he .brought flockc oitJione, or at1Y created cmjty·,that it dewn b~liis:powcrQnd·agilitic frcimhcau~n~ not tbe meahcs:Jnd powchof \:ttcring a·v0kc, .:v.pcirithe cattcll and fcruams of lob~ Agllit1e; at fomc fort; it becinga wor~e-pcculiar j :thc :wiir<icr:vvlilch bl.ewe. d6..YVne thc , ho.ufr:, to the Creator, to giuC power of' ;Vtteraoce I u.vbcro.bis: forln~s :md d;uf;htcrs were .cari~~ where i.c·is n'ot b~ e~cation~' A'gainc,_ :-''h~n ·he 1 -:.rnddrmk1ng;was nor crea_ted by dv: dcml-1:, D fr.amethavoycema·crc::nurc.,hcdotbttnotby ' d)ut hc,knd.. wet the matter whc.reof ....wind6 l.1 giuing antimmcdiatc p.o\,·tr tci fpc:;ke, fQr ch2c i ~ate gc.ocratcd.naturally; added mattcrro-m:J.t. l he cannotdoe,:md the crcaulre-a:bufed-by him, , .ier,.and tlumcc came the ~·indc; '"'hcrc·untoJlk I -rcmain.cth )n thauegard', as it "''a! before. But iloynCirhin:lfclfc, bceing .a fpirir of a fwii( and j it bceiog n3tm::tlly-fir.ted an.d difp.ofcd.t0 V:ltt'r -fpccdfe ?aturcyra_nd. IOmakes .it f~r his.o~rlc I a voicc,-though not r~rfc..81¥ tO IJ?e~k a~ :l"m:m -puqmfc; the marcvwlcnt :md·foroble. Thud}- i he furthereth andh.Hpcli.\1 n:uure m·n, and ad... :ly., he fmotc ,Jobs bodie with.fQr~ boyles,from 1 dcth to the f!ltultie thci:e~f a. pr~fcnt, vfe of .the cr.own ofh'is head to the foaleof his foot e. wordJ,b\tordcx;ing an.d1rulmg thc1nflruments ~~ 1 -Now this may feemc !lraogc that hcedhould to his int~-ndc.dpu1pofes:And to condude this !I ' ·baue fuch po,\·cr oucr mon• b0dic, osw caufc point,. looRC\"h" flrange works :mcl wonders ;; -fuch difc:1fd to brccd.ilLit.. Thcrcf~H·e ~·t: arc maybctrncly effeCTed b.y.lhepower.oLn:Jture, ·,j ~fun-hc:r to vxrdcrfland; rhat. his knowiCd~c: ex- (dlogbithC¥'·brou'gbt top:tffc 1 Jcndcth ir.fcl.fc to the 'wholo:fr<lmc and difpofi- 1 I in the courf'e of.omt~r.e~·tl1.qf.cJtbe de.ui.l t}ln do.e, '} 1 tiohofmanS'bodie.,wherCby.i:r·cpmesto}Hlffe,, : at1d·.fofar.rri!,(t>rtha.s rhe .p(\wcr of-nqture \\'111 1 ! 1 1 ,rlrat.thc C:J.ures.ofall dircafcs '3rC vtc!l le; nowne . E~?;le t.a wonk' truewcnd~rs,~hou~!' ·~ '!________ _....,_,.....~~--~ - - -~-~~~