r ch. 4 • 1 - -----;A15iftou7_/;;jwit;/;,~~7C--~---63-r~ ·; ~ --- ; . I. All "''ords made and vncrcd_by men, arc I A ! In their C\Wne n:uurc but founds lramed by the j ! tOIWUC of the breath rhat co:nmcrh from the ! lunSs. .And rhat ""hieh is oncly a bare fo~ddJin I ; all reatOn can haue no venue in it tO caufc a re'- 1 I all \\'orkc .much ldfc eo produce a wonder.The i iOunds ofbels :md ofmany mufica!l iultnunft9, l and the voices of many bruic crc::acurCs, arc far J more Hrong :~nd po\\'erfull then rhc voice ofa J man: ycc who knowtrh nOt-', t·h.at none of all 1thcfc i.s auailc:~ble to (~Jch pUrp~fcs, Indcc~c I thCy hauc power to affeCt the mmde, by rhc1r f'Nectnctfc or ochcr1Nifc, bur they ~tc nor aPle eo bring 'to paf'fc a re~ll worke-, Ctthcr by the infliCting of hurcs and harmcs, CH' byrhe pro– ! curing ofgood. I conclude thercJOrc,_that the •• I voice ofman b.y nat~Jrc,hath no pov\'-Ci to work B any !Yondcrs. · .!.. · ll. Again<, cucr-y thing .,vhich humth ot affctlcth another, muft nccc1farily touch the thing which it hu'rtcth or affcCkth2' Fo.r it is 3 grantc"9 rule in nattir.~;·!h:lt cucr}'·:tgcnt work.: gcns,~git cth vpon the patient by touching: But wordS r~onuvttercd in Charfucs are commonly--made of things ablem, abd ·therefore t~·ougb it lhoul~ l begraumed,thattbey bad the pow~r oftouch– chi~tg a fublhnce (':'hich they catlllothaue)yct ofthcmfelucs they :tr~ nOt auaileable to bting I vpon things abfcntcithcr go€1d.:er-c:uill. " I I I. Morcoucr, !f ~vordc:i .co1~cdurd iri charmes and fpells halic- any fuch·po'"'cr as is pretended, why Jhould no't cu~ry word that a– ny m! fpeakcth hauc chc fame pe\\'er,inafiflUCh' 0 as-21l words are of the fame nat\ife, lbceington..! ly founds framed in the brealt, ane\ Vftered of the tongue ill letters arid fyllablcs.?But e:X·periJ. cncc tcacheth, that the fame word fpokcn by another bath not the fame venue ; For the charme vttered by th~ Charmer bimfclfe, will take effea, but being fpokenin the fame man. ncf by another n1an,-th:ti is no Inchantcr, ma.– keth to no purp~:~.' f6r nothing ifcffcC\ed by It. IV· .. That which isinnatnrenothinghut 3. bare figilific:ttion·, .c;mnor ferue to worke•':t wonder,and thi~i's the nature of all words;for as they be framed ofmans bre:.nh; they arc {1~turall ,~ut yet in regard offorme and articulatiO . they arc arcifidatl &. fignificant, and the vfc of D them in euery bnguage is to fignjfy that whioh the author thcrt>otinc~ndcd; for the firfl figni~ fications ofwords, depended vpon the will and p!cafure ofinan·that framed & inucnted the-m~ Bccing thcrefore·itluenced on.elyto fbcwe or fignific fame thing, it rcmaincs that neither in nature nor proper vfe, tb~y can' bc·3pplycd to the producing of wondcrfull and~ firangc ef– feCts. Thus the former part of the affumption is cleared. "· In the fecond pl:ice I affirme,thu the words of charmers hauc not this po\\'cr in them, bya– ,q.s"ficciaU,~ifrtb['effing', of appointment cf God, fin cc the crcaion which is the Other po.rt oftl~e I affl1~1prion. And I Jl1cwc ir thus: whatfoeuer is powctfull<::~nd dfcauall to:-:wy cnJe or.pui·· pO!i::, by Gods gifr, blc:tling> or appoimmcm J the r~UlJC' ic; cdmmandcd in.his word to bev{cd, and harh alfo apromifc ofblcl1l:1g onncm:c:.dllt,o the nghc vfe thereof. To!v(e the ln(hn.<o b.c– tOrc made for cxplic:ltion t~ke, The b1·e~in -the Lords iUppcr, hath thi.spower & prop·Ctcic giucn it by Chrilt, to fealc and fignthc vnral– ucry bcleeoing recciucr the bodic of_Ghr:iG; ,and by this property giucn itj1it is auailcr<!.\>le to this ·purpoJC; though j~ b.c_c a 1h:ing abQu~h:c. ,common aqd nacurall vtoof ·brcnd; :~tld ~he-~e.... upon "''e lbuc v/arram from 'ChrlHs OW1l:"cbm-– mandemenc, ordinance, ;;m:! cxampir f01to~~fc ir.But19 <hewhole body ofthe ScriptuncltbS"' is not thc.likc comrnandCmlft to vfc the h~otds ofCharmsfor the effcCling cCwonders; much ldfc the Jil<c promifc ofb!dling vpon d1crfame fo vfed : therefore the condui1on is, thatGod lljth giuen no fuch power vpm them in~ fpeci211. ,._,~ . . r , . 1 , ~.r · Ifit be asKed then, wh:tNhey arc,nild \\·hnc:. ro they fci·uc? I anfwcr, they ::ll'C no betrerthcn thc-dcuil~ Sacraments &M'I<'!.r<:h"''Prds,t:oJc.aitfc him to do1fon:e fibngc,.Vbrke.For the Iqahan..; tcr hath relation in his mindc to the dc.uill.; wboic help be hath at band by.c<>ueuanr eichcr. open·or fc:cr"Ct; or at lea!l.femc fi.Jpe1:Hirio.us .b-. pinio.n oftheforce ofthewords,whichis·merC.o~ paratJoll to a coucnanr. .,, .. ,. "- '· The tfuth ofthis doChinc, howfocuer,it bee thvsmadem3nifefi, yet it. findcs not gcncralL jmcrtainomeneat all mens hands. F.or thoe are 1 :111d hauc bccne fome learned men, in aU..ages-, who maimained the contraric, b01h hy ~word_ and wridng;·and namely,that there is grcaC:vcr..– tueand power in words pronounced in' tinrci and place, to cfi(C\ ltrangc things. Forproofe whereofthey allcadgc thcfercafons, .• LJ: "M Firfl, that the bare cOnceit and imagination of m:u3, is ofgrcac forCe-to doe(firang·e ~hingsi and thcrforc words cxprcffcd:CUu(h mqrt"J'Pfn. The grouOd ofthe n:afon·is'niught. Imagiu3~ r.ion is u61hing clfc but a llrong conceidof ·ch:C· ~1inde touching any thii1g, wbatfouc~d.t.btc,. and by r.cafon of the communion thatds ·be+· twccn~ th~ bOdic and foulob.cciug,toghh-cr~ it i'S ofgr,c:tttfortc to workc:within the np.n.th.ar: imagineth diu~rfly, and cu.cau fc a!rcr:~tian·in him{CJfc-, which may t-CJld eit·ber [0 chdulh or I to the good of his ownc :bodie '; · but?~C't· im::~:.; ginl:uion h~th no forcC""out: ofr man toaffcct.cm hurt 0111 o~hci. A man (cOUeciuin'f}dcfpctl:l,t~ly ~fhis .ownc eftat_ej by.rhc !lrchgthof."ti{lngl~a.-~ non may kill'himfclfctby~~e '"'"e.con<cri'/idx-. it ncuer fa flrotlg,hejCanothtir.t hiS".nelghi;JOu(:; For it'is ne more t·hfh£cfaPtJimige..Vrariibis· coync, ...\·hich fcructh.onely.to rc[irCfCnd€afar:-. fo imasin:aion.i.s no'rh~1g lnltrtRc Trprcfcntati:. on ofiome•thing in t.he mind by concciC.:,..aad thcrcfo.re as;rhe perfon of Ccfar is 'llnthinc I hu11t, rhou~ ~1j,s'imag·e be dcEtcql;(o \~l1en \f~ c~mceiuc or.~~cn in our:.min~s,though ncuer ra I b:Hlly& rrro.ltnoufly,yet al.is·ofno force to hurt --~--------------------------------------~N~n~n~,'~'-3~-- or I ---/ 11