• ··- ·- ------------------.----------------- --- -----;-·- r Ch +I -- cUiViftourje-<Jj Witchcraft. -- .. -- ---- - l 1 mull nccds:cominuc one anJ the lime; fOr the /A [ them,. (ccing that in fo doing) \\ t: due but \·IC principles of an ought robe immm:1blc: but 1 them to the end for whid1 C<Him~dc them.· neither the pofition of the J1eauens, nor the 1 An[. The i"c:uOn is ofno four:. Th<· Haeres courfe ofthe !larrcs,ts alv:ay one :md the- f3mc. indcedc by this ordinance "!oc let Uc fOr fgr.ts, Agatnc, he rhat.would mlkc foUnd rules df :Jrt but of what? not of all thipgs, but (a~ the tt!it by obfcrUltion, mufl knowc the particular Cphlii1Jy Jhtwcth (of daieS, '\Ht·kcs, t'hOI:ClhSJ H:nc of all things he ob{crnccb : But no m:m and )'Cares; ye::~) ofthe ft::lfon) of the )•care; ~S. l>nowcth the parucnlar dhucof alJ rhc lbrrcs, Of Sptins,Summcr,Aucumnc:,and \;Viorcr;yea 1 1 lnd confcqucmly none can gather fOund rules funhcr, of the. <~hcrarions ofrbc: '' c::~thc:r in gcof ;~.rt by rhcm. Thirdly, noman knowcrh or ncrall: bur all this makeeh nothing to r.1tlfic J fceth all thC" Harrcs, and though they miglH be Diuination of particular eu<.>ntS u'l things conall difccrncd,y<.'tthC' parcicu!ar venUes ofchofc tingc:m, which arc to fall out in the Ha;:e of which are fcenc 1 cannot be knowne, becattfe kingdom~s, families, and rcrfons; for they arc: their influences in the aire, and vpon the canh, not cauiCs,but Sign"s,and thar off\o.IITICgcnnal! are confu!Cd; :md therefore by obfcru:ltion of ~hings onely, not ofp:micuJar. them, no rules can be made, whereby to iudge Agarnc, it is i3id, th~t Mol(s and Daniel, ofpanicular cu<.'nts to con1 ch::.t be c6tingcnt, B two f.1mo.us l'rophcts,arccommc:ndcd for their Buc experience tcachcth(may fome Gy) that skill in this art: for of Mofes it!:;: {3id, A~l. 7· if aman addit\cd to this courfc flull praCbfc 12. thathuWm learnt'd;n·all thewift>domt'of the the rules ofAllrologi<, ir willf311 otit that th< Eg7priam: and Danidina/lrhe wifidomrof rhr moti things "he forctclleth ib.all be true, ami CIJaldMm, Dan. J. J7; 20. and we kno·w that come to paifeaccordingly: which becing verithe Egyptians and Chaldeaqs were rhc mallcrs fied iu experience, it D1oLiid fecme, char t'hcfe of Diuination,and eminent abo'uc all othcu in principles are not vnccrtain:for how is it poffi.. matters ,of Afhologie. b!c that vpon falfc grounds, fhou!d prof-e<de .Anfw. lt Cllll)lOt be prooucd out ofthofc true prediCtions? To this obteCHon, learned places, rhat Mofes or Daoftfl V\1 erc trained vp Diuines hauc framed an f.,.,· er thus. That in this in this art: a11d though it lhould be grau1ued there is afecret Magi.ckC" :u the le;~t1:, if. not an they ''"ere, yet it followcs not, that th<.'y were open league with Satan. For look what ls wan.o: praClifcn ofit, ac leafl cominually. For albeit, ting to rhc cffcel:of the fiaues, the de\)ill ma~ bc:eing children and of tfnder ycaJ.cs i11 the: keth fuppJy of it by hls owne knowledge, in couns of Pharaoh and Ncbuchadnctfer, they things that arc to co.me t.opalfe. And rhis·is tht C had bin trained vp by their gouernours in this iudg<.'ment ofthem that haue knowne this arc; knowledge, it may not thence be concluded, which wasalfo receiu'ed fortrucin th< daies of thatthcy finally fubmined themfelues to the the ApofHes. 1 • • ptaChfc che'reof; conlideriog thaca man mav The third reafon. ThEman that tcpaireth to lc:arne that when he is young,\\hich afccrw:ud the Allrologianvpon the particular cafe for his vpon better iudgcmenr and Confidcration, h~ helpe and counfcll, mull belceue that hcc can may vnerly difdaiine. And fo we are.ro thinkc and will doe for him; otherwife if. hee come <>f rhem, thJtaftcr God had called them, they doubting of his abi!itie,or in way of tcOJpting did for euer lay afide all fuch wicked and Jcuil~ him, hccannothelp him. Now irrcommon vn• lifh pratlifes,forbidden by God, and yet in vfe dcrflanding, if the diuin<r bring the thin_g, to among the Egyprians and Cha!deans. patfe, here .mull needs be more then tin. -For "''Thirdly, it is obiecled:thdlarres are acjmihc that is a rualler ofa!awfl11l arc,can worke by table'erc~nircs of God,and the cauf<s ofn'm.ny . his rules,whether a ma'n belceue that he can or ~flrangccffeCts in the airc,intthe waters)and vpno; yea though all the mcnitl the world fhould on the earth alfo, in the bodjcs of men.an.d doubt, his rules would be e!fcC!uall. The art bcialls : it may fctmc therefore not vnlawfuLto therefore idi:lfcistheold~ fupcrllitious art of diuine by them. the Cha!dcans, which they bccing Idolaters, D .: -An[. We grantthat the Starm, and efpefir.A: fetched from the dcuill, ~nd ·hi5 Oracles: eially the.Sunnc and Moone, ·haue grct~t ''Crtue yea ,.the pratlife thereof is no.thing but fupctarid force vpon the ue'amrcs thht :a~ Odo"w\'C. i fiitious forcerie,and the vndercakers no be.ttcr 1partly by thc:ir: light, and.p.;mly Py thdr heat; then Sorcerers. Ifany1nan doubt hereof~ their bjJt hence it vvillnot followc' t' th:n they arc, or writings ace fufficient tcijimonie,=~nd they thC- ,fnay be Iav.:fu11yvfed for diuination;for wh.crtl : fclues auouch it. For it is a rule and m':lxime aas it hath beene !hewcd,that(the grounds ofaJ ! mong the" in all kind of Sorccric, that the Ieargood ans arc gathered by ohfcruation ::tnd ex- ~ ner muH come credulous, and not doubting,or pcricnce, ·it is notpofiible for any nlan, uuely, ! to tempt; otherwi(c no anfwer be giucn. · and cert~inely to obfcrue- all particular ruequ ! But uotwith{hnding all thc(e rea(ons allcadbrought forth by the fiarres, whcrC:llJ.'OO hee ~- gcd for the proofc of this poinr, fimdry things might ground his rules.Aod for proofe hcrt>of; arc opp~fcd to the contrary. Suppofc there w~s ahea1J ofall kinds ofhcarbs For fir!l, it is faid tharrhc Sunne, Moonc, . growing vpon rhe earth gathctc.d eagerher, :md llarrcs were crcatedfo,·fign~s, Gen. 1. 14. which fht>lad be :tit ilrain<.'d imo one vdTell, . 61i I I -----1 I and therefore that it is 1:-t'"·full to diuinc by and the liquour brought ro the mofl o;kilfnll \ Mmmm 4 l'h_._y_-_, -~- · '