.. 1·6!6 . '_ _ _ I :tdl ·'Diji:ourfe ofWi~chcrafi. ' ' . -----~----···-----. I Gh, 2. :Jnd licljucr~lll~C:, jfthcy \'.•ill vfc fuch means, as .A .1 he J11all prc(cribc fOr rh:u JlUrpo(e: :md to a 1~:1.· I tnr,all,nl,an thcrc_ts no grc::~~q JO<Xlll then this tO I m~c ,himio~)'IIJ..C fodctic·wich t.hedcuiil. Hce I ,-t.l~a~cfOrc:, '"'itho.ut any,Curcbe~~oubting or de– lihcranqn, c.ondc:fccJ)dcs to ~at~n,fo as he may I -b~ .o~fcd and rp~e<lut:'"d m rhck mifcrics. , Aglin,,Ncnrc to contldcr,~\lat inthcfc.v<~fcs 1 the dct~~li g<mcth the greater ~gld of1i1an, and 1P.Poucs })im. t0.ycicldvnro:J1i.s lilggdlions the rathn, bccaufc that Y\·hich he. prom:Ccth to do (or him is prdent :md at his cvmmaund, aQd therefore (crtainc;'A hercas the thing to be pcr– Jormed on the bebalfc of the par:tic hirnfelt<.-.as · th~.giuingof bpdieond foutc, &c. iS to .corq_c fundric ycarcs aft_er, ':md therefore in rcg.qrd Q.f thc:panic.ular tir!l,<;, vncenain.Nov\' the natural · B n1~n llOt rcgarQing hisfuture ·a9d fi n:1ll cHace , .l)rcfcJes the prcfcnt commodi_qe befOre th; Joffe an9 pnn.ifhmem that~~ t~GOBlC 3: farrc of, and thcrby i~ p.§tfi..v;ldcci w yecJ~ himfc!fc vnto Satan.At)dJ>:£ thefc ~ Gtch lil(c antcccdcmts ar'q inanyJ,P.ro.u,ghf ·~9 n}akc op~n league with the dc:U1ll. .. 1 1· ·, f ~ , The fccrct and 1 clofc. lcag!l{: betw~Ci!Cft.}.le Witch and Sat~l.l1 is rh:u, whcr~ill they murually giuc con!<:'1lt.~cac_h to other, bmyer '"' ithO,ut a, (wom couenant conceiued ,in .nprdfe tvoqis and confe.rencc:. Of this.thcrc hc_y.\'o degree:-;. Fidl,whcn :1 man vftth t"upe_rtlitiou§ formes. of pr~yer, wherein·bee cxpre!l'ciy,:Jcquircth the hc.Jpcofthedeuill, without an§ mcntio" offo– lctpnc words or, cgu~nam· going .before. That 1 C this i~ ~ kindc of com..paCt: it is P.!~inc, bccaufe I herein there i~ i! mmuall vnd~r-hand confcJ1t') , b~twecne the panic and thcd~uill, though ~~ I he nptmanifrH. ·f9r whcp_am:Hl is comem to ~ff fupcrtlitiouS: formes t;>finvoc:uion,for help i~ time of neede;by the very vfing ofthcm,his heart confcme~h ro Sachan,and Q~_yo.:ould t:;lad.. ly hauc the thing cffetlcd. VVben therefore the d)ui_ll bath notic.·c ofthem,aHd.int,icauoureth to effeCt the thing prayed for , thetin ~lfo he giues cOfem;fo as though thC'rc be no cxpreffe words j ofc6pat\: oucv.•:,trd!y f1·amed on .both pqrts, yet I the concurrence of :t muruall confcnt for the bringing to pa{fc ofthe lame things,makcs the <:ou~nam amhemic·all. For .:H.:cotd·ing to the re. 1ctiuc}!l rules ofCCJllityand reafo~; muwall con.... D fc.nt ofpanic with partic, i~ (ufficicm to make ab:trgain, thollgh there be no fol~mn courfc or forrFlc ofwords to monifc£1 the fame ro others. The fecond degree is, when a:;.~nan vfcth [~;~ ... pernitious mcanes to bring 3ny thing to paCfc, which in his ownc knowledge, hauc no fucb I ucrtuQ in thcmfelucs to effeCl it, WithoUJ the c... /' I lpecia,ll operationof rhc dcuill. · 1 : • l SupQrO.itious m callCS I call all t.hofc. ~wh~ctl r neither by orde{ofcrcarion,nor byrhc 1pcc.·all t appoinrmcn{ an~! blcfling of God fince, hauc a'ny v,er~uc m thc-q1, ('?bring to-pq(fe.rhar tl.Jing for ·which thc:y arc vfcd .For example; Achann,, c,onfi(hng offct words and fyi::~bcs,both ru}ic, barb3TO\J(,, :Jnd vnkno''''1C, vfcd f9r ~he curing ff d'' . -----i-- 0 ?.ru,~ ilea, le p r: p~inc ., is n. filpcrtlit_lOt!~! _ mc:me~, bccanfe,u h~~J1 no vcrutcmic [cite to j cure.• Clther b~ tb.c g\ff.~(~od:~~ ~bstcn::nion,, I or ~ypny ,fpec1al_appo~;ntJ~)Cllt a_fccrward in!us word O'f9thcrw1fc. And thcrdqr.c~ when this I mc:t}le-is. v!Cd by,1~;1n, V,. 1 hich he kiH}wetl~ h.a:h no fi1 sh venue Hltt, for the dE:C1mg of t!)3t worke for \\·hich it was v(cd, there is afccrct .lcag'-!c rp:~de with theDcui!l. ~S:b'l~rc I adde tbis claufc, j,(,y o;~f,e~ncw. iedge_,to put·adifference bctwcc:ne m~p, which .-fefup.cdlitious mca\l;CS, to bnng fomc things to pail~: For fo!nc th,..cr~ be- whi,c!l when they vfc them 1 know they :JrC.llJCCrcly lupcdlitious, yea ""'c~kc and impOft.l~t-, hauing no v,cnue in thtJ}}fcl~c~ for the purpofe wherctd thcy are vii:d; ,as .the repc::ning~ of ccrt::!ine formes of words ; ~he vfing of !ignes, characters , and fi. gutcs., ...~hieh mcff~Clarc mccrc Charmc:s , ~o whit cffcC,!uall in thcmfducs, but fo tarrcforth as thc:y.f<;r.Rcfor w~~c~hwordsvnto Sl~~~,with. out wbof,e aide nothing .1s done bY .r.hem., A plainc argun.cm that the vfcr hereof h:~th inhis he:ucfcc l·etly indcnt~c{twith Satan, fof t'hc ac. complilbmrmof his imcndcd WQrkcs. A fc– cond {on ~'?ere is~~' ~·ich' v(c~h them for fome fpcd:ill endc, bed1)g pcrfv.ad<:d tbat 1 th re is venue in c-he mcJns th§fclucs rObr'ing ihc.tl;ing to palf~l& yet not kno~"'}ng that cithcr1 th~y be fupcdHdous,ot haue the}r,cfficacy by t9e,pow– cr and w~rke of the d,c)Jill. Sucb pctfons (1aue ma.de as yet 110 Jcague W~th S~~an, but}h~y arc in the higl! w,ay thcre.uu,t'?.. Af!d tl)js. cnvrlc ,i~ a fir prcp:uaqon t.o ca~tfc= thpn tp ~oy;1c 'Nitl! him incoucn;uu. I 01cw ir b~ ~1 CX;~f11~l~,1 ~ m,an is f"!leq ln~9,19me t:xti'CmJtic, 3?d fln~s)ljmfcl~e bewitl·hcd ; his painHi~rSrea~, andh~cdefircs with all his heart ro b~~!fYt,et~,an~ df\{4$rc,d! Heroup,on!Jc{cnde~>'{%the fuipo,C!J;~..)Mitc\>, becing c~ree, he o{.f;er~1 t~ fcr~t~h him_ Of.J.le.r; thinki~tgtby this meancs to b,ec curecho}.ths Witcl],rafr_., His J<1fllP je,np.pth5~ >.fl>S".,t thong pcr[wafion,rhtqt~,mi; tjn~fi!Y rYf5tl'f iq his fcratching to cure,him, and Oif~oufr th~ Witch ,}\9.~ on_ce JufpsC}ing_thaFn~hgrhc!p~ commeth by th~,powel_gfr,l>o DcujV 1 ~~! fto"1 ! the actiof! it.fdfe.. Tlu~s\?ing, he'fllaY. 9.5 )>oat led : but ~h~ truth is, l~c. Cw,nct41aiJ.,dJw:akc~ Gods commanndement. F.qr t9c vfi,:~o£.th~fe mc:mcs is plaincVVitchcrafr, :t'S aften;v;,n~ .Y.'CS {hall r~e . .f\nd .vct for al) this, thcp'ar~ie cannot be fa id iq pre1~nt to haij~ ~made a leag_u.~ ,11.~'.ith Sasan,b<c~\lf< )1o thoujlht,\h.>tthough,ho y,eil. dcd ro the vfc of fupcdlilious rncanes;Jw .P~s ! curin.g,yct ~l~rc h~~ bc5n. in ~he .fa~.d. •. ~~~~q a venue of hcahng, Without any h~lpcJrr '{")~rk~ 9fthe dfuil1•.1· , .;, ,. · ,. -,. ol,, . f ,~~·the~~Je;if,:f,J;;ch;~~fi~ , I 1 twdfidf of DiP.inution. 1 Witchcr:lfl i~ oftwo fOn·~; Diuining,orWor– kJ.;'g~ fior :.he who! nature of this ~~5..:.~~li!fl;cth I . · either l