·I ./ -~------------- i 6!6 ' ,, ,,;,-," (,~, ,;;;;;.,, ,':!,,~.~:~t:~~:::~~:~:. '"'" ,,;,,;,;;;;;;,-;) (h:;:- 1 ' to kt vpbanck-rupts, or li>ch like. This harh thedcuil·; and iffin~e it to be lomc other co:rn- 1 , 1 , ::no W:lrrant~in r.hc \~'ord of Go,~ ~·hereupon tcrfcit commifi g· in Samuels artire to dccciuc 1'men fh ould vfc 1c, and therefore lt ts nobetter S:'t'ul : both ..: hic'h opinions arc fnl[c, and here · then ·an :1bufC of Gods ordinance, tO li1cakc no to be confuted. ' JO • \ more ofir. i And fir!l, rh:n th_crc opinion \.\'hieh fay :rhat ' Now' the diuihing l.ot'p~:rfonncd by fhco..o true Samuel ~ppcnrcJ' VlltO 5aul, is a fbt Vll· r , pcning of a bookC', o·r..ltlic eafling ef:i die;' or truth I prooUcby t'hC[e r'c:ifonS. --~·-· ' \ liJch.Jikc, tbcrcby to declare good Or bad·IUc1 , I. Before this time, God had wi1hdr:lwnc I ccfiC, cannot be donb ""'·ithouc cenfcdcr-:ic·id h~s (pirit frof:n ,Saul, as himfcltC.confcflCth, and : wah Satan either c"pli(ite ,·or implidtc. For dcnicJ t~ :ti~~~nr hi!h any".m"orc by ordiparie ll the pf.::tlnc cart of:. dic,or'rhc openingofabook me:mcs, 1n illch fore as before hec•had ilone: . withouc' bdccuing, can doe nothing for the Hereupon I g:nh_er, th:.cit ~ya~ noJ prob·ablc, ! clifcouoT-ing offuture comingems. And \Nhat iS that God would now vouchfafe him the fill Our ! thcr~·in' thc nature of ihetC :.Clions to produce to fuffer Samuel to comevnto hi'm d:traorJi·na~ I fuch efFeCts? or where, Or when did God giuc ' B rily,and tell him \\'hat fllou'hl De the end ~fhiS this v-enue to them ccrcain.:ly w determine of I w;~:rrc with the PhilillimS:ind·to this pmpofc it tl~ings hid~c_n fr?m ttlan,and knowncn.nc!y to iS affir med twitCi'n that ch:ipch, that God had hnt1fclfc?Dnnn:mo11 therefore by thentts to be p kc'n his good fpirh from SJUI.' ,I,.. · holden os apradifc:,n(;)(:oncly (:mooring offu- 1 I I. ThC fourcs of thc'f~itlifilll depaned,'are perfHtiou, but proceeding from the. arte of in the hand Of God,and doe rcfi in gl?rY. with Wicchnafc and So'rt'eric. himfelfe, and their bodies arc in t!Jc eanh, 3rid Aud ·thus mudfof Diuin:Hion,by meancs of there retl illJ>·cacc. ~o faith thevoice fi91-ri Meathe crcaturcs.;and thc-fcucr:.ll kinds thereof. uen, Reudo I'4.lr~· Bl(Jfod arr thed(Ad·thitt di( S t/.' J/l . 'inth(L(Jrd:fo,·rhryrdffrC1jH1uir !.tbo11~f)'trn~ C • •' the~rwork$i, that is,thei'eWardofthcitworkS~ ,. The focout! l<iifni·;o_f Diuin:ui0n, is by caUl:- follow thW,•immediat!J, Oi wt th( heel er~ -as ih•e "1<irmrdforg,dmiii);J.<-, which arc 110ne oftho word figtiifi'cth, Now luppole the bctllit"had cre:uurcs of Go·lt.:rv.·harcofonekinc!e onely is po\\'Cr oucr Samucis botlie, yet t<? nbk~ ti'uc &.ndui"ctt1ed in Scrip 1 rur2, v"i~.when Satan is eOSo11nuel,hCm\1fi haue his foule alfo.But i"t'is:tl0t fultcd with in thc·(h~pc of' a ~ad'man: This is C in the powC'r of the Dcuill, to ~ring aga~nethc · cothmouiy C"3'Jldd!'Ntdr'omhf.tctl; or rhe h!~t~kJ foules that arc inhcauen vnto 'their bodies,-a-ud art, betaolc..th<..· fdeulll be'eing~fou:ghc vnto by fo td cau(e ihem to appeare vnto m'<fll·.Y:Pon VVitches:~ appcares vmO then.,. in 'th~ Jikc·nctfe earth, apd tQ ij>eakc vn~Othem. 'The D~Lulls Of 3·H·e8'dbodic.".Alnd if is t~pr~t1'dy forbidden, ~ingaoine is in hcll,:10d in the he:trts of ~:;"tked D'cur~ 18;·. , r. yta'<::dn~l:filneti ~y<he Propll~t nien'on C:lr•\1; yea"hileslhe children of.<:;lf'd ' Elay,-8; •9.rlzo,'tol1a fultlr ~b>phl~le:Jeormei; are i6 this world, hedfutoethfome aiitllbril'io that Gods ~cop le ought 113>~ 3%o:ejftJm Jh~·li~ . ouer them, bymea ne~ oftbdr ownc ~O~Pp:p~r.; ftiilt u! ~-ll<<d; but 1/J·rlie L'awc'aiiJJ•ro ~he teor>;· But hbuen is the',kiii'g&ma"•eJ G:o<flind i 1/:rltlc-nt"f.•-A-mtm'oraute'cxamf>'lc!- hereof is ri~ hi.!. Saints ,:wherc-Sat'3n ho.Eh..:nothih~tO'doe, · <oi8ed·in 1. Sam•. 28. the obfCruatiohtwhefe~r 'CbJl"fitt~rlligtharthcre·iS:. nb Relh oi''COr'rupti1WiUdiftoucr vnto vs the chfc.fc p.oints of Nel '011' to I~t·htm·~mranCe6r·ycCJd ·lHti1 ihter'~ cromancic. There Saul ab'oucto~encountcrth<: , tai~I~enf.· Ne-ithc} can it'bC prooucdbX''Sttip".!. Philillims, b_ccirfg fotl~kcn ofGod, who rd'ii- · ture·, that i\*'D<l,till earlJillllurbe eid1er·th"C'bofcd<o anlwcr him1either by drcamcs, or.by-V~ ! 1 ·did or-fl>'ulestif tlleriilhali<licin 1he i:ottf<;fld timl'o~ by the Prophets, inquired for-one •hat i thei'efor·dlic-Witch wi&aU1\et pow~t!8nllill, h:ad:a ·~miliaFIPirH: -and hcarin,g o~·the Pytho1 0 could nO~~ri~g S~rn\Jeb r.~tteb. ·bodir(f'or• f~. nc:ffC•arBndor, \:cm vmohet Oy m.ohc,& eau... 1 11 oddubt)tt \'1.'3S-110W·J and.fonlt:togcther) <J. led hcrtobilo vp ~amud, to tcll -him-thc:l1C.i [ I I I, This J110pc which app'~arcd-fuffurta) fue dftl;c war-rc.~ow the Wttch at hiS'tc:(]olfcfi- :1) S:n1l1:6 :tdo're ran·dwbt'Olip ir;wher~as'llhc(-rucl'l raifcd v·p 1he Deuil, with·\vh?nia fl1e was con.. 1 : Safritiel•w8UM1 n,cftc~1h~~ic~re-cciucd ~o:a'tJo~ federate, in S:unuels likcnc{le; who g:.t1chh'n1 ! • fr"m·S~Ul~He:K.ing, thoughh ~:td bCtnti1rP'ci- . anfwcr' concerninghis 0 \'\'ne: ouCrthrow. atrd1 I ·ui!l manner Onelv. wtw/n th~n did Sauladorc?.' the death ofhis iOllnes.Which.txample d~d~.1 4n{. Th'e Bcuill.hirnfd~·, \\•ho beein.gan_ C~h~:.;l reth plainely chat there is a kind ofdiUinatfon,l tnie rot:He>glo'rie of\Gbdi wa'"'omentJto tak_~;i whereby witdu~s'3Jld forcetc'r's reuealc Orange · .td hiW!felfethnt hOtYo;Jr','YthiCh·a K1n~ in dude.[ things, by me:mes of the ~deHiJt, appe~i~ng; i istop~rfOTmetoG(!)dhinlieffe. ,r ~f _;_-:. ~,:·. •• j vmo them in the f11apcs or fl1adowcs of- the I V.:11~ ith:.d beene trllt'~n'mcl, h~ ~'~,o.uld 1 dead. ''' ·' . : ·ccmirilj >li!me reproOiJca·Sinl forfcc~rng help ' Touchin!! the truth of this example, t~o~ dt wircliCs,contr:lti.e'tt> C'6'ds1cfirtnnandemdm,1 Q1c-Hionsn;:qbe mooucd~- ~.f • 1 :thrl1li3't"1doctr.inel whid1' hec h:t<f tanglwhirn :: The firfl is, Whether th:tt-'\.Oihlch appeared' ftbth God•in-b1s.li1f~~·il'l~J Bm this "cOUJltetfd t•! f__ _ w~s rrue Samuel er not? $6mc f:~y it was Sa~DO-: ; rCprdoU~d.. hiill1'l<?t;111~.~·thcrCforejt'~~~~ritit' l.i-kt·l e! indcede: others {whohold that th~re arc no: to bC:thet_l:!l~ Pr9pherofGod, htu-S~tan;hlm1 -----------~ ---------=~ ~=~~_:-~-=________0!f<,L___