I 6~4 1 rvf..VifcourftofWitchcrafi.--- - -- --\ch.4: 1 [~ly names wj!l biuti him, and force hnn toyc;ld I A cafe ofthe grcarcfiworldly g:~~Fo~~~~\--- fVnto then dc1ilC5111 the parucular,whCmdeed rn;~y dod cutll,that goodmay come 0 [ 11 • \ i·thcte 1~ no fi.zch mattcr.\VhtCh potnt throughBut they that v[e the hdpe ofCbanr.ers,and ! ly cot~hdcrcd,m:ily::tdmomOl vs to take fpectall confult 1A'Hh \;vtf<!mcn, arc wont w allcadgc hccdc ofthcfc cunmng gl9zcs and Ceuijhllltn- ~ fometJHng 111 defence or cxcufc of thctr pr'afinuauons, v. het by he t}ltcndcth to dclud\vs; Cltfc. J • «lway rcmembrmg, tjlat the Apofilcs the~... FHili thatthcyfbrthcirpartmc:tnrno hurr ,fclues,to V\ home: the pmr.. er ofJWorkmgmir.- thcv know no etull by the man v. bcmc theY des \\as gmcn, ,did neeer aCknbwledgc•th fcrkc to,. they ondy fendto lllm, and he does I workc to be <io.o.c by the n3mc.of ~~fUJ_, bot :ts ~hcm-g:ood, how and id wh2tthanner thry reS. Peter affirnlcth, through farth m hu name~ gatd nor~· .Anf.r, Indeed tn3ny be ignorant of AC\. ,. 6. r6. rhcincliamcrs,cou·rf<sl But in cafes of loffe& I Fiftly, ~he ct;.offin_g ofthe bodie,t.othke~d, hindr~ntc,menou·ghr noroncly to inquire the that we may~~~ ble{l~d from.th~ dcu~I. A~hw9 me~mos, bucco.waJgh·3lld confider the warran. vfuall ~ucn ot l:nrcr tu~cs, fpce:tally snPop~r.y;; \ tnblcnc·~ thcrc_of, othet~'Nifc they doe not that 1 whcre111 the croffc CJrrteth the very n;uurenof1 they doe of fa.tth,and'fo:!re guihie of finne bea ~harme, & thcvf(( ofit in this manne~, :lpra- B fore GodlRom, t·S, latl v. z.Put the cafe they l Chfc of Inch:mtrnem.. Fo~ Qod bath gt_uen no themfclu,c! meant no hurt, yet in this aClion I fuch_vcrw_c:; ~o a croflc, cnh~r by crcauon, .or they_doe·hurt to thernfducs, by rcpofing uuft fpccJall pnUl!cdge :md t~ppouument. ~· in thmgs, which vponbct·ter confiderati6 they Sixtly,the Sc1atchmg of :1 Witch to difco.!. !hall fintlc to be dii'hor1ourablc, and therefore uenhc Witch. For it is a meaucs whichhath h:acfulltoGod. l: · I I no warr:mt or power thereunto, either by the 1 Sccondly,they alleadge;v.•c goe to thePhy. word of God, or from nature, butonely from fitian for counfell, we uke his Redpe but we the Dcui)l; who if he yccldcth eitherat crofknow not what it-mcimeth; ycr, we ~fe it,and 1 ling, or lcratching, he dotb it willingly,& not finde benefit by it; ifthis be lawfull, why may by CO!llpulfion, that hcc ma:Y fccdc his inflru., we not as well take benefic by the VVifcmah, · mcnt with a falfe faith,and a fuperfHtious con... whofe courfes we bt ignorant of? An f. I .Phyccit, tO the diibonour of God, and their owne fickc vfcd in time and place, is a worthy ordi1 ouerthro'"'· ltl•aword~ lookc whatfocu~raa:i... ' nance of G_od, a~d'therCforc beeing rightlyv.. om, gefiures, figncs,ncc:s, and cc:rernomcs,ar<;_ fed, G,od g1ues h1s bldiihg to it. But for In- ]vfedby men .o1· \o\'omcn to worke wo.nde.rs-,h~ , C ehantmcnt ic was neuer fan&ified by God, and uing no power to effeCt the famb,"Citllhby I merefore c-annot bevfetl: inany affi.Jr.:mcc ofhis creation and nacure,ot by ij)e.cial appoibtinent j-.. bfiffiflg.z.Thc Phyfitiansreceit bceing a com-· 1 from God,,they mutt all be rcfcrrecho .this · pofition apd mixtOreoCnarurall things,rheugh he3.d,and rcckon~d for Ch.ao11Cs. a man knowes·it nOt,yet he takes it into hi's flo--: 1 Thevfo. Now confidcring,thor oil kinds of mokc,orapplies i<t'o·his bodic,and fcnfiblyP"- , Charmes arc the Dtuills.watchwords to caufC ceiHeJ the vertue ~tni:/ ejficacie thereof 'in thcJ! him to wo_rke the wonder, and ~hauc no ye'rtue working: \1\•herd:s the Charmc~Coul-fe confi-" in them,be the words ·wherein they are coned· fieth of words, whi~h ·neither-a'rc·knowne in· I uedneuer fo.good: hereby we mu!l be 2dmo.. thcmfelus, nor arc rhanifcHin their vfe to fen le niChcd,to take hcedc ofthe vfe ofthem, and all orvnderftandi11g, And hereby it is plaine,thcre other vnlawfiJJl ceremonies, both in refpeCl of is not the fame reafon of Phyficke &charmes: their formes, be they praifcs or prayCrs, or imthe onC h:~.uing a fenfiblc operation by vertue precations; as alfo in regard oft~eu cndcs, be giuen it of God; the other infcnfible, ~nd· they ncucr fo good in outwarG appearance. .,.,·rought aboueordinary rneancs by th~workc But alas! the more hubc:n.t.able is the cafc,Charof Satan. 1' ming is in •• grc>t requclt'os Phyficke, ond Thirdly, they alleadgc,God is rnercifull,and Charmers more fought vnto, then Phyfitian5 D he hath promded a faluc for eucry for~, they_; in time of need. Their be j;'h.-lrmcs for a!! conh:mc'Vfed other meanes,but they haw:_not fire_; ' ditions ::md ages of men, for diuers kinds of ceeded, and \vh:u fhould they (.lo more, may I creacures,yca for cucry difeafe; as for hcadaJ:h, they not in extremitic rcpaire to th~frJChanter, tQoth~ach, fi.itches, and fuch like. Ncuenheand fee what he can doe to them, r~thcr then le!fc, howfoeliCr Come ,haue fitbieCled themtheir goods and carrell lhould be lolhnd fpoyfcluesto fuch bale and vngodly meanes, ytt led?Anfr .It were better for you to'bJdc by the t5c.vfc hereof by the mcrcic of God, hath not Joffe, yea to liuc- and die in ~my lickeneffc, then ~CIJ~ vniucffall. A·nd \hole that hauc fought to tempt God by fecking hclpc at Charmers fur helpe, are to be aduifcdtn the fcare of0od hands : for their hc~pc is dangc!:ous _and c~mto repem.ofthi.s their finne, and to take a hernlcthfrom the _dcuJ!I, whercL~pon.'f yec rdl ter coarfe. Let them rightly confider,_that they your fdues, ye toyne lcagu~VI'Ilh h1m; <~nd _fo f haue hitherto dcpcndcd,vpon Sotan for hclpc, honard eternolly the fafeue both of bod1es I and confcqucntly h:me diihonourcd God, and foulcs. z. Vfe good meancs ::ttlowcd of \ and renounced J~wfnll mcanCs fanCHfied by God and when .th~y haue bccne ,.fed cfrcn him, which fhould not haue beene done in withoutfitccdfe,proceed not to other courfcs, - ~ I