Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

62~ 1 J Vifcourje ofWitchcraft. \Ch. ~· 1 --- ~-hyh.tian th3t is,or cucr was;can we think him A ~ mong Sorcerers. \ ---- ~ abl.c by taring or fillt.'lling thereof, to difl~nI _No\~> th:lt \\hieh h:ltl~ be(:ne faid couching \ gntlh the v 1 crrues of the hc~abs,& to fay wluch thts pomt, may fcruc for 1pcciall vfc. l , ts wh1ch? To doe this when all arc f<;ucrcd c2ch And flrH, it giucs ~ c:\ucat w :~11 SrudCms \ frottl other, is~ hard mattCr,_ycr poffiblc, conthat thcyhauc care to fpctHi their ;imc and "vit; 1 f:dcring thty hauc their fcucrall natures and obetter, then in the 11uclic of Judiciill Afhclo1. perations i _bm in thi s confitrcd mixture to difgic; and rather imp!O}' themfclucs in the fear- . t:trJlC th'c: fcuet'alls is athing paffing the skill of chin-gout offuch things,as may mofi fcruc for .man. . the glor~ ofGdd,and the good ofhis Church, 'The like may ·be faid "Of the particulnrverIt is the tubtiltic of 1 Satan to dr:lWC men into ttle ofcutry {brrC;for they all haue :heir operafuch ~cdnations, and to make this fludie fo tion in the bodies of mcn,and other creatures; plcafant, that it can ~hardly be lefr, when it is but thctr venues btcing all mixc~ together in <?nee begun: hut let the:mt:lkc hccdc bcrimr. the fubtcit:whcrcon!thcywork,can no more be ~r'a{furedly thcfc vaine :md fi•pcrfhtious prakno"''llC diflinClly, then the venues ofamaffe Ctifus-,--arc not the builders and furtherers, but of h"earbs ofinfinitc forts beaten together. For the hinderers& ddhoiers of religion and the this is an vndoubtcrl truth in n:ltUrc: that the B fearc of God. -• ' venues ofCclclliol bodics:in thciroperatidns, Againe, this muO: admonHh them which arc mingled with the qtl:llitics of the dcmcms fi1ffcr at)y loffcs,not to fcckc for hclpc or rcmcin the infcriour bodies, and the venues ·~f die at the hands of Aflro!Ogcrs, commonly thetn all doe lb concurrc,-that ntithe,r the bcatt calledFigure-cafters: for thcirdircClions in the or light of rhe {l:ar;cs, nor lhc venue of rht:crecouet.yofthings loft or fiollcn,ccimrncrh not letoncnrs, can be fcuercd one from anOther.. b}t the hclp·e ofany lawfull arr, but from the And therefore though there be notable vc.r.tue workc .of the dcuill, reuealing the fame vmo ib the'fbrres.yct in regard of thC;!ni.xwr~ thcrdH:m. And better it were to loofc:a thing fin:~lofin thciropcr3tlon, uo •manis .•blc to/ay bx ly, and by f•ith to expeel till God make fupply o&fetuatidn,that this is the vertue ofthis £lane, anothcrway; then in this manner to rccGucr it and this ofrthat. The feauen planers b-ceing again·c: yca,thC curCc ofGod hangcth<oucr the more nocabl!.?, then thco1hcr lights of the heahead of him, rhar to help~: himfclfevferl~ diaucn, fpeciall)!. the Sunne ancl Moone,haue thrir b·olicall·nleancs, For put the cafe athing IoH of cpcrations and effects plainely •na p.crfcC\Iy gica.:value, be againe rdlored by the hdpc of knowne; as for the othct·,thcrc was neucr aoj ~ : Satan;yet God in his iulHce,fOr thcvfc ofthefc man that could cithcpfeelc their hcatc, or cet.. 1-)'nlawtUII meancs, Ol3Y .takefrom the.confulrcr uiocly dctetmineofa':Y thing by them. .. : twicc·as much; or at the ldl his grace; and fo There bccing thcnfome flarre.s, whofc vcr... giuc him vp to a rcprobarc fcnfc:,to bclccue the tucs arc vnknow.l,lC;•how can their OP'er.ationS denlll to his vttcr perdition. and effccls b~ difc~rncd in panicular?Therfore Thirilly, it ferueth to admonilh vs of (ome no ruks can be made by ohferuatioo; of{the othcr.vanities that :ccompany A£hologie.;'1c[- vcrrues of the flarres in their operari.ons·,y:hcr- 1 peciall~f two. · ~ :. upon we tilay forcttl particular cuC.ts of.thin.gti I T~e ,firfi,,is the ohferHation of th( Jigne in contingcnr,c:ithcr cqncemingmcns.perfonslfa...! ; -man-,rbodiclwhcrci6 not'o.ncry the ignOrant milics, or kingd·omes. - ;.· '1 • 1 r.·~ 1 fort., bur.mcn: of<knowlcdge Oor; farrc: nuer. ·A' fourth rcafon•AII llancs.hane their ~brk ' \ fu·0ootllemfi:Jucs, fup~trflirioufly holdidg, that in the qualities ofhcate, H,ght;c·old.cimoifhJr(,ll theAigneis !pccially to bemarked. :An:o.pitlion and drinc{fe: ns fonhc !Cc.rct influcnC.u which ! in it fclff fantaflical\ and..vaine, nor gioonded mcn'clrcamc of conuning from thcmbc!1~,s1 in-OaihtC; but borrowedfroril Afl_rolo&ic. For the faid qualitlc<, they are but forged .f>fitt<s.' ! the -Afho!ogians for bettcr exprefling ,and'e– Thc Scripture ncucr mcntioncth any fuch, neifhblifhin·g tHereof, home dCuifcd ncwc fpherf.s thcrcan·ir be }'rooucd that the Sunli'C Harh any\ 1 1 in rhe hehuens,morc then indccde rhe're b"e, to dficacic'vpon ihfcriour bodies, but'by ligbt:&. 1 ' ·\''i'r, the ninth and the teml1 ;. and in the tenth; heate, which b·ceaufc they are mixvwith other <ot}'lmonly,Gall.t;-d'the firftmootletthte.;baue. piaPrimum qualities, thcy:iffoarH no(matttr of prediClio,n, i~:~~011rie fp~)C'tC', v:hich.·they tc:mne mobile. touching,parucubr cuents. For what though tbeTZ.6diacKe, and Hl the-:. Zod1ackc r\vc:lue the cetellial bodies doe dwfein th~_tcrrdlriall,1 1 ~Ggnts, !Art~J' TaHriU' a~mmi·, and thcref!, hcate and c<,>l'dc, drbught.,and moiflurc:?doth it 1 V\hich th-ey imagine to.h:luc power oucr the therefore fo\lov.•, th~t thefc: cffcd!il doe declare 1 rwduc parts of mans bodie.; as .Aries. the I before han·d the Conflitution of mans bodie? 'head :md face, T4Hrm ncckcand throat,&c. thcdifpotltion of~mc,ns mindcs-?the aff~CHons · But thcfc arc ondy tw~luc i~a~nanc: fignc:s: ofmens hearts? or finally, what fuc€cflc tbey for inth~Re:mcns there ts no tueh. mattet as a ! 01all hauc in their affaires,rouching "vealth,boJ tapllnc, a bull,&c. Ancl ho\~ can1t tland wtth nour, and religion? Hence I conclude, that di· reafon, that in afirmamcnda! .PC?cts ~ uiningby them in this fort, ismec:rc fuperOidPhilofophers, a forged ilgnc, wh1ch mdcc~ ts on, and a kindc of Sorccrie; for whidi caufc: in nothing, fl10uld hauc 3llY power or opcr'atron Scripture Afirolooia.ns arc iufily 11umbrcd a· in rhe bodies of zncn. · • Ag:li&le,_____