Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

AVifcourfe ofWitchcraft. . I 6.2~· Againe, rhe very order of the goucrnmcnt A ' 4• The fourth kind of Diuin~hion by t~::lte , of rbde fiones in mans body,is fOnd and with ... I tllc:mcs, is the prcdiC1ion ofLh1ngs to c01l1C by j out lhew gf rcafon.For according to this plar.. I drcamcs. . formc,,.\•hcn rhc Moone commcth into the fir it In rbco!dcTdhmcnt we reade th~t Sotce: J, ligne, Aries, !he rulcth in the head; and when rcrs and f.1·Jfe Prophers vfed ro foretell Hr<lnge fl1c commcth into rhc fccond figne, T{mrm, in cucms, by reuclations which they had in rhcil' rhc neckc; and fo dcfccnds down from part to drrames.Such diuincrs \.\'ere amon~ thcJ:cwcs; part, ii1 fame pan ruling rwo, in (ome three and for that c:mfc the people of Cod were: ex• daies, &c. Where obfcrue, rhat (he Moonc is prelfely forbidden ro bc:atkcn vmo DreamerJ made then rorule in thccoldandmoitlpans, of DreameJ,Dcur,t1·3· AndthcLo1dhim .. when fhc is in ho:nc and drie figncs:when as in feifc by the Prophet Ictemic, taxcth the falfe re:tfon, amore confonant order were this; that Prophets, 'Nho broached fa!iC doClnpe in his when the Moone "''ere in hot ~nd dry fignes; name by rhis deuilJifh meanes, f3ying,. I hau( as Arief, Leo, andSagittarim, {he f11ou ld rule drettmcd,lhalte dreamed,lerem. :J j. 25.. , in lwatc and drie parts of the bodie; and when Yet here it is to be rcmcmbrcd, that fortrcJ.., fbe is in cold and moiH fignes, fhr. fhould rule B lm~ of fururc things by drcamcs, is not,limply inthccolde3ndmoiflpartsofrhcbodie;and fo to be condemned, bur oncly in parr. Foro( A:ill gouerne rhofe parrs, which in temperature drearncs there be three fons, 1Jil$ine,'NatHralt 1 come nereA: ro the nature ofthe figncs \\'herm and Dint·o/ica/1. Di1tine, are thofc V\hich come the Mo~ne is. " fromGod.NatHral which proceed from a mans Befides this, fome learned Phyfitians haue ownc nature., and arife from the quaJi~ic and vpon experience confc£fcd, that' the obferuariconfiitution of rhc bodie: Diaholica!l, which on ofthe figne, is nothing materiall, and rhat arc caufed by the fuggcfiion ofrhc deuil• . there is no danger in it, for gelding ofcattell., TouchingDiuinedreamer; that there are,or or letting ofblood. Indeed it prcuailcs oftenat leaH hauc becne f\Jclr, it is cuident, For thefe times by an old conceit andflrong imaginatibcrhc words of God, Num.I z. 6. If rherehe on, of fome vnlettcred pcrfons, who rhinke it a Prophet of the Lord among )OtJ, I rv.ill be tobe off~rceand efficacie tOr rcilo.ring and k._nownevntohim6yavi(ion, 11nd will [peak,: 'Vnto curing; and yet the vanitie ofthis conceit,ap• him/ga drMme, And !oh faith,thllt God[pea .. pcarcs in the common praClifc of men, who 1 k.;th in dreamer and vifions of the night, when commonly vponS. ~u;~emday vfe t? let?Iood ' fleepe fallerh 'Vponmen, and rheyjl~eftvpon their be the figne where lt Will; though I[ be Ill rrle heds, lob. 33. I 5. Now rhcfe dmmc dreames place where the veinc is opened•. Bur tha.trurh C , were caufed in men, either- immediately by is,~he fignc in it 0 \\'0C nature, is neither way'aCod himfelfc, as the former places nlC~W; or uaileablc, bccing bur 2 fancie, grounded vpon by mcanes of fomc good Angell. In thisl_atrcr fuppofcd prcmifes, and therefore ought to be: kind was Iofeph often admonif11ed in dreamcs reietled, as a mcerevanirie. what to doe, by the Minifieric: ofan Angel; as The fecond thing belonging to A!lrologie, Mauh, 1, 20. and chap. ' l•IJ• 19. and diuiwhich ought to be efchcwed,is the choice and ningby fuch dreams, is not condemnC'd: for by obferuation ofdaycs. Curious diuincrs doe fer them cbe.mofr wcnhie Prophets of Go'd haltc ?part ccrtainc dayes,whcreoffome are (as chey rcucalc:d Gods will in many thin is to ·his {ay) lucky, fome vnlucky. And thcfechcy apChurch. Thus lofeph by drcame had notice · p0int to be obfcrned for the bcgiiming of orgiucn h"ini of his owne aduanccmcm, Gcm137. dinaric works and bufindfes; as to take a iour7.9.and by Pharaohs dreame.s which were fcnt n'cy,to bcginnc to lay the foundaoion ofa builfrom God, bee allo foretold the !late of the· cling,to plant a gardcn,to weanc a child,to put kingdomc of Egypt, touching prouifion for on newapparcll, to flit imoa newhoufe,ro fcaucn yc:arcs dearth, Gen. 41. 25. By rhe trafficke into other countries, to goe about a fame meanes the Prophet Daniel prophefic:d fuit to aPrince,or fome great man, to hunt and D of the flourifhing and fading of the chiefc vfe cxerdfes,to pare the nailcs,to cut the haire, Monarchies of the world, from his time to in a word to :ntempt any thing in purpofe or the comming of Chrift:, Dan, 9. &.c. · Thefe :1Clion, which is not done cucry day.The effeCt: therefore bceing one of the exu:.aordinaric and force ofrhcfe daics, is not grounded either meanes,whcrcby God hath m:mifel}Cd his v..jl in an or in nature, but onely in fupcrflitious Vnto man in tioJ<~S paU, more or Idfc; diui11ari... conceit and diabolicall confidcnce,vpon a \-\•icon by rhem~is nqt to be ccnfurcd as vnhiwfu!J, ked cuA:omc, borro ...vcd from the praCtife ofdibut rather robe honoured and cficemed,as the '· .· f ! uincrs; and the danger of (uch confident conordinance of God. ~ ccits is this; that rhc dcuill by them rakes the For the fecond fort which be Natu,·a!l, ari-• VJntage of fama!lical pcrfons,and brings them fing either from the thoughts of the minde, or further into lc3guc and acquaintance with the affc&ions of the heart, or the conflitmion him(clfc,vnlcffe they lcaue.them. And all fit eh of the bodic: as they are ordinary in all m.en,in per[ons as make ~tffct·cnceofdaycs f~r this or I fome m~rf-,in ~omc ldfc:fo they vary acc6rditig that purpofe,are 111 cxprcffe words plamly conto the d1ucrfine ofmens thoughts, aff~Clions, ~~ncd,Deut.I8. 1o.tJ·. and conftiturions,and by then aman rilay proI . bably