Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ 62.4 J . _ A 'Difcorufeojtf/itchcraft. ______ ~ ~b·t_ ! bably con1c8:ure of fundry th111gs concellllng A the heads of many men moH !han(1e and cu~ · the 1 { and difpof1.tion, partlyofhts bodic,& Jious Conccns fo1 the ratfing vp of her dies. to partlyofhismindc. the great d1!hnbancc of the pc:acc of the As firH he m:1y gcffc in likelihood, what Church, For·l"e rcadc in Ecclefiaflicoll Horics is his"cdnOitution)lS the learned in all ages doe th:lt the M:rnichcshadthcir damnab!c opinion; conHamly auouch.For when his :mndc in drcafirfl infpircd into thcm,and then confirmed by n1ing runncs vpon wars, aud contentions, fire, drcarr.cs. And in this aoc the fidt authors of and fuch likc,it argucth his complexion is chothe: fc~l: of the .Anabaptffls,.had their curious lerikc,Whcn he drcamcs ofw::ttc.:rs and inund::t-' ~on~e1ts of r~ucla~i?n.partly i.n. dreames,partly \ tions, it bcroken~th abundance of phlcgmc. 111 vdlons~~·L1kewlfe the F~mii!c of Joue hauc I Whc1~his fa~tailc ~m~c.c_iucrh heauic and dol~- their rcuclarions in drcamcs.For he chat ddlrcs full things·, full o! gnctc, fcarc, and horror, It to become one of that· feet, mul.l afccnde I bewraicth.a IHclanchohke confiitmion. ¥.'hen thereunto by ckgrecs, before be can come to his drcamcs be ioyfull3nd pleaf.1nr,asofminh, perfeCtion to· be an elder illuminate or :t!llan p'afiimes,and dcliglnful ne ...vcs;his complexion deified; to which eGate when he is once cotr•.:, is iudged to be fanguine. B he hath for his confirmation .firong illufions,, by naturall drc:uncs a man may both waking and llccping in vifions & d_reams. geffc at the corruption of his ownc heart: and Hiflories of latter times,and wofull experience kno\o\'e to what finncs he is mail nawrally in- {hcweth this to be true,the dcuill prcuailing fo clincd. For lookc wh'at nTCn doe ordinarily in Hrongly, that m:my h~uc fallen away by'.this the day time conceiu.e & imagin,c in their c~rmcanes, becing corrupted. by a do&i'.ine . rupt hearts, of the, for the mofl: pan,thcy meerely carriail howfoeucr maintained with 1 \ doe corruptly drc<~mc in the night. And this is great pretcnfe ofholineffc.AgainC",as the g-ood the rather to be obfcrued, becaufe_though the Angels m:1y caufc diuine dreames froniGod; 1 wicked rnan fhut his eyes, and ftop his ear~s, and therein reut'alc vnto men his will and rlea... and harden his heart, :md will nottake notice fure concerning tbing.c; to come; fo· n~o doubt of his enormities by thC light of the La~A'; ·yet the euill fpirits may c~ufc in 'men diaOolicall euen by his owne dre:lmes i11 the night. his dre:1mes, and therein rcuealc vmo them lll:iny wickcdnelfc !hall be in part difcoucred,and his 1.l~ange things;which they bymeancs \'nknown confcience thereby conuinccd,and he himfelfC to mc.n, mayforefec :~nd knov ..:c,By all which,it left in the ende incxcu(ablc before God. Now .is euidcnr 1 that there arc and m<'y he as wd dia,. :1lbcit a man may probably.coniecture of the lololicall drea'mesas diuine·drcames. ·-; · .~ piemifes by naturall drcamcs; yet no Diuinati..:.. T.hc conclufi.on then is·this:That as diuining on ofthing·s r-o come, whether publicke orpri~ C by the fecond fore is fuperflitious, hatiing nq uarc;good or bad, can be made by them either ground from Gods word;fo forctc:lling·b...y th.i.s conceining pcrfons, families, or kingdomes. third fort is. flat Witchcraft, dircB:1y"co"'ndem1. Therefore the common.obferuations ofdreams ned in the places aforenamcd, \\here mc:n ~re in the worl-J ~ iln3ginc things that forbidden to prophelie by them, or tor.cgard 1 ·are ro· come to pa(fe, and accordingly foretell 'them. ) · ' :theiti by thofc mcaneS, are vaine and fi.1per!HtiYet foufinuch as dreamcs be of funcltie ous,and iuflly fo condamned in the place be- ·kinds, as bath becne faid, it fhall not be amiffe fore f.l:l'tned,Dcut,I 3./l'l'.13. ;- • T ·' · to fet downe fome nous of dtjfcrmce bctwe~tti:: ConCerning the third kindC of dreamcs, tbctn,\o\'hcrby they may be ktlO\\'ne and dj{Hn-· which >re cauicd by the Dcuill; le hath bccnc gui01ed each fromothcr.Which poin<iJH.kc<l'c graunte-d i\1 all. ages for~ truth, Saran ca~1 bath longagon been handled in thePrimitiuc fr"ame dr~amcs m the br:unc of a man, and by Church, but hardly derennined. For !b~ !earthem rcuealc: hisdiuination. And it i-spbinel}r ned of tharage haue auouched it a ver.y Q-ard. manif~flcdby thccontinu.tll obferutttion ofthe matter, confidcring that the dcuill in the.{e_, aS Gentiles before the comming of Chrift. For well as in other things,can uansforme hjrpfdf~ when Oracles, (that is, anfwers from the De- D into an }.ngcl oflight. But howfocutrrhcc:lfc uill )were in force, men that vfed corconfi1lt beheard,&thcdeuillpoliticke,yetbylightq( with then1, and dd1red to be refofued in mardircCHon from the word of God, th~rc m~y ters :of doubt, were to lay them downc and fomc true differences be fct downe betweenc !lecpe bcfides the alc'ar of Apollo, where them; as namely thefe: .. :they had offered their·gift, and llecping r~ey Firfl of all· diuine drcamcs haue alwaies had rt!ccincd in a dreame the anfwcr for ""h!Ch their preemi~encc aboue o~bcrs,that gencral~y U,ey c;; a!'Id this dreame was framed in the they haue concerned the wei.ghtieH m~tters1!n braifle of hirn th:lt {lept:~hy the Deuill,and in it d1e world; as tbe cotlnning ~tndexh:ibi~ing 9f the :mfwerwasdcliuercdby him [peaking at.or the Mdfias~ the changes and alteratiom of in the Orac!c. So likcwifc in the ·Primitiue Kingdomcs,thc 1·euealing of AtYtichrifl,a~ld the Church,.fince the comming 0f Chrift, though I !late of the Church of God. And thtsmay Oracles then ccafcd, which were the grcatefl: plainlyappcarc by thefc whLch loft·ph c~pounand flrongefi dcluficsns that eucr Sathan had; dcd vnto Phar3o,and D~tnielvnto the K~llf?S of I yc~ydreames and vlfions wro~ght in B:tbcl ar.d Pc:rfia. Bu~ in the other fc:rt :t ts o... 1=~~...!:.------~-------------------____;•h_c~rwifc. ..