Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

! Ch. ~~ i_ _ _ ___ eA_·V -ifc_ottje rf_tr._i~c!xraft~ ---. -,-_-:-·- - i _-o._ ,i~- / Bm it h-ill be faid, if the d<'uill rei.ICilcth vnr A rof!utcd. Bnt the f(orc of rh~J'i d·lnt1lrC,fr.oiri ' I to his inHriimCms tlr=mge things"ill'tr:mrcs, S:lt:iti, isprincip<llly the !h,Ht hJh'<t~- ~ then how fl1::&1l a ri1an difccrnc ben-.·c-cn' di;:~bo- : ranee of rc!igion,thc drawin 1 gofthcf,,&IH:~~HIicall rcuclarions, and the true gift ot~ Prophc'!' J. ro ~rroms , the r:uifying dhd cbnfirmi-n£l~f ctc; which God ill trances rcucalcth v-nto his 1 rhem arc fal!cn thcrc~~w, a:1~ the~cf1Hti.ti , 11 P10phccs. · / vpl~o!dmg of th.c_pt::t~1!kS at \'ngod!1~1~!f(. I J/ 1 .A>1[. In this poith S~ca11ls {:1s it \"crc)Gods J :An~ by thcfi: :mtl luch hkc p3i"tku}a:r diftctt;.n:; J jape: For as hec in old time r:1itCd vp holy Pro- ·ccs, h:lth GOd pulled ofhhc Dcu.ils viz~1';~ ~nCI · 'I phcrs to fpcakvnto tht f~nht:rs,fOr the building mnde him better kncn-\'11Cand l!'i(CcmedOf h~C·! I I vp ofhis Church:f(l h3th Saran infpircd his mi- ·Chrilli3os.f nd rlllls much cc\nct:rnin-g DH.i!il:!':. I ;j nitlcrs,and furnif11ed his lnHm:ncmSwith protion 1 tlic fi1 fl part of\Vitch 7 ri:lli-. · ~ ,::ii I !/' I I ph~ti~a}J infpi.r:uion from, for the i:>\f: btnldmg vp of his ownc kihgQomc: and hereupon he bath notably co4htcrfc ircd the true ~HAP. I V.. !v g1ft of prophccie recci_ucd fir!! frb1h God 0 'J himfdfc. And yet; though iti many things QrOhC_ratitte OT_, i~ofi.t,'n&, 1,'~.·.q.~~.- thcy be like, there is gre;a diffctenC(bCtwccn "} £ ~ ~ . , them. 1 B : 1-Yirch-crafr. · · Ul/) Fidt, diuinctranccs may come+pbn Go<ls ) . . ,_ !·;!.lW0:, children, either whcn'the foulc remaibcth vni:. . Tac tecond part iS thcli: ~\·hi eh c0n"fktG1rl. tcd with the badle, or clfc whtn it is fcuertd Operation; :md is therefore called Opcra-t.J for a time. So much Pau/ inllmlateth, whrh he l tiue or working Witchcraft. · ~.:.. .· ~ ' ... ~\:,·~I faith ofhimfclfc, :. Cor. t 2. z. that hcc wj.S Witch-cr:~ft io Orcratio1l·, ·is that whilmtlf rapt vp (as it were in a h"c::mcnly trancc:)imo the employed in rh~ praelife and rt:1H workigg•df third he:mcn, but whether in the bodie, or out I firange things or \Vondcrs, and it hachrnv.,_c1 ofthe bodie, he knew not. But i11 all di:~bolip·ansslnchammem,and lugling4 . ~ ;'J 'f call ccHaGes, though the bodlc and (en{Cs of 1 . ···i 1 '!..m: thcWitch bc(asicwc:rc} bou!ld orbc"tmmS fl l · iiJ) '(d mc-J for the time; yet their foulcs nil! rcmainc ' .. t e • • /..... ~) r I vnitcd to their bodic~, and not fcucred fi·o~n I , : 1 ·, • • • • • u::>~j· them. For though thedcu1ll by God~ psrmifhl l!t~ltanttnC'nt ~~the \\Orkm&ofwonde!rS:by l ln~h:J:"·~ 1 on may kill rhc bodie,:md fo take the: (oulc but a charme.Th1s the Lord eiprcfidy.forb!ddecllf m. n,•• of icforeucr; yet to take it from the bodic fol· Dent. I 8. i I. Let none btt f'*nd amo,g-.;joi#; a time, and to reunite·rhem againc,. is miracu- C th4f ss a Cbarmer; In, 1his defcript.ic;::m;ttvts~ lous,and t!lcrcfo1·c beyond the compaffe: of his I I points arc t? be_ to~fldered. '.1.• \\'ha'~thins~~may power. beqonc by mc.h:~mmcnr; naJnclyWonder;,for I Secondly, in diuinc ·trances the fcrmnts of 1 fay it is the praCHfe of \.vondds<=;'.:. b~ whai God haue al their fenfcs.yca·and all the powers J mcanesthcfc wondersare -;.\·".th'at iS; b~ of foule and bodie remaining founJ and peraCharme. ·· i I feCl-,oneiy for a time the aCtions and opcr:aions For the fi~!l: The wonders Incharr;,: arc fi.1fpcndcd :~nd ccafe ro doe their duty : but t"ers arc,I. Thc·raifing oHlormes -:indtcmpafh·r f in cdlafies that be from Satan, hi~s •infhuments windcs and weather, by ii:a3!-1dby lanti:.z.iEjle t arc call into t'rcnzics and madndle:fo as re:1.fon po.yfoning ofthe ayre : )• Bb.fHngof corncr4l f in them is darkened, vndcdhnding obfcurcd, Killing ofc.::lttel. ~nd nonoying ofmcn,womi:!o · memori·c weakncd, the ciiliempcred; and children: 5· The procuring ofHrangc pat:: ! yea all thcflculties arc fa bl~mifhcd,that many I !ions and r~rments in. me-ns bodiC"s and otllrti l of them neucr rccouer their former eflatc al crcaturs,w!.ththe cur!ng ofthe famc::6.G:afiin!J l gainc, and' they that fcape bell, doe catric their lout of Deullls. Thcle anc.tfuch like things ln.J blc:mifhcs , as the deui!ls sk:trs, cucn to their ' cha'.lters can doe by the-ir chatmcs.'p graue. So kindc is Saran to his fri.;nds; that he D prooft hcrC"of. we banc: the \~niform confent of 1 willca~e .behind him \,\'hert· ell er he Ia;! ages, W!~~ the records of.\Vicch.cs confcffi:.: I comes m this iorr. fhe feruams of God re- . ons to man1fcll tbc famc; the tdlimony. . ceiuc no ·fi.•ch blemif11, hut rather a further of experience in this age: fo ao;. the m:m that I good,and a grca_rcr meafurc of illuminatiml"of calls it into qadlion, may as well doubt ol:r~o I all the powc!"S ofrhc fouk. \ ' funne thining at ll)oone Jay . 1. • ·r· Thirdly, diuine ecHaftes tend :1lw~y to tha Yet fonhc furrh~r<kclara~i.on therof,wc!\vit j ~onfinning of the truth ofthe G ofpcl, and the allc:1dgc what the fcripturc I::~Hh in thi$ pbint: 1 tunhcr:lncc of tr\IC religion and picde. Surh S:~.lomon fairh, /{rh.: s~rpent b.irrwbeJ: hr~u not ! I v.:as Pcren,ACt.. to.; 1. whiCh iCructh to alfurc chtlrmed, uo bntcr isab.tblr.r)Eccle:l Q, s hthus 1. him ofhis calling ro preach the Gofpc\1 to.the the \'o'ords arc i.n onr Eng!i01 tr:mfhtion: bm l Gent iles, and to i1,fonm: his iudgcnl cnt "in this they may l)(·tter he thusrc:HI aCcording to tb'e 1 I rruth, thanhcrc was no a("(cprio"n of pt't fotls original\: Jf tile ferpcnt bitc.bOfOrc he be cho;:-.: '"'"ith God, and tharro them of the newc Tc-. mcd, what profit h:ah the ma!lcrof the tongue '~:_rnenr, all" thmgs were clc:?:'c,:md t]<;>thing thcrcl>y,~~~at iS,.tl1e Channr:tow And fo :ih'cy · N n n n z 1JC3-rc . ~ i