Ch•3•j vf Vifcourjeof Witchcraft. ; 61 '7- i / felfe, froming by his m and skill the per ton & A to comccmrnly, to w!1, if hccbcopp<iint<d : -- -----~ , fll3pc of Samuel. . Gods imm cdiatc in(hmnem fQr the CliCcuti0'11 / I But it is allc:aclucd to the contr:mc, that Sa~ ofthcm,or knows themUy light offorrncr pro~ i mucl after his f1c~';.prophccicd oftl~c death of phccics in Scripture. 1 Saul, Eccldi:lflic. 46. v. 20 Afur hu Jlupc a!- Fourthly, dead men doe often appc3rc.,and I Jo hu to!dcof tht: Kings de.1Jh,&c. .Ar:fv. ~hat \\'J}kc :1ficr dH'Y arc buried. A}lf le is indccde r 1bookc pen~ed bY. I_cl~s the fonn~ ~fSirad~ IS a the opinion ofthe dum:h ofRome, and ofm:l- 1 1 very \vonhtc dclcnpuonofChrd1:!lO Edncli:s, ny ignoranr pcrfOns among vs: but the truth is I contcining more cxcellcn~ ~~rccepts fo~ _manorhcrwife. Dc:~d men doe n<-'ithcr walkc nor 1 ; ncrs, then all the writings ot heathen Pntlofc- :tpp('are in bod1e or foulc after death ; for ;Ill I phccsor other men. But yet t(IS not Scnpturc, thardic, :lrc either Righteous <.·r wicked :._The J ncithcrdtd the chutd& cucr hold and reccJUcr"t fOulcs of the Righteous goc firaight eo Bra~ ( I .as Canomcall; yea, theautbor lHmfclfe mfinu. uen, ::.nd the I~ .. >Ulc} ofthe \\·ickcd to hell, and tcth {0 mul'h in the begmnmg thereof, for tn there tlllthc la(t iudgcmcnr: and cher.. / the preface hee difablcth hunfclfe to mtcrprct fore of the iuflit is (::lide, that they arc blej[ed I hard thtngs, 3nd after a fort cr:mes pardon for when theydie, btcaHfotbry rrff fromlheir la4onri, his weaknes, whi'h ts not the m~mner of the j B Apoc.14. 1:;. Bm how tloe they r'cH, if ~ftcr I menof God that were penmen of Scnpmrc. 1 they be dead they wander vp 3nd downc in the Fo1 they we;e fo gutdcd byGo<ls fpmt 111 thctr I ; earth? • 1 ~ .. procecdtngs, that nothmg could be hard"vnto ! :-.}fit be iaidc, th:a Mofcs and Elias app.earcd I thcnl,Thts pnutlcdgc no ordinaryman hath af1 wh("n Chri!l was transfigured in the Moqpt; furance of:& therforc thts author wmmg vpon nnd that Ln~uus rofc againe-,and at Chr-i!hn;., ! h1s ownc pnuate motion, \\as fubieClto error, I furreCl:ion many dead bodies rofc againc and 1and no doubt thts fpcach oflHs,bemg contrary I appeared , I I h . h · d d · ' C 11 I .,,r.,.'cr·,· tl,ere were t'"'O,,·,·,,cs " 'l1e11 ("'.~o,! l to t 1at w tc IS rccor e tn tloe anomca .. 1·~ ~· ,.. ... 1Scripturcs,is aflat vmrmh. · fuffercd the dead tobe railed v..p againc; either I Secondly, it is obicCl:ed, that the Scriptute at the plantingof hu Chur<h, ot· at the Jcfl.o• callethhim Samuel, that appeared·vnto $:Jul. ring and c!labiifuing ofir, when it \-vas"t"fc9_.tQ I .Anf.TheScripture dothoften fpcakc.ofthings the: foundatiQn.Thus :lt the r.~floring of rdigi~ not as theyarc thcmfclucs, but as they feeme on in Eli;~.s :md Elii11as times, the [Qnne of the to vs. So 1t is affirmed, Gen. J. 16. th:a God ShunamitiOl:Woman, z. 4· 34· ~qg the made two gr~at lighu, the Sunnc and the widowes fonnc tlt Sarcplu<!, J" King. C]i.~ 1. Moonc;whcreas che moone is Ic!fcr chcu.many were riHC:d. Againc 0 whcp C,od would a:c!Jorc fiarres,yet becaufc: in regard of her ncarcndfc 'I{; · his C-huich, ·whh:h wifs, fallen eo Idolatd~1 a.. ..... to the earth, thee fcemcth to vs greater then bo~thed$:ath ~f Elif"Pa, hcc eaufed th~. Jike the re!l, therefore !he is called a gr:at light, miracle to be· wrQl~ght' il)., t,P~ ·:rcuf~ing. 9f a Iti like manner Idols in the Scripturcarecal!ed de3d lll3tl b)' tbc touchit)g'<>f,Eliilias,P.!; 0 g Gods,not that they arc fo indecd,(foron !doll I C31kcifc in th~ g!3uC;thcrcpyYl affi11e thc· p~q. is nothing, 1. Cor.S. 4.)bucbccaufe fome men plc of their ddi.uer:mce, <ln@ .to tauft:thcm to doe fo concciue ofthetn in their rftindes. Itl ;a embrace the Q.o~dne of tb<;: Piophet aftcr.Pis word; the Scripture oftentimcs doth abafc it death,whith in his life tbe,y h:l,.d ~onten~rJ:4l~ fclfc ro our conceit, fpcaking o(things not 3Clikcmannc~al thc'cAab!ilhing·qf.tllc.Opfp.eJJ cordmg as they are, but after the manner of in the new 1dhuncnr_,.. it- p.l~~fcd CllJ ..j@:·:t~ men; and foin thts place callech countetfelt raife vp Mofes and Elias: a1id to make.lh~ SamueJ,by the na.meofthe true Samuel,bccau[c ·knowne tohis Difcip!c:~ ~y cxtraordin,arip-r-eit fcemcd fo vnto Saul. . uclation,·th:n~ they rni~ht bcl~e,qe tha~.thc goThe third obictlion; That boOi.c which ap- 1 Chinev.hich he preached w~~ not ne\lve, ;but peared,prophecicd ofthings that c:~.nlc topa~e _, the fuP.O,ancc witf)s}iat :~hich .. W4S:J'~.. the dayafrcr, asthe death of Sa~!, and of h" 'o· .corded w the. Law ~nd 1h·, .;Propbcts, ,j;j,lb fonnes; whtch tndccde fo fell out, and at the whtch were,.rS'prcfente(bbY(M2f~s and .Bl;ias. fame time, therefore was like to b~cSamuel. ,So allohe Y'!tQQght, I .At~fw. There is nothing there laid .or dont, the widowcsJP'nn~,:J.ild,J.aJ.~Jt$,,t9;d"b-1 which th~ deuill might not doe. For When the ·by to {hew ~h.c: .. po'v\'er ..... of'jlis GodheadJ ,{he Lord vfeth the Dcuil as his in!lrument to hrin~ truth of his ql!iQg, the tc{ljm9nic. of hi$1 ~0- ~ feme things to patfc, he doth before hanrl reChine:l:~!lly,to moke kno,w11~ ~bc_p6wqpf.hJ:s uealc the tame vmo him:and lookc what parti- ·refurrcCHon, hec- caufed fo1.,1;1~ ro r~le and_·:~pcular.s the dcuilllc:-arned from .God, thofc hc-e peare to oth<!ts, whenhc·-bin"!fclfe refc,a.gahJc. can foretell. Now the truth is, Satan was ::1pBut out of th.efe t\-"I!O tihleSj '-Ye hdltc tlJjt"\lf\1"., pointed by God to worke Sauls oucrrhrow, & warr;~.nt nor example, . tlli\i~(;,G~i futfcr(\d 1 (lic · it was made knowncvnto him when the thing - ~cad eobt r:1ifed vp. ·Whrrfqrc thofc inH~n,cs . 1 I fl1ould b-e done;by which mclnes,andby none w1ll nm JOY '''ay confinnerS\l,.i"\lLJCis-appearjng 'I · other. the dcuill was enabled to forC'tell the 1V. htch was not true- but countc:tfqtr auJ d<.'ath of Saul. VVherc (by the way) obferue, forged by the Dcu1l hun{elfc.; .,, , 1 :1 that inthiscafethe deuill can reuealethings 1 Now ~~c fe~o~~~£lfion, o~~h~d l N n n n r "lilch. \ ------------- ~ -----.,- - ---- -- ~