I I i Ch. j· / rv1 Vifcourje o/ ;f'itchcra/1. . ~~~ . - -- / offo.V.·Jcs, t:lkcs vpon him to foretell good or !Afk,:'Jrd f~:1ke n?t as h~~~;~hr:·b: bh pi1r-: , b::~d (ucceffc. ! pok '' :lS 10 thole V._?Hh,to (Oncrd the loH)\\'- 1 I § 2. Thefccondkindof creatures vfcd for / ledge of Jolcphhismaftcrfrom hisb,cthrcn ; diuin_:nio.n, arc the int'l'alls of b~afts; of y\·hich ~- that thcrc~y tl~cy might not dJ!cC1ne 'f' h~ l1cC ntclltlon ts m:a!e, Ezn:h.z 1.21. where 't'JabuV\'as,bm t~u\c hun eo be an Et,ypti:lll. Th11 dlr: I Ich~dncz1.ar bcC'ing to m~kc wa1 re both_ wi:h I tlu: word~ m:!y not vnfitly adn:lr 1 his intCJ prc~ I , the !ewes aiHl the A:mmonttcs,and doulH~ng 111 tauon, as 1f the flcw-ard had f:!ld, Kno..,,· ye not , . the way which cntcrprife tt> vnd.cnakc firtl; he that tbis cnppC \\·hirh I find in the f.1cks mouth Ioffers afacrilicc to the Idol-gods;and opening ofybur yongcft brother, is thac whereby my ; the bel lie of rhc f3crificc, looks vpoo the liuCr, lll3{h:r wi!l cafi~y proouc '-"bat m:1nncr of nl~li I :10d by rhe fignes rhcrein found, hcc iudg~th you arc?thi·J_ an f..\ er is aifo 01unc:cut, 01ocl m:y what fhould be rhe iffucof the \Y:trrc. Whtch well be rcccmcd. 1rhin" N1buchadncz1.ar did according tO the v1t is fi1nhcr obicCled,thar onr SauiomChrirt / fi.tallj,raCHfe of the Ht'athcn, '\·\·hb '"'hen the¥ by his fpCc-ch_ v_m_o thr- Phari(cs 1(.-cmcth to apI were ro m:~kc warre ,ot to attempt any ~nfi.ncs proouc~ ~fDnuumgby cre:atures, as by winds; Iofimportar.cc, were wont tc after f:1criticc to B and by clouds; wlunycu(r~ac!uxd ( fairh hcc) J their gods, and to pric into rhc intr3lls of the rifing~m oftluWtj/ Jlr"ighr »>~'!} )'ott{:q,nfotHn·e !bca{l f.1crificed:fot c.xample,thcheart,flo,nakc, commeth, andfo it is:andwhenyuu[a the .yomh.t. fplenc,kidnics, bu~ cfpecially thdiucr; and by wiJ1d b!orr>,ye faJ that it wzU be hoare,.-wdtt comCCI'tain figncs :tppearit1g in tbofC r·arts; the demeth ropajfo, Luk. I 2·5'1-·55. uill \.VtS WOnt tO, rr:ucalc vnto them; wh-at An f. There be fpme kindcs or prcJiClions l11ould be the fuccdfc of their aftai<eSthey had that arc and may be lawfully vfcd,bc"u!C they in hand. It were r:afic..to eXemplifie both thctC: ;~.re naturall, bf which forr arc rhofc dJ:tt :arC forts·of Diuin:ltidn by ftmdric-..p.ar.ticubr:s out m:tdc by Phyliti:ms, Marii)CrS' an~1 husb:md-_ of Hcarhc:n wrirc~s, but fccing the S. cript_ure mCn,_couchin~ the p.anicuJ:.u ahcrariOos and 1· hath qtanifefied that there a_rc fuc,h·,and c;-xpcrldifpofitions ·of thC Y\'catber; a.n<hhcfc bccing en(c fhcvVs the famc,I will tmbea[ that Ia:bour, 3g.rcablc to thar order ·Which God bath fer in aud prod:ed.e. 1: ·l ,,... . !]3ture- frorn the beginning; by tb~tn a man But here it is dem5.ded,why both trhcf.c kind9 m<\yprobably gather the {hte of the y-Jeathcr, ofDiuinadordhould be condi!.ncdin fcripturct ,~h_.crbcr it "'''ill bee faire.er foule; ~nd of thefe conli.dcring they had grcatapplaufc,aroo.ng the nat'Urall fignesour SauioUr Chntr fpeakcth;llOt heathen? I anfwer, Occaufe the flying_ofD1rdsl J o( diab(\licaV ., whiCh hauc no warrant, either & the difpo·lition of thCjnward p<\rfi.of.,crpa- C, ftom the cotnrhon rourfeofnature created, or tures,ar no true figns eitherofgood Or ba·~ fuc.. by ilny'fpcciall ap.pointm~ntfromGod. So that ceffe. For that which is auuc figne Of a fUture wbcufo~ue,r .,~;an befaid in tbcir dcfencc,this yet eucm;mufl h:me thevenueandpow.cr•..,yhcr~y remajncth certaine, th:tt thc~fly,ing·3qd (10ifc of it ftgnifieth,from Go.d himfdfe, either.hy..-rea• birds, and the Hate ofd1e intrails 9f bcafls, are tion inthe be§iLlnitig, or byhis 'fpccialh or~i.: 001truc fignes ordainedby God, bu·t inuemetl nancc & appointment 3ftcrward. NoW i~Jdi~l.9l by tbe dCuillah9 bis:.il)llrun\tmts, and thcrfore be 01cwe.d, tliat God in the creation infuffd}·jall~i1iin-acioo by them is iufHy ,eondennicd ,.as. ny{uchrverttte intp: the natures andm.otion$ .~vi,~k.cd ~nd dcu.Ulilli•.) '.../ _ . - · ofrhelc,creaturcs;;" liereby they mi"ght fign~fie -f(Whtn (e jt apfl~3tcih, y.·h:1t iudgcment ma,y fuch thihgs; ncithcris.tllC.Lc any appar.a1n tdH,. hagiucnofth.Ofe common fi.gnes of Diuin:n_i... monie in the \Vhole haok't of thCJ5ciJipturcs:, on, which arc ol;>.fe.l!ued.in t.}HQworld, fpcdally.-· whcrby it may be prooued, that:finet tbc...c•rC::lt oJ~hc;,mor.c jgnoratl't;fO~r. Itor~J·~ampki Afri:nl tion, they were appointed by God ; til.fcrue fitU\,!,a p~ccoof,yrqn .1 he prcfcntly conceiuetl-1 fuch vfes and ends.·And therefore ho>vfocuer a.picdiC\i,on of(ome good lucke vnto himfelf~ they )verc ellecmcd of the Heath<ll•; yet•tht r: tha•d•y• .J6hc light on apcece offtluer,then lie \\~ordmf.God bath mfily ccn(urcd tbetn !foS•oo D flands contr;nilfa.d"celedl}1m:\gining fo.me n1ill l true and proper caufes ofDiuin3tio.n,.f»t6li6ej will befall him. Againc, when a man is'takin" by.. God, but mcercly diaboHcall. ........ ~.; t Ofliisiotl(Oey,~f a hare c.rQffe him in th<: \~·ay,~ • lt is allcadgeJ, that Iofeph diuined.by,hJs is.oilt ~~cll;bisiourney fh~l notl:ieprofpcrous; cuppc, as may appc>re both by his llcWJII'<Is i•Jitcf.gcthfop•e !)lifchje\e to"'ardes him. L-e( I fpecch, as 3lro by his ownc, Gen. 44· s·· & I 5~ his eSrcs.do.gle or burnc, he is petfwadCd hce a~td yet that cup rccciucd nopower from CU.od, hn.th enemies a~road,and_th~t fome man cirhet c1thcrrhc one vvay or the other, to bee a caufe t.h,cpdoth,orprefc-ntl¥ w!IJ fpcakc: tll of hi:ti.Jf or mc01.ne ofdiuin:uion. . tJ,c,f<fll f~tll towa'.rds-a man•at the tabJe ,-it por- I The :mfwer anciently and commonly made t~ndtnhl(io cl)tnmoo conceit) lbmc iJl ncwn, is this, thar Io[ephs !lewarrl ii,ake not as tht Wl1cn 3ltaticn fiandcs vpon fome hic'h place; thing wa~indecd, bm as the common rccciuccl look..C what wayi1~e ~yrnc:s himfclfc :~~d cries, opinian \V:lS among the Egyptians, ·who cA~e.... thcndc-; ~s fbnw)r~iqkc -.~fhall ffronht c-ome a . ,. ... med Io"fcph 10 be a man ofgre-at 5-kill and '"'ifcdc:1d corps-; ~10ci~\hisl fomctlmc ma~ be tr'ue ~h:r;:.~~ ~~;i~~~l:~dc~1~;~~~~~1~~::.:; :~~a~~~~ ~~l~~~*l~tr;~~~~~~~~-:~~~~c:~~~~~t~f~;;,~1;:· j! ·---- llltnm' _____ ,_n~_c-_r~_ly--.--~-·