Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Ch.2. -----U Vifcourjeoj·iVrtchcrt~ft• ----·----·--~~;· / I co:mnina of"'Chrifi, dotb yet mdrc fully toti- - A ·confirn;~i~f the trl!th of his lr~guc ..,ri-tO ( _ __ . . firme rhC"'t:.\me . Fof they hnuc confd1:Cd <.,vith th'c:m. Yea. f11nbcr, ~s God in his coutn:~m·,r.t'- : 1 one conl~nt 1 tl'llt thC very ground-'.-.:ork of:1ll ~;;luircs tlith of Vs tO the bcJ<:ctJihg of hi~pJ:bthcir 11ra~T.i!"es in this wick'cd JrtjiS their lC:Jglic l mifcs: fo the dculll in his cbmp·.ll!l, rC<Jilirt:S \\'ith the dcu!!!. And hcr'ltc it :tppearcth, how f:tith ofhis vafl"alls, tb pltN-heir~ffi:lr et· itd'li;lJ~ ~ ' and whcrurdnu Js,rhat Sort:cit:rs -:!nd•\Vnclies 1 ' ~nthclj• On him fo·r the' dbitig' bfi\.\·h~~locuN l1e i : c:~n b11ng to p:1fi"e !hanpl! thing.~ by1~e JH:1pc b:ndcs him!Cife eo d'oc. L:.tHly)~ds Co<lhtarh ofSatan, \\htlh other men orclmar!ly c:mot dei / . th'etri that ea!~ vpon hlm according to I· is ,,·ill :' Jl:lnJc!y) becauie they h:tuCcntn·d a league \\lth I fo is Sa.tan rcatllc ,3t bt:d '"po. n rhCpremH.fd; J hm1, whertby bt h:ah b6unii 1 hto1fdfe td tHem; t'l~<kauouring (d the vcrrton ·ot'~iS po\·\ cr~\-..1\C j for the ctfcthn~ df r:1rc and ·c~rraOr0t11::1fiC :-6tid peniiits llim)ro bring t'o p'jtre \\ hadOenl'r . "'orkcs, ,.,j) 1 ch not IOyncd 'dih lhm 1h 1 'he hath promift"d, t\nd [o muth of the le:JgUC l chc like tonfcderaCie,att ndt :tble cithi:t·'by His . th j(cr1crall. . ·'· ~~ ' j hclpe, or anypower or po_llicic ofthe~r.d\V~ tb I l? 1-.-~orc pdrric!~brl~ J thel~ngu.~ hcn.H'CII' t~.l: ; bring eo pafle. Hereuponlt w:ts,thac\hc wacb ! Delllll and a\Vnch,1s nvofo_l_d :c:11her cxpvdlc-U 1 of EndOr'fuewcd Vmo S~ill tbe"app·::atanc.e of B indopen, or fe:ret and doH:. . · I s,l11Ucl,whichneirhcrSaulhimfClfC',noranyin I The nprdle and manifdl tothp:!tl- is ru all his cotut coUlddoe.Thcr~ was nO gri:at'i.'er- , t~::tnncd, bLcai.ifc it i!i rhatlc bY folcmnc ... ,._brd~ ! t\IC in tht marter or frame ofher wdrds, for l11e , 0:11 1 bOth p:wrics. And it is nor fb CxprefrcJy IC.t i wasignorat:~t and had no lc:rning. By powcf ~ "'!ch•inc in Scr~prili"cS;as_ iri rht ~vrirings ofleatl l ' the could not effeCt ,ir,beeiug a \vcakc woman; , ned men, wh1ch liauc rccbr~ci:J the confclfJ_on~ J neither ~V~s it like that 01ct: had more tn?nh~g : d~·\Vi"rcbc,,~nd they ~xprdl: it in 1his lildJ~ncr. l andpolhcic then any of the learned Iewes 111 1 Fltlt, the VVIrch for Ius parr, asa Oaue ot t-he 1 thofeumes had for fuch plirpo~cs. T1_te lnaine r· . d7uill' bind~snl.)illltClfe VlltO him by folrnlrle 1,; re::~Jon was het lcagttc w~th Sach~n, by +owe and pro:mfc tb renounce the m:e Cod, ~crtuc whet:of~e comm:mtJ~,I hith_ to',2ppcar , ~i~liol}' w6;d~ th_e cb~H~h:lnt he ~n:1dc in ~ap! j 1n the Hkcndfco!SamUcl; whiCh ncuher Saul, ttlme, and hts redcmpoon by ChnH; and V·!tth- 1 nor any ofhis compante could do; by'vcrtucof l all to befccuc iil thCD~uill,to eXpet) & re'cc'i.l"\e 1 fuch coq:~ant, ,..,·biclr th~y~had not 01adc~ . I aide and _lirlp~ fro~n him, a1:d ar t!_Jc ende of llis j The c1~de why the DemU fecke~h to m.ake :7 . life, to glUe h1~n ~lthcr liod~c ,nr ~ou!C>or ~oth: 1 league .wnh men, may be this; It Js a potnt of ; and for the raufy,ng hcreof,hc grurs to thC'dt~ hisp.dllicic,Rot to~cc rbdic at cuery ma:~~ c6- G ~~ill fOr ~h~ rrc~ent 'cit_her his·OV\'nC' hiM! \\~~jfJ maun.d_tddo~ for h1m what be woUld, except 1 . tmg-, or fonie part of his a pledge and he be'fi.1r'eo"fh~s reward; ani:! no·othertlicanes earnefl pcimie to bind th~ bargainc. The dC'uill wil fcru1 ehis tutne for takinga{futancC hereof; oh the otherfide, tOt his part p1Citr1ifcth to bee' bucthis cOuenant• .Andwhy fo? that hereby lH! ti:adieat his·vaifals co~!"il2!1d' , tOappeare af a· may tef'Htic bothhis hatredofGod;andhis ma~ try time in the l'ikCries of any !=tClturc-, to conl lice ag3irt!t man.For fince the thrit that he:\\·~' fult "''ith him , td aiGC ~rid helpc: him in any ) ca(ldow\t~ from hcaucn,'he hath hated God Ill. thiilg loc lllall take io hand;fer the procuring of! hi,ski\.,gdome,aild great!}' maligned" the happy pkafurea , honour ; wealth,' Or prctCrmcnt, td dHtte 1 of1i1an, cfr.c:cially linCdthe c.qu,enant of goc for him·.,.(Ch:anie hirh whether he wil --; jiri 1 gr~C'e' madFwlth ofu r~:ilparents·ftl Pai"adife. tlword, to doe (or hi1i1, wllltiOeun hcc ' f.luH Foi he thOught to hab'\:orought vpori themb~;· Many fuflicicm tdlimonks nii~ht thcifTall, 'etero:tll3t1d finall confufion;but per~... be allcadged t? r the proofc hereof, bm it i{la J ceiu~ng ihe comrariCby Vcorrile ofthc·coucnant m3nifdt iff daily expcriencc,that it c3'nnot weU ) of gra~e, then manifeHed j and fceing man by I be A:<i\l~d imo qu:Hion, 1 :. ! I jctobein~bettcrapdfurcrelb:tcthenbeforcj . Buc·yer.'i'f,it kcme !lratige \'nto :~ily, that ~ he much more n1ali"gned his dhte, ant.J·Oearts iD there fhotild IJ-c'fiich pcr-fons•in the worid, chat I "( j the r3t\ker HatredvntoGod for chat hisrricrcic fll_akc fi,chfe-?tcfull tout>ti.:tF!ts ~·itb the~dC'uHI; l. I b~Hmr~o1 cd _vpon fii11~. · . . . < .!et thc:mconfidct1b(n th~·s 'Ont:~hirig ,'!tJ1cti(\\'il Now1that hcc ll'ught !hewe forth h1s hatred put them otft ~fdonbr. ·"; - 1 · 1 and malice) he r3kes'vpon him eo imitate God, The n:ihl'te-1>f:tll!ll"l is"ext<ttfding impati"tnl'in I & to t;ountcrfcit his dealings wit\1 his Church. doffC"s',· a't1lt'o~(~v:n'd affliClin'~s: ore fo·tedfous As GOd t)1crefore hath made a coucnant \o\·ith v·,{tomorr3Iii~ii.,'des";and1lircffc the inwlihfi1ch } hfs peoite, fo Satan ioynes ht league ;_,., the anrca!Ure ofgrrct'c;th:u ro;n-e ~otrld be corneil· ! i,. world', hfiouring tohind fon~c mtil vnco him, red wil'h-Q!hheil· hearu to be out ofthc'\"Vbrid.> ' that fo, ifit were pofTiblc, he might drawt hcrli ifthcrcby r-nigln b'e re1ca(cd eitrcl from the coucn:nt of God , ~nd difgracc thC mltic;~nd!rt,·ctrport the}' enre i1or wll:a mrA·nes ;i•l fame. Againc,as God hath his word and Sacr:ttliefvfc.U;1 \<tl'l~t' Conditions they vn<krpke ro meuts, ll)c J".:al_es 9f·b~" ~ouen::tl\t vnto beler=- C:tfc ~n(~lltz:,!t~tHcll\~(~ucs:'·Thc deuitl find iJlg 1 uc'rs ; f'o the dculll h:~th his 'v\·ords :md ccn :11nc 111cn m ti\crelr~r<pk~mes?•s-'tCadic r6 take Jil"s :j omw:~.rd t1gnes to ratilic the (ame eo his inllru- :idu:m~:tgc~:md'thcrcfore pCri:ciuing then~ nOw mcms, as n:unciy) his figurr.s, chor:~.Cl:crs , gefittl!d for f.li_~1)_d"rpofc r.o \-\'ork·vpon; hc--inf)hu- ' / 1 !!!~~s, and other S:nanioll ceremonies, (oi the __' atcs ~nd~o~~rS~:..0~~~Il:e to prOcure •ttltlh ·~_ar~ J l ~~ --.i.. --- -- ---~-'-~--'-----·-. _-,.---,---~-~ .... ~.!.!_~~:.!_ ------~~~~-L ·---=-~- I