Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- --- ---- ----------- ·-----~------. eA 'Difcourfe ofWitchcraft. : which dcnie that thc;ebc ~my VVitchcs,and A 1 tlicrcupon hold that this was a mcere cofcnage I of the VVatch, fuborning iOmcman or \.\'Oman yet fuch is rhCpower and skill of the delJil dnt he can quite dccciue vs, 3S he did SAu/ ,ln~-this place, o. Sefi. I /1. · I Ch. ~· \ to countcrf.:it the fOrme, attire, and voyce of Samuel, thereby to delude $aut, that alfo is Yllti-Ue. For he that tpakc fOr,ctoldc the ruinc of Hitherto I·hauc {hewed thefirfi 1 kindc of Saul, of his fonncs, :~nd of h1s armic, vca the Diuination bymcans,both true&. fOrgcd.Now time alfo 'vvhcrcin this was to comet~ pafiC; followcth the fccOd; pra6'tifed \o\'ithout means. whereas in likelihood no man or woman in ali Diuinatiotrwithout mcancs, is the forctclIfracl, Could bauc forctold'c fuch things before ling and rcucaling of things eo come, by rhe a- .h::mdofthemfe1ucs. It was not then an;• cofelone & immediate aiTiflancc of at'Jmiliar fpirit. n:tg~, :ts is ~ffirmcd, but a thing effeCtedby the This kiudc: is mcmione.dandexprdlCiy furbiddeuill, framine- to himfcl[e abodie in the Jikcden, Leuic-. 19. 3I. Ycc lhall not regard them ndlC ofSamu'CJ, wllen:in he fpake. thatw~rk.; rvirh f}rriu. Again~, Leuit. io. 6. If therefore it be manifcfl, that bv coumerIf any rurneafterfit~h M worlz~ WJih sfirill; to fcit apparitions of the dc::td, VVitch~$ and Sor- B go~ awhoring :tfter them, I will fer my •face cerers can foretell things to come: hcJ1Ce fun- , aga10Cl th:tt perfon,and. will cut him off from drypoints of Witchcraft may b~ obfcrued. among his pe0ple. So, Deut, 18. 11. Let none Firtl, that there is a league betwecne the: be found among you, that ~onfi:!t~th with ifiWitCh and the dcuill. For this ·waS the caut"c rirs. In which places the holy Gho!t vfcth the which mooued S•ul to leeke to Witches, be~ I word 06,which more properly fignifieth a fpicaufe neither hec hi.mfclfe, nor any oT his fer.;. rit, or dcuill,in which fenfe it is taken in Lcuit. uar'its could raifc vp Satan inSamuds likcnclfe, 20. 27. and in t. Sam. 18, 8. And by reafon of as the Witch of Endor did. But Saul becinga the league which is berweenc the \Vit<.h :md I King, might haue commanded hc!pc: from all the dcuill, the fame is alfo giucn to the Witch, the wife and learned men in Hi-acl,for the cffe... that workcth by the dcuill; and therefore the Cling ofruch a matter: why then would he raPythondfe ot Endor, is both called Ob,1.Sam. ther-feeke to a lillywom•n,thcn to them? The z8. 9. and !he thatruleth Oh.v.7. 8, . reafon w~SJ bccaufe fl\e had made a compaCt Now this kinde ofDiuination ispiaClifed I With the deuill,forthe vfing ofhis hclpc at her two way~s: either inwardly, when the fpirit is dcm3und, byvenue whereof he was as readie \\'ithin the Witch:oroutwardly, when beeing to anfwer,as 01e to call him; whcreasSauland C forth oftheWitcli,hedoth oncly infpire him I the l'carnc<! 1ews,h3uinglri:ide no fuGblugue, or her. . neither he by his power,northcyby theirskill, An example of the former way, the Scripcbuld haue performed fufth a workc. ·· tore atfoardcth, Act. J 6. 16. of a woman at Secondly, the dedill will ~e re>d« at the ea! Philippi, thOt had afpirit ofPytho; which gat and tommand ofWitches and So.,rccrers,when her m:l(lcr much vam:tgc with diuining. And .thev are intending any mlfchiefc. For here the thisfpirit whereby fhe diuined was within her. Witch ofEndor no'fooner fpakc,bur he appeaFor Paul becing moldlcd, faid to the fpirit, I red, and therefore the text giues her :1 name .command thee in the name of lefus Chn!l,that that fignifi,eth one hauing ruiC and command thou~om~ our.~fher, andbee CAme oHt 4f.h~r the , biferP)'thO~ that·iS;the familiar.fpirit:yct.\~hell [11me houre, v: t8. And:becaufc the deuill is · 'ht i~f::6ln:mdCCl,h~ yt:elds norvpon.cont1raint, not wont ia thiskin-d·to•(peak out ofthe throat butlvoluntarily,bccauic be buildsvpon his own ·and brell>,'or bdiie ofthe Witch rofi'effed,hcr. greater aduancage, the gaining of the foule of upon kirncd men hauc~thought thatthis t~amc the Witch. Where by the way,Iet it be obfer- (Oh)is giuen to the dcuill,bccaufe he fpcol<cth ued, what apretioUs thing thc"foole ofman is; out ofthe \!Vitch as out of a bottle 'or hollow ' the p'Urchafingwhcre6t; can make the proude D vcffell;·for (o the wordoOb,properly lignifict~- fpirit of S•tan (o farrc to abafe it fdfe,a> to be Secondly, this may be praClifed when the' at ihe commanclofdfilly woman.AgainC',what forth ofthe!Witch, and then he either .anninuetetatc tti3.1itc S:uhan bearcth· to maR, infpireth hCr,·or cls caficth her imoa trance,.&' whiCh forthe gainipg of a fouJe, will doe that therein reucaleth vnto her fuch things as.flicc 1 which is focomrarit to his nar['may ua·ch would kno\oV. · · ' m3nwhat to eflccmc-of his foulo, and not t& Ofthis.kindc, though we haue no namplc, fellitforfobafe:t fricc. ··, -, ' in fcriptllre', yet the hi!lorics of the Heathen - Thirdly,by this,fthe great powe.r of the dedo afford vmo vs{bnces ofexperience ·uilt in the behalfe of the Sorcerer, is madcma- -therein.'One of the principal! is the hiflori~ of :nifcA,tPor he was prefcntly at hand ro counterthe tenne Sibylles of Greece, who weremoll fcit tSamu~/Jand did it fo liucly :md .cunningly, :: frunous \tVitches, :md did prophecic of many . 25- well in forme ·ofbodie, as in attire and ' thin..,nocome whereof fomewcrctruccon-1 voice, th::tt Sau/rhought verily it was the Pr.occrning Chrifl: ;nd his ·kingdomc, whiCh the. phei: which may bc·aeauc-at vmovs, not eahly dcuill flolc ouc of the Bible, and fame: other~ ro giue credit w any fuch ~pparitions. FOr were f2lfc:and all of rhem they rcceiucd by ret1hough they feeme neucr fo tr'uc and eulcient, uclation from the dcuill in rr:mccs. ·' \ -1::.~c::::.,t.:::.::.::::.::::::::~::..::.::.=:::.::.::.=:.::_~~=========.c.c._:_ ___ ·Bm ,_ _ _!_~