Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

rv1 'J) ifcouife ofWitchcraft. - -- r ---- ·- ----- •• .Ch, 5• . 1 I !_.-- I The badWirch,is he or n,c that lmh confenI A And for thot purpofe hath fo ordered h'is inflru- 1 tcd in !c:lgu~ with the deuill to vfc his help,for mc:-ms, that the bad V\~ itch giues the occal1on, 1 ' the domg of hurt only,as to (hike & annoy the ~y ann~ying the body or goods; and the good ! j b~dics.of men, won~cn, child~en, :md cat~cll, \ tmmcdtatcly _acco!.llplifhcth his dcfin:, by in. ~ · wtth dtfcafcs, :md wnh death tc fclfc: fol!kctanglmg the Joule 111 the bands ofcrrOur, ignoI wife to raifc tcmpdls, by fc:l and by land, &c. I r::1~1cc ,and falfc faith. Againc, ~his fl 1 cweth the This is comntonly called rh~bi~,dingWirch. \ ~hndnetE: of namrall corruptton, fpccially in 1ihc good Wircb, is hcc ori11cc that by con- I tgnqrant and fupcrfi-itious people.It is their na- ! fcnt in a }c3gne with the dcuill I doth vrc his I tUrc to :l.bhorrc hurtful! pcrlOns, fuch as baddc I hclpc for the ~loiH~ ofgood O!lcly.Thts cannot Witches be,and ro l.."ount them execrable; but hurr, tormcm,cu!·tc,or kill, hue only hc.1le <lnd I tbofc that doe them good, they honour and re- \ cure the hurts infliCted vpon men or cattcll,by 1 ucrcnce as w1fc men·and Y.. 1 omcn vc:t fcekc and bad \VitchC's, For as they can doe no good, but I fuovnt? the.m in times ofexeremitic, thollgh of oncly hun:lo this c':\tl do no hurt,bm good on- 1 all perlons m the world they be moll odious: I ly. AnEl this is that order which the dcuill hath and Satan in them kcmcs the grc:ucfi friend, fee in hi; kingdome, :'lppo!nting to feu era\ per- 'B when he is mofi like hin,fclfe and intcndcrh tOns their lcucr:tll offices :-md charges. And the 1 grc~teH mifchiefe. Let all igno'rant pcrfons be good \~'itch is commonly tearmed the vnbindadUJfcd hereof in time, to take heedc to thcmingfFitch. felucs, <lnd lc:une to know God and his word, 1 Now howfocuer both thc(e be cuill 1 yet of that by light from thence they may bcucr difthc two, the more horrible and dccdbbl~ ccrnt of the fubtilc praChfcs of Satan and his Mon!lcr is the good Witch: for looke in wkat infhumcms. place focncr there bee b::td Witches that hurt Forrn::ttter ofpraClifc; Hence we learne our oncly, chCrc alfo the dcuill hath his good ones, dudc,to abhorre the Wizzard, as the motl perwhich arc better knownc then the bad, bccing nitious cncmie of our fa!nation, the rnofl dfccommonly calledWi{cmm, orWi{twomen, This Cl.uall in~rumcntofdefl·roying our foules, and w11 3ppcare bycxpcnencc in moH places in this of building vp the dcu'ills kingdome; yea, as co·umric. Por lat3mans chilJ,frieud, or cattell the grc<ltefi enemic to Gods name, wor01ip, be taken \Vith fome fore fickcnctfe ,or lh:mgeand gloric, that is in the world, next ·to Satan Jy tormcmcd wirh fomc rare and vnknowne himfclfe. Of this fort was Simon Magus,who difeafe, the firlt thing hee doth, is to bethinke t by doing tlrange cures and workes, made the .himfclfc and inquire after fome \.Vifcman or people of Samaria to take him for fome ·great Wifewoman, aOd thither bee fcndes and goes man, who wroughc by the mightie po\\'Cr of for help•1 When he comes,hdirfl tellshim the God,whereas he did all by the deuill.He there- !btc of the fickc man; theWitch then bedng fore beeing agood Witch,did more hurt in fecerrified ' of the difeafe , prefcribeth either dncing the people of.God, then Balaam a bad Charmesofwords to be vfcd oucr him, or oonecouldwith all his curfes. And we mufl rethcr fuch counterfeit meanes, wherein ehere is member that 'the Lord h~th fct a law vpon the noicrtuc; bccing nothing elfc but the Witches he:td,lumuj} not liHf: :md if death be Sacraments, to c:wfc him to doe the cure, if it due to anf, then a thoufand deaths Of right become by Vlicchcrafr. Well, the mcanesarerelong tot.he good Witch. ' . ctiued, 3pplyed, and vfcd, the ficke partie acBut the patrons of~Wi'tchcs indcauour to corc:!ingly rccoucreth,and the conclufion ofall delude the tru~ interpretation ofthat Law, For is~ chevfi1all acclamation;Ohhappie i:i the d:1y, by aWirch(fay they)"\'C mufi vndcrfland apoith:it eucr 1met with fuch a man or Woman to {onet:and they :~lleadgcfor that purpoiC: the 70. belpc me! . . Interpreters, who tran!lare the original! ~ord Here ob(erue that both haue 2'flroke in this D [Mcc~Jbtpha J by ~"fl""'-''', which fignifieth a :~CHon: the bad VVitch hurt him, the good hcapoifoner. ,· ·. led·bim; but thC uuth is, the l3tter bath done I anfwcr : Fidl,the word vfcd by rhe 7o.Inbim a thoufand times more harmc then the forterprctcrs-, fignificth indttdc fo much,yec noc: mer. For the one did onely hurt the bociie , hue that ondy; but alfo aWitch in general!, as may: the dcuill by mcancs of d1e orhct, though hce · appcarc in fondric places of Sniprurc. TQc A- Gal.s. 1 o. hauc left the bodic in good plight. yet he hath ; pofile ,. reckoning vp Witchcraft among the ,laid fafl holde on the Coule, 2ndby curing the work! of the Bcl11,vfcth rhe Greeke word ~d.f- -bcdie, hath killed that. And thcpartic thus cufti$XH'd.;not for poifoning, but for aJJ Magicall red, cannot fay with Dauid; Tlu Lord is my arts, as Hierometcflifieth vpon the place, And ~hclpt;:; bucrhe dcui!l is my helper;· for by him chat it mufl,necdfarily lJe fo tranflatcd,it iseui- ! he is cmed, Of both thefe kindes of \Vitches de~n, bcc~1t1fe in the next vcrfc murther is tear- ~ chc prcfcm' L:1w of Mofes mull be vndcrtl:ood. mcd anothtr workc ofthe fldh, vnder which. This point \.,·ell confidercd 1 ycddcthma~tcr poifoning &all other kinds ofkilling are corn- ~ both of it1flrn8:ion and pra61ifc. prchcnded. And the fame \\'ord is vfcd in the OfinflruClion,in that it fl1cwcs the cunning like fcnfe,Reu. 2 I .8.and 2.2. r 5· and crafdc dealing ofSatan,who affii.tlcrh and Againc, ~he word [ Mecajl:epha],,·hich Mororm_:ntcth the body forrhc gaine of thc·fOule. {cs yfeth, is afcribcd to the Inchamers.of EI - -----·-....,---·------------- ------ ·- - - -'-"-g,ypr, ------