~u.Al•:~t· A 'DijCgurfe o(Witchcraf~. , - - ·l--6~7· either in matter of Diu~.nation and conicClure, 1 A the Angels words vntoDflnic!, framed out Pf 1 --~ 6r in tn:lHCr of praCl:ifc. And in both rhcfc it is I tl~sm a true and direCl an~\v~,r,1wh~rcas l;t \~~§ to be rcmembrcd,th~t n~thing:can be effeCted, nopbic ofhimfclfc to dehnc ccrtamlyof.thc,.c.,. vnlcffc rh<: p:utic haue l'J1adc a league_ '':!r,h rhc uen.t of ~hmg:; to c;cme in p:ln.~cular. . ,, Dc:uill, cxprdfc or fccrcr,_or :tt rh~ lea,(l; a prc~ T_hc iccond !~.~~;tn~s,,c_~Ylf.hc Dcu.'.!l JS par:ltion thereunto, by :i falfc and ~r.. ~oncous furn101cd for r.h1s purpofc,ts_h1s ov;n o:.q~ll~~t~ opinion of~hc me:m~s. . kno ....,·lcclgc ot alhlaturall thlll;;s; ps ofd-l<:._tns cz l .(~.,, flu~nccs ofthc·Harrcs,the con1\tn~rions ?f~I'jCJl) e._u • • ?ll~ ..othcr crc..qfurC,s,.r'r.<: kltld:o~ vcrwes, an(b9; Diuin:ni~n is a part of ~lirchcrafr,whc~cby B}~ati~tis ofpl<\n~s,!r_C?,otcs,ilcar~~~.floJ\cs1 ~Fr men rcuealc ftr.ange ~j1·ing,s,cltherpall~p,rei,ent; :wl}ir.l.l kilO\\'ledge or his, goc-rh many. dcgr,c:~,~ or to comc,by the a!Tifl:ar~cc ofthe I?cl~il.._' . beyond the ~kill of all men, yea_ey.en of rho in If it be here dcm1nd~.d. J}ow th~ ~~uil beetl,1,at are motlrc}ccllcnc in th}s ~ind,,as Philolf?: ing a creature, lhould be a~le to ttJ~pifc}t..and pl;c~rs, and Pl~yll_ciai}S• Nomar!!site tbcrc(o; bring to'.l!ght things r.aet, foretell ~hlngs though out of hi,scxpct·ien<.:c in ch~fc an.dfy~fl to come: l>nfwcr, firf[,gcnenlly,th>t,Sa~ao m B !ikc, he is abl~.afq,c;l,and to giuc a likelyg_<~A this pankular \oVork, u;~psformes himfcl~r: into I at. the it'fucs and ~.HC}]~softh:i~g:1·t. ~~J1ich aFJG<9 an A'ngdl of light, and takes vpon,bin?Jh~ ex~ ·hir'9 fo manift.~fily :tpparcnt in their ca~fc~1 d -! 0 erci!C ofthcfe things in an a:nbitious ('i4pugh .. A third he!pc and f~rthcr~n~c.Jn this poinFd falfe) imit:Jtionof diuill~ rc;uclations a~d prej is lns prcfencc i1J th~ m~(t p!as~~;t~r fame dt."i di61:tons made and vlcd bv God in.the times of . ~ill~ are prcfem ~t.all aifembli~s and ~.cctings,;, thcPro;hctsand AP.o~lis: And thu; he.~oth ~n.d,thercby arc,a,cquaimcd wjfh the corifu!,rf!,~ (as much as in him lieth) t<? obfcur~ ti1e gl<?rie tions :1nd·ces both ofl?rinccs and pcq of God, and to make hi0n)e!(c great in t\'e ,o- ·pl.c;w' knowing the drift.~ljd'purpofq?.f pinion of ignorant aqd y~bclccui~g pcr.fons. mqJ~ miqdes,;·"Y:hc:n the p1anifc;!l74 1 iJ~ Again, thogh Sub.n be b~t a creatur.C.,}IC~£hctc , ,the~1·, fpcachcs ap4,delib~r~r.ioJ1~,they ax:~ ~.b~ be fundry waycs whc1 ebr, he]Sable to4n!'nc. ·~~t~er to forctcllln,any.things, whi~li r1u:n.orP'J;. F1rfl, by the Scnpturcs:of the Old and ~cw :nad'ly cannot d;oe., Apd h~nce it is appar.a~1h Tefhuncnt, whc~cm ar_c fc:t tdpwnefund~}{p,ro- .how ~itchc.~n3'1Y ~riow ..,,,~at is.d~ne i~1 otJ~~f phccics conccrnmg thtngs to come. In.~h~,OI,d C . ,roumnes, and whether on<: _naq.c:m mtenfl~ Tc(lamem arc n:corded many p~oph_ecic;.s con. . ' y,.;:jrrcagainll another, namely, by: Satans ~l.!g: cerning the llate ofQods ch~rch, fron~ ~,he firll gefiion, who,was 'prefentat .tl~~· cwlulrati.O\l_, age ofthe world, tiJI!hf q>mm!ng of1 C~riH. _al} knew it; ~qdnuc'aledjt y~1~o1 ;h~1n, -~~t In the ncwTelbmc:nt likc;:wifc·arc r~cq,rdc;d·o- .how·then con~~s it.t~ palrr,t~a~ ~hficonilJIF1\~j th~rs, toyching the fclfe fame thit~g/~? th~ pO... (on~·~nd aelion_~9(Qods~~l~7h_~9 childt:~.P ; ming9f ~~rift in the: !~tter daycs, to,;he.£nde _arc ~l~'>t difclp!c ... 4;~o ,;h~i~ cm .. ~c~? cuen py ~~p: , of the world .. Now the a~uill bc:~ing acquainrvhfpcakeablc.mCf~i~ and go_q~~~Q;~ of P9-i, 1 tcd with the hif\orie of the Bibl~, anp ~>uing "''ho though f9.1 fpe.ciall eauifs fonlc,times~h'iFi attained vmoa greater ligi~t of kpo\y.~cdg~ in .(uff.c.n Sapn by this meapes to·bri_ng ~bing~,JP.l the: prophecies therein ~Ot1taincd, then any lightfyet he h~rh ~cfipi'nc:.d thjs h~s:~be~dQ{and1 · man bath; byHealingd.iuinations out ofthem, , v11co hi~ ?wpc.. v,itl,.X£ -~~ hs~;~BSf he is_abl_e to tell of many !lr>nge th,ings;;thar ,\li•~9Ut of Cuc~.IJl.CCtmgs,_~r. CO)J1Pd~:him!Pj may m umc ~all out 1n the world,& an[wer~bLy :~c~n£cale; ""\~Cr~as ortJ:cryv.J~ ht$~ maftcc;},s/p may lhe"i them er< thf¥ cqme to paftc. .grc~~;that not a. \)'~td coulqhc fRq~.~n, buf,.jt For example; Al•x•nder the. great b'forc filqu!d becaqi,c~ ,abroad_'" t.Jl'OJmr.t; & ~ilb~~ het: made warrc with I!Jaruu Kmgio.f 1 Pfrft.t, ban~e both of F!wrd.lesand. c~m~?1~~-~·£~lJ~.· conlultcd with the Oracle, th~t 1s,,,with the , The fourth .rv.l<ltY,, is by :purtit~~l~PilEfJ~~ DeuiO, touching the c~~p' aqd iffu'c: 'ofhi~ Cl!- 1 D fr ~n~ndcs "~ickcd l)~r.Pofes an~~?:Y~lfrrs'/d! a. 4S~ terprife.,The Oracle aniwqed him thus; .~!~- 1 ·. the ~cagu~ OI)f,C.m:;~c.hc: l"abou~eJ8:"~itll ~q~ xa"d"'{hAll ht a Conquero11r; vpon the P.ced•chby fi•ggcfl,ops,& wl;lCrc G,~4 g.pc~h\m l~l~f>, on of the Oradc,Aiexander wagcs·r,·an~ With he neucr ccafF.~·P5-~[I.;\~adiog,til h.~ bathbr~ug}]~ DariuJ,and inuadcs -4Jia, and hauiQgp;>yquc- ~his cntcrprizc tg~ paff~·: ·~iui.I?~~~CrC'fore..ftrJ~ red him, tranflarcd the Empire fr01p P!:rM,l to brou.ght intQ t}~! ofm:tt~, ~t;', Grcecc,3ccordiug 35 the Oracle had fajd.Now ~oc (qrne cuiH:,, bc;c,g_a.cs,a!Jd.rsvs'!\c.s)t.t<?J}~~ if qucfli_on_bc made, how the deui!l<!<ncw the Witch, and by./or9e.o(pcrJi'ciJioQ ;v.p_6n_~l\e cuent of rlns warrc, and confcq.ucntly .made It I panic temptc.d,P,ec·thc:~Cl~~n itltez;t4~rl~ knownc to .Alexander? T.h~ anfwer ts~ by the ,tf>!t.l?C time (ot.S:·Fo~d~ and.(ofit~~f.y;-AciJJdc:s0~j helpe of a· prophccic it~ the _Oldc~ Tdhlm:nc; Wj~f}l his O\P~.S H1fiq.ll?Jcnt, f.or~:,elli~g. ~Rr: for this thing was particula~ly fer down bcrol'c , 'thin_g,;but ,w~at. ~~~mf~lle ~1atq .cp:~pa{fed ~fid; handbytheProphctDanid,Dan.Jt.3.whcrc I fcta1>out. 1 , ·, •. ~·~ ~ · ·: { ~ he: faith; T~at amighti~ Kittgjhall jlan4,vp',and :, ' Tl;c'fift h~I.Pe:j.S~!1e ~~ili~.~£~f?~tanr,na'l~s~~ all. rulo wah grca~ .dominion, .'tnd d~eaCfO?:~i'!)!. l .. ~hereby he ts,~bJ.SfE~~i.hly~ )Q·~Sl\~~Y.~\~~d[c! to hu p!c:ififr~, & t~1s was Al~>:~~mdert1\~\gr~at. .,fcon1 p.lacc, c,o,Jp!a-c~,;.y;a ~o .ps[J ~h(ougiMllci\ Satan therefore kno\·dng the tccret meaping of 1 "\'~lol.~.-:"-'?rld in.a.~gr~.t4llc.f\)~·.goa h:1ihm"-gci ---'-----,-=-~:-:::-:c:--:-----,-,-:---------.:.M m_:_"-' -~·.... him: