(b. 7 .1 vf Viftouifeo}Witc~craft. . 1641 / --- moouing them ro im':igin·e th?t they doe, an~ A j him thinke he did it, \vhcn he did it not, and may do Hrangc things; which indeed arc done hereupon he hath coufcffcd, VVould :my m:1n 1'. by himfdfc, and not by them. . rhinkc. rh.::t~ tbis were a rcafonable alkgation 1 An[. This reafon is a meere trtdanchohke and~ fu_fficic:nt mcane .r~ moouc the lud~e to cop~eir, without gro'und.And ;he cotu~ary l'i a acqu1t hu~.? Affurcd!y tflt w~rc,~pon the !arn~ I manifell uuch, that they are not fo, as n affirground m1ghr any fin ne be latd vpon the dcuils mcd,partics dccciucd by icaf6'~ftheir hu~?rs. b~cke,and all goo_d 13wcsand iudiciall procce-' 1 For firH) our Witches arc as wrfc :md pojmke, dwg'> be made vo1de. . : yea as crafty and ·cunning in all othd;ll'ltters, Thcref~rc howfoeucr the pat·rons of Wic... as other mctl be; whereas brainfickc p~rfons chcs be learned mcn,yct theyarc greatly dccci.J troubled with melancholy, if their vnderfbnued in fathering the pr:.ttifcsof Sorceric vpori' dino be dificmpercd in' one ad:ion, it will be a mdancholikc humour. · · :ci faul~ielikcwife in othen·more or leffe. A- · But for the fitnher ratifying oftheir afiC.rci-' gainc, our Witches know that they finna in the onJ. theyproc~edc,and vfc this argumcnt:"{.hcy· praehlcs ofWitchcrafc; and therefore they vfc wluch confcOe ofchemfclues things falfe and fubtilc m.canes to couer them, and he~ chat I B lmpoflible,muH oeedes be parues deludeii:bur· would conuiCt them,rnuH haue great dextcruy our WJCchcs doe th1s, when they be exammcd! to goc beyOnd them. Now i( they were peror confultcd wi~h, as thar chey can raifC tcm... fons deludd, through corruption of any hupeHs, thac they are carried thorough the aire in mours; lookewhat h~.imptcaufed ehem to doe a moment, from place to place, char th('y patfc a thing, the fame would vrge them to Jifclofc through key-holes, and difcs of doores; that. it.Thirdly,chey are alfo of the fame llamF,thoy they be fommmescumcd mt.o cars, hares, and' cake the fame courfcs in all their praCHfcs;their other creatures; lat11y, that they ·are brou oht.. confcnt in word and aCtion is vniuerfall. Men into farre countries:, to mecre with Herod~s, of learning haue obferu<d, chat all Witches Diana,and the Deuill, and fuch lik'e; all whicl1 through Europe,are of like carri3geand behaare meere fab!es,>nd chings impolliblc. ·1, · uiour in their cx'aminatiOns and conuitlions; .A~fw. We mull makc:.a ditfcrenccof\\.fic•· theyvfcthe ~ame anfwers,· refuges, defe,nfes, ches in regar~ ofdmc. There is a-ti·1~c, when protdbtions. In a word, look~ what. be the they ~rll b~gu~ne.to make alc~gue wtth Satan, praCtiCes and courfes ofthe Wttches m Eng- &.a wne aHo atterthe league ts made- and con..a. land, in any ofthefe paniculars,che fame be the firmed. praGtifc'softheWitches in Spaine,France,Ica- ' When they fir[l beginne eo grow irt confeJy, Germany,&c. Wherefore rhe ca~e is clcare, C 1 deracie with thcdcuil,they are foOer,and thclr they are not deluded by Sathan, .through the vnderHandmg found, they ma~e choir match force ofbum~~,as is auouchcd; _for fuch perW:lkin.g, and as they rhinke wifely enough, fons, accot;dmg as they are dtucr{ly taken, knowmg both what they promife the Dcuill,- , would {hew themfclues diuerfly affeCted, and and vpon what conditions, :1nd thciefore $11. varie iri their fpecches, aCtions, and conceipts, this wh ilc it is n6 deJUfion. But aft'cr they b ' both pub!ike and priuatc. Fourthly, our Witonce in chclcague, and hauebeen inranglcd ill> , chcs are·woo~ .to communicate ~heir sKifl f_o c~mpaCl: with. the deuill (confidc,ratdy aS thC'y others by crldltlon, to teach and tnflruCl: thetr thmkc,for thc1r owlle good and aduamage).:het children and pofieritie, and to initi:tte ehem cafe rn:.y be otherwifc.For then rc3fofl and vn .....: in the grounds, and pnCHfcs of their owne derA:anding rr~:1y be dcpraued, mcm9ric wcak... 4 trade, while they !iue, as may appearc by the ned, and all the powers of their foule blemilh-'· confcffions recorded in thecourts of all copncd. Thus bccomminghis vatfals, ch:e'y are de~~. tries. Bm if they were perrons troubled with luded,and fo imoxicared by him,that they will melancholic, their. concei~ts w?ul~ die ":'ith run i:nothouf~nds of.famallicall irhaginat!on·s, them. For concctts, and unag1nane fanctes, holdmg thcm{clues w be cransforrned1mo rhc· · which rife ofany humor, cannot be conueied D !hapcs ofother creatures, eo be rranfporcc;d in_· fromp:~rtie to p3rtic, no more then the humor 1 'the ayre into orher countries, yea to·doe many itfclfe. Laffly,if ehis flight might ferue ro de. firangc rhings,which in rrmh they doe not. · fend WitChes vnder pretence of dclufton tho. 1 come now to their fccond reafon. The· rou'gh corrupted humqurs, then here were Witches of t9Ur age(!ay rhcy)wcre not known. 2 couer for all manner of finncs. For examin the d~ycs of Mofcs, nor ofChrifl,rhcrcfore plc: a feUon is apprehended for robberie or fhar law conccrncth rhem nor. · .murther, and is Prought b~fore the iudge:VpTo this I anf"''Crtwo waycs: on examination heconfcffcth the faCt, bceing Fir!t, that rhcir argumrnt is naught: for by :conutcted tHe law proceeds eo condemnation the fa:nc rcafon the Papills might anouch the .The fame mans friends cotnc in and allc~dgc lawf·ulncs ofchc images ofSaints) a~ of Peter,' before the Inclgc in this n,annc:r; This ma: hath Paul,and other'>,y~a ofChril1 himfelfe ,bec:mfe ' :i ct:l7.ic braine,and is troubled with rnelanchothey were not known in the d'<lies ofMofCs & , ly, and though he h:nh confdfcd the faCt, ycc I therefore could not be condemned in rhc fcrhc ttuth is, 'ir was not he, but the deuill who cond Commandemcm.Whereas comrarily,th'e I himf'clfc committed the munhcr, and made I fpirit of God, h:tth foframedandpenrled the l --4 --~-------- 0 0 0 0 2 """·-..- ----.-__!~~·~-~---- ~··