Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·- ---·-------__;.__ rUl·'D!fcourfe of Witckcrafi. maineth now that 1 fhould ·m3ke fc.:nne vfe r 1 A I. In cuery league and contr2Cl. thepanics ,I. thereof, by way-ofapplication to the Witches mutl be mutually bound cp;ch to other:, now \ of our · ·, becvvccnc n~an or \\•ornan and the Dc~lill,thcrc -::. In Ooingw.hcrof,fourc par.ticu-Iarc ~lli'ons can be no l}ond madc,:111d tbough there -~ould of momcm, Brc tobt: handled• . r. •· • ·• i 1yet man is bound in confcicncc to GOd ·t~ re~ 1. l I. wherheYJhc.Witchu ofo:tr ttmes, be t/;c nouncc the bond of dbcd)cncc to Sat;n,' and 1 fome.witli thofo, rbar are here condcmto bt;~:Jkc rqc coUcna.nt. ,Anfiv. Thc~e .Pc two . _n,dhjt.hel«w' ofM.ofos I forfom<~hcre ' forts ofleagucs; lawfull,and vnlawful),: in all .,.~ , · 6e,~Jnd r.hofo men of learning,and memlawfullj~agttes it is true,. th:~t there·n 1 ufi be a bm..of Goi!J Clmrch,thm holdohe; ""' mutuall -bopd of bo\11 .p,arcics each t~Qth<r, n,r._"" which may l}ot be clHfglu~d; but in ''nlawfull .<'··'' ll. I; ' I·"''' III. IftbcJ .bu the fomc (as it fo•ll appcarc compaCls othcrwitc, And no m'!_n can fay tht~t how we may in tlufo· d'!Ju thlt this league: betwcenc: aWitch and t~c dc- •teu.Fr. Pii.Mirantl. dt Pr•nor, li.C.S. NiGol.Remi– gius.D~m~ nob.!::r."-1c:.J. be4ble ro difcerne, .A!JddiftomraWitch2 uill_is lawfpll, but wickCd ~nd d<lmn~b!C', yet what r:medie ma; 6t vfod ng~tinft tlfc bc;eu~gpnce RJ3de, hoy.·f?~ucrvnlawfully; it is )V. h11rt ofWitchcraft ?~ . - a lcaguGandcompatf.T~is therefore rvQc.Jhcr ot~r. Wttchu are tobe prmifhcd . :B not, that. th~rc can_be uo couenam at ajJ, but With a~~rh, and thathJ vcrtue ofthi6law that thCrc can be no lawfull coucn~g~ b~t}'•ixt of lffofos? <hemJwhichnomanwillqcnic. . ;; .·" , ·'· -.lo Sefl. [. 1I. Satan and the W itch are of diuf'.rs 112 _ fpi,ricuall,they arc corporal! fi•~llances: thcrefote there canP~no league.made bc– tweenc Jhc.m. Anfw. 'fh~ .rcafon is not good. For cuen.J3od himfclfc,,who is of nature mofi fimplc and fpirituall, made a couenant.Y..ith A... dam, renueci the fame vnto Abraham 1 Ifaac,& lacob: and continued it~with his,Church on earth,from age to age. Hence it appeareth,that diuerfitie of nature in the parties, cannot hin~ ' der the ma}dr~g ofthe couena_nr.,And therefore i.fman maymake·coucnant with God himfclfc, ; .,; ~. Q!dlion. Whcrh.r ;h, Witches of our tttr~a,bc th(fartu with thofo thAt AY( here c.ondtm..::_ nrtib Mofos Law, , ,• ,'/In[. If we doe well confider thequalitie, at1d c.ondition ofthe Witches ofour daies, we fhall caflly fee, that ihey be the fame. Forexpec ricncc ibeweth, d. at whether they be men or W.OillCO, but cfpedally aged V'iOmen, they be fuch perfons, as doe renounce God, and their B<t},tif}ne, and ma~ea league with the L\eu,ill, ~hhcr fecrctly qr ppenly ; in which the Dt:uill bindcth himfclfe to teach them certaiue rites and ceremonies, whereby they·rnay-beablc to workewonders,as to A:irrevp tempdh, tore... uealc fecrcts,to kill or hur-t men, and cattell,or to.~urc and doe good, according to the ienour of their COUell3nt. ' The • confcflion of Witches recorded in the Chronicles of commits throu~h all· Eu– rope, doe with common confcnt declare and rna.nifefi: this point. So that howfoeuer our vyltchcs maydiffer in fomc circum!lance:; from thofc in the time ofMofes, as either in the in– firuments, &. means vfed, or in the manner and forme, or io Come particular ends of their pra.. CHfcs; yet in the fub!bncc and foundation o~ Witchcraft,they agree with them. For both of C who is rnofi fpirituall; thep may hce likewi{C come in league with the DcuilJ , v.,hoft fub ... fiance is-not"fo pui'eand fpirituall. Againe-, we rnufl remember, that in making ofa coucnant, his fufficicn't, that the pat:ties confent & in will and vnderllanding, though other •Cir– cumftances and rites, which are but figncs of confirmation,be wanring.Be it then,th::lt Saran bath not a bodily fub!lance, as man hath, y« confidcring that man is inducdwith vndcdl-an.. ding, to.conceiue of things,as the deuill doth, and bath a]fo,will to yecld confem, and appro. bation.ther.cunto,though ,in acorrupt and "''iC· ked manner,thcre maypa.ffe a confcdcracie,and a couc:na'nt may be madc,and !land in forcc:•b,... tWCellC them. , I I I.Whatfoeu<r the ~cui! doth in this com· D paet,he doth it in fraud and deceit, neucr mea· ningin his promifcs,as man doth,& when both parties meane not one ~nd the fame,how can they,grow to agreement in any kind.?. Anf. , Suppo(e this be true, yet it only prooueth,that the couen:znt made betWCCJl them, was deceit– full,and vnlawfuii.But what of that? fhll itrc– maincth abargain howfoeuer;for it faileth on– ly in rhe circumflancc, the fubllancc, which is the confcnt of the panics, vvas not wanting'. I them haue made a coucnant 'V\'ith the Dcuill one way or other, and by venue thereof haue wrought wonders a_boue the order <'f.nature. Agreeing therefore tn th~ ve~yfoundat1on,a~d forme of Witchcraft, whrch IS the league,& tn thC:proper end, the working of wonders;they mull needs be in firb!lan« and dfeCl the fame withtheWitchesmcmioned by Mofcs, And yet this point is_dcnic.d by f~me, and the Wit– ches ofthcfc da1cs haue thctr patrons, who vfe rcafons to proouc· that now we hauc none fuch ,_ as we fpe:lk of.There rcafons :ue fpecialy three. J Fir!l, they labour to take ;~w<1y the forme of I V. Witches of our times (fay they) arc •– ged perfons, of wc~kebraincs, and troubled with abundance of mdancholie,and the deuill taketh aduamage ofthe humor, and fo deludes them,perfwading that theyhaucm2rlea lc:<1gnc with him,when theyhaue not,& confrquendy Wicchcraft,<lffirming that there can be no con– fcderacie made bctwcenc the \o\Titch and the Dcuill, and that for fourc caufcs. ···--.------- --- moo-