Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I ·Ch+ \ e.AViflourjeofWitchctafi. I 6j~ ; i-n_a_n_v_n_k,-,o-,-,-nc_t_o_n_g-uc-·,-in_r_u_d_e-an- d- ba_r_b-ar_o_ll_s - 1:-. -which hec tlu:ough hi:; po;.vcr. m~fi caufc to be' I--- --- ~ I words) is {ufliclent to procure the wot.king of clone, ~~ . wonders. _ ~nd thus ~uch of Inch:Jntmcnt" flandin%- !. Now though the: word ofGod be in it felfc vpon the pntl:ifc·ofwonders bya Charmc. pure, :md fcrue' to cxcdlct)t pl_lrpof~, aS, hath :ro rhis head of .Inchanuncnr> Jill1dt'y other, yet by d1c vJay we lliJY remember; praCHfcs of Witches are to be nfi:rrcd, the' That 35 it is with all things that arc mofl: prcchiefc whe;eqfarethdC. . > • I cious, nothing is fo excellent in it kind which Fidl, thevfing>a.nJ m:lking of CharaCtc:rs,. I may not be abuiCd; fo it is with this hcaucnly J.magc:sf or,lRigurcs, fpC'cially 1 the :fi·aming of j word: for it is and m:1y be made aChannc.nvo CiPoles;·for r.his·cndc ~tb \o\~olikd wonders by·. waics, FirH, when fome part of it, is i..ndeC'd vthem. A~ to clr.a't"e'"thc pidur.e of a childc 1 '! fed for a.charn•e. Thus mariy texts offuipture; or man, or other crc:lture in chy or \>\"3!-:C', anJ J both in1.atin and ocher languagcs,~auc becne ' ~b burie the fathc i"n the ground, ~r _to hide. i_c J ahllfed by Inchamers, as 11-iighr caf.Jy be.{he"wm fomc fecret place, or ,eo bnrnc tt 111 the fire, ed. Secondly, when it i.s licard,read,recired or rhereby intending to hurt or kilr the panic re~ m:1dc a m<lttcr of prayer "'!ithout vnd'crlhn· fcmbied, Againc, to mak~ an imprcllion intO-' 1 ding.Andthustheignorantman; :ts much as ·B the f:1id piCture, by picking ·or g;1J'hing the in him licth,nukes ita Charh1e.For in his ordihcat:t ·or any other place \'\'irh iment to procure narievfe thcrcof,he neicher conceiuetb nor ta.. dangerous or deadly paincs eo 'the' fame plrts.- keth care tovndcr£landh, as lamcntabJe expcThis is ameerc praC(ifc of Inc!lantmcnt, and riencc te:lchcth. Yet in neither of thefc is the the 1naking of th'c im~ge,aAd vfi:ng ofit to this very bare rcpcadng ofthe word dfcGtuill. For en"d, is in venue a Charmc, though no worJs as when a man hcarcs or reads it, vtile£fe the be vfed·. For the bare piCture hath no more Spirit ofGod inlightCneth his heart, it is .to no power of it fclfc to hurt chc bodic rcprcfemcd, purpo(c;fo when it is made the mattcrofaSpel then bare words. All that is done commeth bj nothing will be cffcC\cd, vnlert'e the deuill dthe worke ofthe deuil,who alone by the vfing· ther byconfcderacie,orfuperfiitious conceit be ofthe piCture in thac·forc is occafioncd (o or fo drawnc to conferre his hclpe in the point, for to worke the partie-s ddlruCHon. his ownc aduamagc. Sccondly,hither we mayrefc:-ric thcvfing of• Howbeit, ofall Inchamrnents thefC: :ire the Amulets, that is, rcmcOi~s ;~nd·preferuatiu~s a-' mofi ditbonouublc tO God, moll acccp~ble g:tin.fhnchantmems, forceric·s& b·c.witchings:, to Sarhan, and moll hurtfull to the Charmer, made ofJ1.c:arbes or fame iUchrhings, and han-·1 which arc made of the Scriptures. For bcfidt, g«d aboitt.thc neeke for that e.nde; . the finne of Witchcrart in the Charming, this C ~ Thirdly, the Vfing of Excorcjfme~, that. is,' inconucnicncieinfueth, that Satan procuretl.1 ccrtainofet formes of words vlCd fn,way ofad... more C[cdit to one of thefe, then to twenty O• iuration, for fomc C1(traordinaric:.Cnde. A prather, beeaufethc wordsarc Scripture: hereby c\i(e vluall in the Church of Rorn<, whereby cloking his mifchic:uous praCHfes vndc:r the the Pricfl coniures the·falt,holy water,creame, colour ofholyncffc, "& fo Confirming the ttuth fpittle, oylc, palmes,.&c. all which jrc in trUtkl ofthac which the holy Ghofi: faith, that when mccre inchammCrs. For howfoeucrthe CouhJ Concil. bee werkcth moil deceitfully, he tran!farmes cc1l of Trent bath nuitied them _b}> their· d~-· ;;i~~~~ himfo(feinto an .Angel/ofhght, :1. Cor. 1 I. 14. crccs,and f0 commcndcd them eo gcncrall v~ He knowcth well, that ordinarie words feeme within the compaffe ofthe Popill1 Chtlrch;ya~ nothing to fomc men, therefore he teacheth & they haue in themnopower or·abiliticofbic(-.... fuggdleth phrafe. aod femenccs out of the ·r,ng or cmfing, either by nature·or Gods apJ w6rd, for fuCh vngodly endes, that euen the poinunent. ·.· ··. 1 · ... grace ofthem fetched from the Scripturcs,m:~y 'Fourthly, ln chl-s number ·we reckon the vmakc them fcemepowerfull. Wherefore let cfing of the n~u~e /rfUJ.;c__o·driuc away ,thc dcuil 1 uery one that is endued with grace and know- D or to preucot VV'ic!!hcraft; a common practife ICdge,ducly confider this with himfdfc. Canamong the ignorant. \Vhcrc-in rile wonderful( not Gods word be cffelluall,when it is vfcd to malice of Satan bewraics it fdfe, Jin making the edification, vnleffc the workc ofhis own fpirit ignorant people thirlk that Cbrifl ii aconiui-er~, accompany the fame? then furcly it is hnpoffiand that there is venue in the naming of hiS blc, that the fame which is holy,beeing viC:d to Frame,.to doe f'omc fir:ingf= thing. Vihereas the an cuill code, fhould be powerfull, except the truth is, be careth neithcr:Cor [hat name,nor for dcuiil affoardcth his \1elpc for the ctfeC1ing all the names of God, if J man goes no further thereof. To <:onclude therc.Jor.c, )et men fay then the bare repeating of them;but rather.·~~ I . what they will, the truth is thls, that ·\'\'O(ds ligh'tcth to fee thcm{b abufcd an~d~difgrahtft of Inchammenc, be they ncucr fo holy or proAnd hereupon it is, that in all' coniurati·ons" I: phane, either by way of cur!lng or bleffing, \V hen_he is raiJC:d by the Sorcd~r, willing. hauc nopower ofthcmfelue~ to the producing to be adimcd by all 'the holy names of GO<! of fhangc '-'\"Otkes; but arc (as h:nh bccqe faid) that arc in the Scripture, to th'e' ·c·nd.e th<lt hot " oncly diabolical\ figncs.adnlonifhing the ·Den1ay the ll10re dcepdy feduce his b~v~e infirUuill offomC wickcdndfe intended and dr.fifed, tnC'nts, and make [ thinkc tliat thefc ho_ N n n n 4: _~'~--~-~--___ir__ _ _ _f '