Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I eh+\ ______ ---:-- ~AViflourjeoj Wirch;r"d}c:- -------~----. -, _~35- _I but rofcrrc your tClucs to God, and l-;,y with A of Exorlus, ~,·here A--!11fo1and A~ron, wrought I lob: The Lord hml;gium, aadth:t Lordbatb tawonders betore Pharaoh, tunung the rodde k§tt mvaJ; 6lcff~dbe thcnam~ofr/J.: Ldrd, lob r. into a (crpcm, and w2rcr into blood. with m3- ~ 2r. And thus much of Inchaaicing, the firH p~lrt ny orhet fi1ch like. No1.v f.umo and lmnlnd ofOperatiuc Witchcnlfc. (tOr fo Paul calleth thclll, 2. Tim. 3."8.) tho S a J[. Magicia_ns o( E~)'pr, did wnrkc the l~ll!C mira.. / ea. • clcs .wluch Moic:s :~nd Aaron had ·donc; lhn I The (ccond part is Iuglillg. !;~{ling iS the dehere waS the difference; Mofe.s made tri1c crcl- ~ li1ding of withfomc jlrangejieight done awrcs,ancl wrought true l,Hiraclcs, whereas thrY botte rheordmaric courfoofruttwe.In this dcfcripdid all in appearance and Oun.V:trd flicwc. For rion there arc t\.VO points necdf.nily required theirs ·\>\'Ctc 'not tru;;- real! adions, but oncly in the point of Iugling, Dclujionofzhccye, ::md Magica!l illnG.ons? wrought by the· H~ghrand I e.'~:trttordi"ffarie Sleight. . . fubdltic of d1e bcuill >.in the pratlifC. of IugDdufion is thcil performed, when am~m 1S ling~ . made to rhinke he fees that which indecdc hcc And bcc:H1fe fomc thi~1kc ·that the fcrpcnu fees not. And this is done by operation of the B 2nd fr0gs caufcd by the Magirians, were uue dcuill diuerfly,but efpcci::ally three \v:tyes.Firll, ercatures, and all their other \.\·orkt:S as really by corrup~ing the humor of the eye, which is; and trucly done asrhofc \\'hich 1'4oies &. Aaron rhc next inllrumcm offight. Sc:condly,by altedid, I vvill here !l:md o.litdc to fhcw and proue ring the ayre, which is the meane by which rhc the co:ltr:J.rj,th:u they wereonc:y in l11cwc and obicCl: or ffteciu is carried .ro the eye. Thirdly, ~ppcarancc,and not indcede :uid truth. by altering and changing the obicd, that is, FirH tllcn, if the frogs and fcrpc.nts c::mlcd the thiog feene, or whercon a man lookcth. by Iannes and Iaml>rcs were true neaturcs jnThis deluding of the fcnfc is noted by Paul decdc, and their other fieights t·ru"e aud re:~ll ;p~v.,.. Gal.3. r. 0 {Dolij!J Ga/arians, who hathbewitchul workcs;rhcn they wcrC" m:tdc :o~nd canfed either Jou,wherc the fpirit ofGod vfc:rh a"" wordborby thedcuill ,or by God himfclfc: (fOr noman CO\-\'ed from this kind of forccrcrs,which in full ofhimCc!fc: C'arl·nlakc a rod·de ro·become a true· me:ming fignificth thus much: who hath dcluferpenr-,) But this was deine n<'ither by the Je.J dcd your eyes, and caufed you to thinkc you uill, l)or by God as; J11all :~ppca1·c in the fefcc th:Jt,w.hich you fee not.As ifhe thouidhauc quciC'. faid, Looke as the Iuglcr, by his dcuil!iOl an, (: They were not done hy the Dcuill; becaufo ' dcludcth the outward eye, and maketh men the dcuill cannot make a true creature, cithe.r thinkc rhcy tCc that, ·which indccde they doe fcrpem or frog·gC. , not: Euen fo the falfe Apofl!es, ·by erroneous. How doth that appcare? An[. To make a doctrine, haue deluded che eyes ofyour mfnds, true c.rcaturc ofany forc,by producing the f:iln1C and hauc caufcd you Gal!!tians,to iudgc that to Ollt ofthe caufc.s, is a '-''orke feruing to comi.. be the "''ord ofGod, which is not, and that to nuc the creation, ai1d is indeed a kinde ofere.. be truth, which is crrour and faHl1ooJ. Paul ation. Now the dcuill as hee c-:moot create a giucs vs tovndcrfiand by the very phrafc vfed, thing at the fidt, fo is he not able to comil'lue th:nt:hc-rc is fuch a kind oflugli11g,as is able to the fame by:~. nc crcation;rhat becing dccciuc the eye. For otberwitC hi~ comparifon perm~ bdonging to God oncly. For b~rter p5... would nor hold. cciuing hereof, wee mull: knowe, th~r God The fccond thing required in lugling is a crenreth two waycs; either primarily in the be,. Sleight doneabouc theorder and courfc of na:-- ginning, when he m:~de all things of nothing, . rure.This is the point which maketh thefe con. Gen. J. r.or fecon<latily,in the gouerncmcnt of uciances ro bee Witchcr.aft. FGr if they '-''cr.c the world, wbcn he producerh a true creature within the compaffe ofnature, they could not D in atrue mira~le; yet not making it ofnothing rig~tly be rearmed or reputed ~orceries; con- (:ts hee did in the beginning,) but produring it !idt:ring that 9iucrs men by realon of the agili~ by111iniHring and informing the matter imrnc.. tic oftheir bodies. and llcighr of their hand~;, diatcly by himfclfc,witbom the:ide oford.ina.. arc able to INOrkc diuerfc fc:ns, which feeme ric n,cancs and inflru!llt11ts appointed after the firangc ro the beholders, and yet not meddle creation. The former is 'creation prop~rly catwith Witchcraft. Againc, fo!fnc by the la.wfull Jcd,thc Janer a continuance thereof. Both thefe art of Opticks, m:ty (hev ..'c Hrange ~nd admira~ God h~th rcfnued to himfe!fc, as incommuiliw I ble things, by mc:me~o_f light :md darkenrffc, cable to anv creatute. As for the fiJCceffion :md and yet may be free from imputation of M:tgiprop:tgatio.n ofcreatures 111 their kindes, as of I c;~.\l worl.:cs; bccaufe they kc<pc d1emfclucs men, bealls, birds, fifhes, &c. it is ondy acpnwho.lly within the po"''Cr & praCtit<:- of nature. tinuation ofthe creatures in ~heir l~indes,aXd is Bu.t ficiglns done in Inglit~g oucr ~nd abouc wrought byordinaric.meancs of generation i t.lclufion, mu!l p:~ffc the ordinal"ic bounds and but h no L"ontill'u:mcc of the \vorkc of crcatiprrcinCls ofn~~urc, af'!d fo arc made points of on. And th~ deuill by Pis power m::~y make '1\lJtchcr::.ft. One memorable cx2mple , for the co1mtcrfcits ofthe true creatures of God, but cl~:1rcr m:mifdhtion ofthis point, \'VC hauc in neither by creating them ) nor by continuing / Scriprure, by ll:l'liC in the 7· 8. and 9·_Chapters the-ir creation; the[e two beeing workcs peculi3r.