Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- --------- ------------~--·- -· ilh.6'. 1 rv1 'Dijcoutj~oj lf/}_. ______ _ /'_~3 ~ / ' gyptin \.he 7· 8. and 9. ch:.ptcrs of Exodus; f· A ~ _ ~ort ~f o~C'ndt:fs? A;,f. ~r~:c!.c:;ufc '-''~S' l I 1 and to the 'r\'ifcmcn ofBabcl, Dan. ~· whv are I - :hurr, .~\'hibh.dtc.y.broug.\tn1V.ppnJT.I~l1,11l hoch~~ r I / alfo called ~«t!1«-XH' in the uanfl~tiOI1 ?f the· goods, or fer ~bcrc be f~mdnc 1 Seucntie: ~md both forts ofthem vv('reWnchcs j th:u ncucrdi.d:lharmc, but~Dmi 011£ly.\.~ c1re~d 1 I and so'rccrcrs. The kings ofEgypt' & 1 Babylon not of:my -d-one by the,,..;. ! I . vfcd thefe f M~cajhcphim} for fi.m&h:: ~~urpores, chanter~ o1 Egypt.or by tho·FythonifTe df F.n..o i :md inadc them oftheir coiinfc.>IP;'3t1d if they dor, or hy.SimonMagU~ J.n S3illaria.~nd thofe ! had bin'accordino to th.ts 3llcoari<U1 poifoncrs, ·di-uining witCilO,)Wliich h:tn•\r•-1/cn vpon th.C't1! / . 1 1 it j·s not like they'~'·ould. haucfo fltc~d 'chc hu~ ·tolorcrcll d;inss.\o comc,,·h'ur.~not ~any_, but I j' mars ofthofe twoPrinc~s,Phadoh anti Ncbuthcmfclues, yet tbcymuthdii!: tll·c,df"Jih, Tbis . chadnctf 3 r much Icife 'that che}""WOilld hauc therefore isnor the caufc.Bur wh:~tif•thcfc doa t (o ordinari(y rcC,·uircd ~hCir Prcfch':c~ ~a01d :tffi- ~hurt,or kill, ~1m!l they 'noc th~'n Qie? yes OJ.eiily, I flancc in the bufi~cstkere mcmioricd. but by, the law, of.munher, :md 1 , Thi~dly, there is 3 pfrempcorit'1!a\l\' ag3inH no~ ?Y the l:Jw OfWitchc,r3f.t~: fOr in ~his ca!c, the wilfull murtbcrtf,JQum.ll~l j r ~' 1.hat hcC' l h~ chcth 3s <rr~unh~crcf',lnd no~as aVVu_,h;and I thouid be put to dc:1t'h~ -& thlt nO·tccOfrfpc-dee · fo he f11ould d1c, tho11gh!h:e'V\"<:Cf n.o.W~tch; !hOt~d be r 3ken for his life. In v.:HIHrplacc ~11 ·B 1 Thc;caufc thcn•of.this fharpC'-pumflHnCnt, is· pr.ifo11c'rs~rc condd{nrccl!bccaurc'thCy"arcwiJ.. 't~1c very of a leag\lt~\:l~H the Deuill, filll mur_thcrcrs. No ....; in1 •Ex<ldus, _by et:her r:crctor Otcn, .whcre&r\tlhey_c::o:ucnanc .[ Me<afh<phah 1we ihou,ld ,vnder!lnnd ap•ifoto vfc h15 hclpc !~ :he w~rkmg of " lbndcrs. I ner; then there !hould be one'atid thc1 fame law For by venue o~ th1s: alone 1t . commcth to twicC propounded fo~ the [:~me thing,which is -p:t~l-~, _rhat VVitc'h~s c:an doe Urarige thing~: in not likc:and therefore the wordvf~[,y Mofes Dnnnong, Inchanong, and:Jugltng, Now let it in this tcxt 1 fignificth notapoifonrrpfb'pcrly but : b~ ob(cr~lc.d, of ~hat horribic.'..impictiC they a Witch. Jland guiluebdort·God, who·i0yne in confe- .. dcracie.with.S"ltan• HcrCby thcyrenomfcc the Lord th<lt made' them, they m:tkc rto m·orcac– ·count of hiS'f~ubur and protrtfdoo·~. thc}'·d0'e quite cut thcmiducs otf from '\he Couefl~t1t 111~c wit~ h~mln::B~ptifme-, from the eomffiu: niOn·~Tthe S3:it1ts, from the hue- \'Oorfhip;=-mtf CHAP. VI. 0 f the-pur1ijhm~ne . ofWitchts,' ·• . .J fcrui~c ofGod. A~d oh the:c-o~~~~ic th~y gitie. th~mfelucs ·\'ntO· ~at:m, =afllhC!r-god, whome they cominhally feaie•al11l·fhue.·~·~us are they become thc· dcte{bblt enemies to Go'dl and his people, that can be. For 'this eau re Sa~ muel coldS-:ml, that rebellion was-as the fi1i~ of Witchcraft: that is,a moH heinous and detdhHitherto I banc t!eared of"<he<-nat~tc of C · Witchcraft, both in gcnerall;"ondpartl·cu~ br, and haue :a\[o (hewed what Witches arc, both good and badde. And now I procecde to the fecond point confidcrcd in rhis Tcxt 1 thc:: Punifhmeat ofaWitch,and that is death. In the Iudiciall bws ofMofcs (whereofthis isone)theLord appointed fundric penalties, which in qualitie and degree fi-om a·nother, fo as according to the nature of the offcncc,was the proportion and ofthe punifhment ordained.And ofall Gnncs,asthofe were the moll: heinous in :~.ccount, which ten– ded directlv to the diihonour of God, fo ro them was a·rfigncd death, the greatdl & high– efl degree ofpunilhmcnt. He that defpifed the Law of Mofcs, died without mercic vndcr nVo'or three witncffcs, Hcbr. 1 o. 18. the pu– nHhmcnt ofthe thtrcfc , was rcfiitution fourc ... .fold, E"S::od 2:. t. but the murthcrer mufl be puttd death, Num.J5. Jl. tl~e- -Idolater and Seducct\o\'Crc comman<lcd to be flainc, Exod, >2. zo. Dcur. q. 5· the Blafphemer mutt be floncd, Lcuir. 19. 19. And thcWirch is num– bred .amongfl thefc grieuous offenderS; there– fore hispu11ifhmcnt is as great aianyothcr.For ! the text tlith, he might not be fuffcred to liuc, Exod. 22. r8 . . llut why ntould rho Witch be fo iharply ccnfurcd? And wh:~t fhould moouc the Lord blc: finne in the fight of God. The traytor,that : -~ ~ ~ :: • doth no .hurt to-hi~ neighbour, but is willing and readu~to doe ·h1mthe be!t feruiees that can be ~tfircd, is r1otwichflandi~g.1by •the fa.w of Nat·tons, no better then adead m'an·,bec:liJ[~h'c bctraics his Sottcraigne, and confcqUcnt!Y ca'd not be afrcind vnro the Gommon-wcalth;•·In like m:mncr;thotigh the VI/Itch were in nlatfy refpeCl-sprc?fitable, and did no hurt,but procul red much good;yct bccaufc he-hath rcnounc"eld '0 God his king and goucrnour, and h:nh bounil himfelfc by Other la\\'CS to theferuice of the"c- ~ n.emi: ofGod,:1nd hi~ Churc-h,death is hi"spor– ;:~~-m£\ly hun by God; he may not I , . CHAP. VII. . 'The application ofthe do~rin~ of N"itchcr:ift '" oJJrtimes. T~tlS h~uin~·the trnc (eftfc 31ld . ~allot fO high adegree ofpunifhment to that mrcrprct:l.tlon o\ th1s Tudiciall Law, both I conccnling the finn~ of Witchcraft, 31,1d ~he pcrions, by whom tills fin ne is praCHiCd; it te- ! --------------~--------0-o_<?~~---- ______m;inct~~~-----