Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ 6i6 ; ____ _ ___ ~VifcourfeofWitchcra·{t--. ------~cT;:- 1 liar proper to the Dcttic alone. · A 1- ~igncs,with_prciCru:niOnofit fclf.Nci thcr hath \ j Ag~ipe,ifrhc dell ill could turnc arodde into It beene obkrucd ordinarily) rkn one crcat\nc . a true fCrpcm, :1nd W.ltcr into blood indcedc, fhouJd, deuourc another ofthe l~mc kinJc, Ir I then h!s p"o'.\'Cr l'hould be CC) Hall to the po'-'\'Cr was thcr~forc a Workc of Gods !Ccret power in ofthe Sonne Of God himft'!fc. For the firfl mi1 the true lcrpcm, whereby he '"'ould fhc,.vthat , rade <hat he ~o.-nougln,w::~s the turning ofwater the other \H'rC not true and rcdl, but founall imo "'inc,Ioh.2. And that was no greater a an<limaginari<:-. \vo-rkc, ~hen the turning of water into blood, · Thirdly, ifthe .Magici:H:s h:H.I bccnc able :o 9r a rodd.c it,lto a..tCrpcnt, Bm this were moH hauc made uuc froggcsand fcrpcms, then by horrible blafj,hcmic, to march the dcui!l with the fame 'power they mighr h::llle remoouC'd the Sonne of GOd; and hii finite po.,.\'er,with tl:ofc whh:hMofcs brought;for the like 3bility the p_owcr ofd.1t G odhc:td, by whic\1 miracles is required in both: yet this rhey could not l:.O, a~e wrought. A.nd the truth is, Satan can·work I! but were fain to intrc<~t Mofcs ro pray for their ! no rruc miracles; neither dorh the t!."Xt import, remoou31l. So rhe tc-xr f3ith, Th~n Phuraob c.tl1 that the Magicinnsdid that which they did by !ulfor 114o(u ~rnd ..Aaron, tmdfflid, Prll), &c. miracle, but by Inchammcm :mdSorctric, Ex:.. B , Exod.8.8. ) Qd. 7.1 1. 22. & 8. 7• Lafily, the frogs which Mofcs eaufed,\\ hen In the fccond pl~ce, l :d1imc th3t God did thc-y were remooucd being g:uhcrcd on heaps, not create thele creatures, or caufc the workcs cau!Cd great corruption, and the whole land of the Magici3tls to bee dfcB:cd. And this is flankc of them, Exod.8.r4.Aga.ine, thewater prooucdby ;he words of Paul, 1. Tim. 3· 8. turnct.i into blood, m:tde tlle fifll. in thc riuerto who fanh that bnncs and hmbres (which did die, and the water to !Hnke,fo that the Egyptithefe.workcs) v.:ithHood Mofcs ~nd Aaron, ans could not drinkc ofthe water of the rincr, whomgod had fcnt,and by whom he wrought. Exod.7.1 1, Bm wee re3dc of no fuch effeCTof IfthenGod h:H.I \ovronght '-''ith the M:1gicians the frogs and water~ ofthe lnch:mtcrs, \Yhi~h alfo,he fhoul·d home b~~ncagainH,~imfclfe, yea tloubtldfe v.•ould h:1uc followt"d as well :lS ihe .he l11~iild haue bOth waycs, for hin1~ other,ifboth had been tmc and real! creatures. fclfc, and againfl himCclfc, and 'Confequcmly It rcmaines therefore, that thcfc \\•ne but mecr fhould•h:tue impead1ed his o_wnc gloric ,. for :~ppcaranccs and lugling tricks, :md the Sorcc-- thc manifcA:ation "''hereof he wrought mira..: rcrs themfclues luglcrs; yea :J:IJ their \~·orks bm cies b)· Mofcs and Aaron ; which wee may not flcights, c:1ufed by the. power :tnd fi1htiltic of once think~ ofGod ...Sceing thcrfore that thefc Sathan;and no true workes,as h3th beene faid. created either by Sati>b~caulc he could not,or and kinds,ofthis damnable Art. fcrpcnts: ifthey were true crca~ures, were not IC Thus Ihaue declaredthewhol nature,grounds, by .God himfclfc, beCautC he would not; it mun needs remaine, th;tt they , and all. other the Magician~ works,wcremccrc illufions,and CHAP. V. noc.otherwife. "":.. Ye·t for the fnnhcr clearing of the matter in hand: the text it fcfe yeedeth fundrie rcafons, tOprooue that thcfc aChofthe Sorcerers,were but apperances, :1.nd not thing~ really produJIYhat fTi.tches be~and of howmllnJforu. c·cd. HAning in the forn'lcrp_:~rt of tbis.Treati.fe Firll, they that cannot t.loc a lclfcr thing,can opened the naturCJot '.Vitchcrafc, and not pofliblydo a greater.NowMofes fhcwcth thcrhy made way tOr the better vndertlanding that the Egypti::~n Inchanters could not <loe a ofthis Iu.diciall Law of Mofcs, I come now to lc{fc thing, then the rmning of roddes into fl1ewc vd10 is the praCtifer hereof, whome the true fc:rpcnts, or watel"s into blood. For rhey Text principally aimeth at,unmcly, the Witch, could not by all their power and skill, prefcrue D whether man or wom:m. thcmfclucs from the plagues ofEsypt, as the , .AWitch rJ aMagician, who ~ither hJ openor botch, and other iurlgemcms, Exod. 9· J.l . flcr~tlc-dtTII~,wittin,g!yaudwillinf,!y cottflnterh t() which was a more eafie thing then to make or I 11{e then1d~andll_![ifhmce0fth~ Drttill,in,theworchange a creature-, Nay, they were not able to kjng of,.vo;;dt1·.r. bring forth lice by their inch:mtmenr, which J Firll,] call the VI/itch (a A--ftt.~ici.;tn] to lhcw fecrncth to be the Jca!l mir3clc,bur acknowlcd- . what kind of pcrfon this is: to wit, fuch '3 one gcd that to be the finger ofGod, Exod, 8. 1S. ; 1 os doth profdfc and praC!i(c Witchc~afr. For a 19. . Magirian is aprofdfor :.;nd :1. pr3Cblcrofthis . Secondly,the text faith, th~t Aaron.s fcrpenr :lft, as may apprarc-, ACl. 8.9. where Simon a deuourcd the-ir (crpcnts, Exocl. 7.1 1. henee it VVitch ofS:unadais called frlagm, or Simon fol!ow.s,th:n thrirs could not be true creatures. the M3gician. For in :~Jilikc.lihood they were :all of the fame 1 Againc, in this gcnrrall tearmc, I comprc1 kind,anJ oflike quanti tie, at leall in fl1ew.And I hcnd both fc~t:s or kinds ofperfO"ns, men and it wns ncucr f(·cnc,that one creature flwuld rewomen; excluding neither from bccirig Wit~ ·j cciue into it fclfe an other ne:lturc of <'_quail chcs, A point the 1·athcr to be remcmbrcd~c~ ). C2!:~- ·