Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1 Cu + i _ .eA'DifcourJeojli/i:ch~;~jT·-~:--._c__,__~c~i~-- ~ i ·- --l thenvifc. Forif~hc,rcbc :'lllytNngrcpre!C~uc.d r AI Icr.~).~Jl; . .-::· . ( ,• I r more ~hcp 9r.sf~n,9Fic il) th,o~IE ~~~! tu~a!L)~F. I To conc!udc th1s_ p01pt ,·H ll!tiO behere re-· I PJLosec:dc~b ~11Cf=,f~)y fr:9n~ fgqc~.- ~~~4unag.anat~· I r-ncmbrc~~ rh_crc :11 <: a!'d h~u.c I ou. And as for ,l!abqJjcodl thef. ar.c not of io bene diftm~1 forts ofdr¥amcs, yet thole"' h~eh. ,..,.~;ghtic matter~: 'no; Jc; hard t~ fon:tcll. For arc frnm (i;~vd, v ..·erc o.nclr in ur<li,n::;ric vt'e .in , [.IW~1gh the Dcuill h:1u~ grc:tr power :Jnd ~~ill, the oldc 1 dlamcnr, :md Jn the Chur(.h_of :he : ycr)t is ab.ouc ~j~(rpsh t.9. dc_,r,e~minc ot !uch Nc·we arc ceafcd, and take no place or.dmanly. : things as thcl:.· arc.t for~t~!l~hcm '.''r"ithout vvqcrc:ts thC'l'Cforc 11'!C0 Jll their Occp~_s h;wc j he.Jnr fromGoc,l_. ·. -' 1 • d~carne·s, they mufl rake them "·ommonl]' 'to Q,: · Sccondly, ,4iuit1e drc:un~sb_!=,al1waicsc.i~hc.r, n~tu rall, and vvith:.Jl kno .. sc that dH·y. m:~ybe plainc and m:mifcH., or if thc-.y.~e,obfcure ye.c. diaboiicall; or mixt pxrdy ofthe one kin~, and thcy:·hauc amof;c!_ii'.fcm-inrcrpr~ta~ion annc~..., part!y ofthe other. And ho\\-focucl' thCrtFmar c~ VJltO them. 0~ tJ1c:. p13in~.r. JOj,·q, \)'ere t,~c: be fomc vfe o.frhc natur:tll, 's h:nh bt~l)(.faid,· . ~rCP,tl'!CS of IofgP.h the 9.CMari<;. Mat, yct·(OI)l!llOnly-thcyarc not tp u~ re:::g~rd.\:Uu\nd x..Ofthc other (O; t wt:rc Ph11raohs 1Yery dar~c for th!=' or:hcr which ar:c; from S:!t:ln; 1 or tr!l~t, :~.nd bidden, but G·od r~iftd vp~lt,lfe-pb to git1 they arcTIOt to b<? reGcivcd, 'h:::k·cucd, <:>r m:ldc them an eafie imt:rprctatipi~;V.PC!fl- ~he infb~l,t. B mc:mcs wb.crby to for~~-e-ll tl;jngs to j:Qtne 1l,d} Gen.,:t-.J. Ncbl}fhadnt tfars dr~am~s were tu)! br·thi!vfc.of thcm, wc.groyve intcdanlili~r1iJ.Jc ofobfcuritic, 'lt~4 mlny_~Hactcgj•.-.c.rc ' 9,1!t:t!- v-:jth the dchiU,,:n]d bpfy,c God be gn~:utC,of p~f,l ill.\i,lcm, fo ~~~\1\~f.pirj~ w.a§j_~rtnJblcd, :md the finne of Wirchcrtaf_t.. nt :J .• :r._. , lje (or,gatthc!n;,~%<i/lld Oi,rrpj vp <Panid and § 5. Tljc fifcand ilfi<k>n.d, of Diuir1~<'i61)-1Jy, t,«;t!.C,'\\'c;~ to;w tCc~ct,. fo.a~:h~Htntmbrcd true mcancs, is by Lot.r, v~hcn li)Cn tak$!;\'pon i~t_.e,~hc,KiQf},1 at~~j-lc.cbtcc} \!Jt .. Jrl:lc; ;t:ncanirig them to lcarchput forrunc(a~th(:y. vfi:- to1 fpet~k) 1hcrcbF, D?ll• '> .r! ; "8.,6. . J,aqlys Danicls that is,good qr bad fuccei)c ·in any bnliJl~s,J;>~ .dr~.amc;s of\the. fR~tc bcaAs, ~e.\ wer~ of Jikc cat1iog of Lots, whcthet...l} beby cafiing a die, d_i_ffic,l.llt!c-, but t~~,A..n_3c)l,~a~ri~l :·\·~ prcfcnt~ or opening of'~ .)l>b~kc\ or any fUch c:~fi.1all ty;fcN to makc.h,1n1 ypdcr~l}.an~-tl\~m., Dan, ~ mcancs. I r.uemton th1s \hctr{lchcr; betaufc al.:.!l:JNow thofe comfc-d b)·::~hc Dcuil, as mong the ignorant and fupcr-.Hitious forr, iUch tl}t;y b,c-oblC_urc anc\intric;ttc, fo the imcrpre~ praefi(Cs are (ommon an.d in grc3__t account:the t~r.K>n .of thc)ll iS .-~mbjguous a,t,d vp'ccnainc-, Lot isan ordinaucc of,G.o9,appointcd forrfpC"..:. becat.Jfc.~c l?~mf~lf~.!ffrnoc ivf:al~(bty determine _·) ciall ends andrpu(rolcs, bucwben it i~ rhus ap·- h~y.~ thhig~ f11all:._~o,nc tp pafl"e, aud. thcrcur.r plyc:~,it cca!Cth t.o.bc la·wftlll;,bccau(c~tjs :Lbu= on.i,.s,cpr.>,g!<l< d.9ubtfi11! ~nfwers by (cd to,o•t1!l"o,~nds \btn God by his woid~nd drcq!)\qs...An·d f"~tf,w,~rc .. not onel~;tiJc an,dcni e otdin~n{e..l\~th ·a(low~d. •.> '. Qq,le5 among t~~-Hcathen, where hec gaue That wt tl;[~er kPP\\!IJhc ab.Ufe ·of ihercfolurion,but the~motk.rncfr·gphec.ics gj~ a.lot it\ thii~btd, 't\C)JluH..remcmbc-r there be ueQ 1 byl,im to iowx;~f~is infirumcnts< three ferr~.crf:IAII; th.Q Ciuill., the Sp.on.iflg, l~tc,tJt~~c. ,_11 :i:.d:· , _, ._ · .;., . . . 1 an~.t\1c ~\lJini~ LQt. --:: .\. , , " ) :t,~, 1,,. tlu~t\ly, t\]e Gtc!m'11•Pll' COf1\C,{row· God, •,1Tbe.~r~jll,v1e,o:f 1.<•[$, •ls.\:;benlh<.Y he '1cd ls,ah-.:•JC§~grceablg!q l)I~ rc;uc~)cd, w•ll,<aQd for rhc eudJr!g.(>fcontrQupriJps;;hc diVJdt~gilf r~ppifq>fo;l) 9qthing cpn.tratic rg ~hJ<,!il•T\<i:J9 lands andp_eri>.ag~~v th'e difp<i>.ktio,t) of offi<_<~ >'IP<llPQ~l)l part,:1~IJSI'F'!' ~ho)G•!l!AI.w,oGetde I amongfi t!l•nx ~~JI't 1a,re ~q!liiJiy,6r,wc try;ngof frpw;>rm,\u~1. dp,e 1 fajlqur o(n•iWf,.and pn 7 1 1 ' J~< right in duuptfull thi~gs, .of lafr!y, the difgrgeat>~,tQ m~ll>•>IJ(.ri4\l)joJ1, ~f. '!ill 11<.~·. P.4g,. ll l .o<>ucrrcof a,m.alefaC\or h1d.amengll rn?n)'; ft1;. nanpynl£> G:9dl-l!fllla()t~l t\,q[c,lllii>Pr<; !iJg;- 1 ; ~')'cered. By rl!\> ~fc,6fthp,Lo~ \''" Saul JOhl>.– gp!lcd,by·Sat:n,arp 0fJlP.~ famc 'I'J»rc; ,rhc g<r 1 I h.~. oo he krog ouct Ifrael, _i. Sam. 10 <11<1. !)~tAl\ '(c:npc wh<.t;c}!f,i§IJIO. £rolf.;d~s.•vill of , . t~<.(s~ar-e.•goat~ fcparat~d fr!lljl ~ha.< V,·~i~hw:fs GoQ.•!!P t,o .,.itl)dr~w«v~ l•.c.ajt. ffCW.•<>bcdi.- J ·19 bcfocrifi.ccd, J.cuit. z6. ~. t.he')ftiJd.o&rG~~ !Ct1CJ{~hcr~ul1tO~_ r'_id·~, ,. r! 2:r!T :I f I J ..b~;~nPiuided ;tmongth~c}.ild.rcn ot~Ifr~cl,lof. onrF<lllnt[lly, dium.~ * lfil!U" ~Y!I:'C.i~tJN <!)9.;, ~ fl~)>,&:c. th~,1r~palfc .Q.{,l\fhan fonnd.opt, 10 (yn)lcJ r;clrgu~n•l'ftil'~'J,'i•'"·9i~n'llU!'"" Io£1,,q . 1)., ar1d Mattbias d\lofcn to be<>.iie<!lf "''~, ;l~Jiqe d>.l\( •!h~,~cui\I,,:yf(,~!)Sl'1ie 10 1r~~~~ twduc; Aer·. ,1. 26, an.d,ofthis I.01 ,S;llq- • I Go~l,.vt·~-~~t\1 in,h)s ar~a,nes_ tbc(fi,~~!~_"[lioq of ! I nl.Pt;l f::~ith, Pro. 18. I$. The Lgt CtztJfoth ·ClJt!"" tmqr~\'gt~Jll;and thc?,-'9)",01_iptgf.-9W.;1lmr in l t-e,tipns .to ceafo, and mak.§th partiriom ilmong l ~.~.~~·lA<ltnJ;t\w~pfi)£Bf;y·letvpJ.4~!mi~ and ~k~1w~hti<.. H•t<11pon th.q. ~iujll vf~ of Lots ·tup.~d}ilion.tFor fo'JTI~Iflh wel.c.or-PM~"€,-f {.,3 / · f il:Jf.P his war,.r~n~Jb~ods !"Y6§~, fo it .beJ:nv..:. j~hcre.thc.f:tll'e Prg_phctbr~lTg}_·hj~~"t~;ne;atJd ~ ~ !;fulty .vfe.d i'o ~3fc 0f'ncn·ffiti~, V\ ith lm1o~ariqn !'vners lt,yQa& c<m_flrf11Clh :!_t by a· jyqpqe,r; bll[ roh rhe namc,of Go~d, and V''Jth·C'·:<pcCbt\Otl of l rrp;l(~,<: ,hl:t-~·nd~~J~ w~~J.~,t:l-r~~o,;C.:._.!Dt::~·!f<l ~-p,~- , the cuem from Go?,~yw~ofe ha!1cl ~nd imi)IC! •.fiaq l-,rf,C(,vs{ faJthi.J«f) f."';'fiCE];ot'/ie• v •qs, I ,,Jiare ,proui.dcncc •t IS dlfpofeo. fo>·,th~ Lot \.whia1~(t~Jou haft n.o~ ~;imm.e, (l'fd [,·~ ~.ffqiff~']IIJP!f, I {13ith S3lomon) il Cftfl: in{o tiJc lappt, hm rh~ f -vc;:(.'2, A;1(y..rt;·r3hl~ tG y)i) 1~1~.,7W."S1t!.\§;J!r-~Chfc 1 .w.bole d!f}o'jit;bn tbe,r'tof u' frbm·t~c Lurd, Prou. I oflhcfolf~·r.prqpi)<J4·3tfcr;-'<~rds, '~tl9J~aufcd 1 •6·ll· " / ~h-==- crre ~~-th_~it lies an~d.-ijaHeri£s. 1 ·.; The SportiAg Lot is that whi~h i~ cnmt) ---·- '·--·-· -·-·· - - ----- ly - - - --- - -~-