I reh. I. I I I ~ Vifcouifeof Witchcraft. i 6q _l i foi a f:1l fc :~.nd t'uilt end. : A ~ot ro rcioyce in this, th:Hw!tki:d fpirits \\ t~e ! I , Here ~ qud Hon ismooucdbyfomc,\"''hcrhc:r ~. l11bducd Vn~o r.hcn1;. but r:nhcr, bccaufc rhelr I the deuil can ehAge one crc:HurCinto ::mother, I 1 nl mcs werewtmcn th hcaucn, vcrf.: o; as a man or :1 wo111:1.11 into :1 bca!l? for fomr, ~ i l ndccd to he able- tb worken wonder; b. 3n 1 notwith(h nding tht doChine :1lrc:1die r:wghr, · C':.:cellcnt gift of God, ::~nJ t~'ly miniltcr matrcf I Iarc of opinion, rhat he can rurnc the bQdics of of rcioycing,v,·hcn it procccd~th frO God: but 1 VVirches in1oother crc:lrures, as hares, c:mcs, fccing the dcuilJ rccciucd this power by thC: I :t.nd ti1ch like. A 11{. The trani~nuntlon of the gift dT creation, bUr fpcciall ib}" lllllft not be j fubtbncc of one creature into :mother, as df a d1cr(in,bur r:tthcr in this,th:u "\"Care rhc adop:.. I man into a bcaft ofwhat kind foeuer,is 3WOlk ted ronnes ofGod,in V.·hichJribikdgc the de;. limply abouc the power of namre, and thereuill hath no ~arl: wilh vs. An ihcr~forc the Afore cannot be done by the ctcuill, or :my crc.1poHle, r. Cor. 1 j. makingacomparifonofthe l wrc,For it is the ptopct vvork ofgod alonc,as l gift soft he fpirir, as offpcaking diucrs tongus, I hauc ti id,ro crcate,to ch5.gejor :1bblifh naturc. of prophccying; a.nd wod.;ing miradcs, \\'ith It is obicCl:Cd, that fitch changes haue btcne louc : in the code, wifherh n.co to labour fot 1made.For Lots wife W3Stllrncd intd a pillar of the lrcHgifts, \\'hieh arc faith, hope, and loue,. 1fait, Get~. J 9· 26. An[. It is true, but that was B bccauiC by thcfc we are- n~ltlc parr:~kcrs of done by the mightic po"''Cr of God, nCithct , Chri(l, 1')11 whdm we ought to fct our hearts;& I can it be prooucd tlut anycreaturc,angc~Jor o. in whomwe :m! COtUJ:n5.dtd alwaics to rcioyce, ther was euer able to doe the like. 'I Pbil.4-4- .· But it is further faid,that kingNabuch:1dncz:- ScconQty, wcJearne frOmhence, hot to bezar was turned imo abe:1ft, and did care graflc I. lccuc or rrcc:iuc.a doCtrine now or at any time; with the bea!ls of the tidd, Dan.4. ;o. A nfrv. becouie it is confirmed by wonders. For the There is no fi1ch matter: his fubllancc W3S not dcrlill himfclfC is able to confirmc his crrours changed, fo as his bodicbecame the bodie ofa ::md Idolacrous fcruices by fl~?.ngeand ('Xtraor-' beall indced,but his conditions oncly were atdinaric figncs, bv \o\·hich vfi.1:tlly hcc Jaboureth tered by the iudgment of God vpon his mind, to auouch 8i verifie the groffcfi poinrs offalfcwhcrcbyhe was (o farre fOnh bercaucd of hu... hood in matter of religion. On the conrrariel mane fcnfc and vndcrtbnding. Againe, for his we mull not rcieCt or c;:o~nemne a doCtrinc,be... bchauiour and kind of lifc,hcc becamealtoge... caUfe 1t is not thus confirmed. This was amain thcr bruri!h for the time, and cxceptingoncly ... 11 fault in the Iewes, \'".'ho would not recciuc the· his outward forme and !hape,nopart ofhum::t"'- / word preached by Chri!l, vnlcffc hee lhc\..,ed niciccould appc::trc in him:but that he retained thc:.m a·figne from be:men. Indeed in the prin~.iJ"" hls humane bodie fiil,it is euident by his owne C ,. tiue 'Church it ple~f<d God to confirm< that words, verf. 3t. when he faith, And mine vndoCtrine which the Apofiles taughr, by great Jtrftattding w/14 rtftoredto mu; which arguerh fignes & miracles ; bm now that gift is ccafcd, plainly that the hand of God was vpon him in and the Church hath no wmam to expect any fomc kinde ofmadneffe and furie, and therefurther cuidcnce ofthe teligion it profcficth & fore that there was nota changc.ofhis bodie & enioyeth by arguments ofthat kind;yea rather fubflance, but afirangeand fearcfull alterauon it h>th caufcto fufpeeh doClrin taught for the in his minde and outward bchauionr. And wonders fakelwhcrliymen labour toauouch it, though liteh a mnlinutati6 fhould be granted, S <::1 T7 yctlt makes nothing forthe purpofe, confideec,-I • Y • Jing it was the worke ofGod oncly,.and not of The laH Glaufe in thedcfcnptioo, ls this; fo the deuill. And thus we fee what kind ofwonI f4r>eforth '" G•d<n w.j/;ce f•fferetb: wh1eh I Aog.,fi. ,1, ders the Dcuill can brin_g to p::~ffe.Thcmcdita.. addc, for t\NO c:~.ules. F1dl, to lhcw that God, T;ia.J 3,c.7, tion ofwhich point may te:~.ch vs two thing\:. for tufl caufes,pcrmlttcth the Arts of Mao 1 ckc Firll, that the working of \Nondcrsis not a and Wtuhcrafr, and the praCbfes therof.Now thing that will commend man vntoGod, for D tl11s hedoth 111 h1spromdcncc etrbcr for the tri... the dcuil himfelfe, :1 ,\•icked fa"~irit, can workc I all ofbis children,or for tbc p'umfhment of the thcm!and many fhall alledge this in tht day of wicked. I iudgcment,that they h2UC' by the name ofGod I Fnfi, therefore God rcrmiu thefe V. ickcd cafi out dcuilh, :md donemany great workes, :1:-ts rn the Church,toproouc \\:hcrher l11s ch1l- ~ to whome notwithfiandiug the lord will fay, <lr<n wtl flcadfafily bdecue 111 htm, & feck vnJneuerkgmeJO'I; departfrommecJU'R'ork.!r; of toh 1 s word,or cle::aucYmo..tpcdeuil,by fccking i11iquitie, Matth.7.22.. 2. 3. !t bchoou~th vs ra~ to hisWicked Jnf't:rumems.Th1s Mofes plaJncl; thcr to get vnto our fclucs the precious gifts fonVarncd the church ofGod,in his timc,Dcu. offaith, rcpcntancc:,:md the feareof God, yea J ~· v•.r . If tlur~ arifo amor.gyD;t aPrupbtt~ or 4 to go before others in a got~ly life and vpright dreamer of drtamcs, andgiu~ rhuaftgr.cot.· wonCGinuerf:aion, then to rxcclt in etfcEt.ing of dtr,v.:. andtbejigneandwondcrwhicb huiMtb firangc workcs. When the tCaucntic Difciplcs tofd tbu ,comt topa.lfo :fa.'!ing, LetvJgoe afiero... carne to our Sau~our Chrifl with ioy, and toldc tl1ergods, wiJiciJ thoHht>.ft uork,.norrr:t, and[erue him, that e,un tbe deu;{l! wtrt[11bduedvnto them ·thtrli,V.3.tbofl jb~tlr not h4rkgn to tbe 'if!ord 1 oftbtrt '1 thrDHgb his ~111me, Luk,1 0.17. he counfels them ProDhet, &c. 1 '-------------------- - - -'- --- - --- - - --Aga;,c-"'..;....,___