r Ch.7· / J V.ijcouifeoj Witchc::a~. - '!H .I .--/ thre:nnings; & that allo is 'l great ptcflunption. A 1 fed red boat uon, andfraldmg \\ ::tcr tO be ' I I Fifilv,ifche partic fufpcCl:ed be the fonnc or ,. l>rCllght, and comandcd the p~u ne ro pm bu daught~r, the manfC:-ruant or maidfcru:mr, the h:id m the one, or to tJkc vp the ochcr,or bot1 lj f.1111ilia.r frcind,necrc ncighbour,oroldcompa- & if he took vp the iron in his b:uc hand ·with-. , nio11 ofaknownc and conuiclcd YVacb. This out burning, or endured the wau:r "vid1o;Jt.,. /may be likc~v\·ifc aprefumption. For witchcraft fcalding,hcreby he "''as clcarcd 1 & iudgcd fr~c: 1 I is an arc that may be learned, and conucyed frO but if he did burnc or fcaldc; he was then conman to 11J<1n, and often it falleth out, that a uiClcd, and condemned for aYv•itch. Bln this: · /Witch dying Jca.ucth Come of the forenamed, ln31lllCr of conuitlion, hath long agone beene I hcires of her 'f.,Virchcrafr. · condemned for wickcd'and diabolicall, as in Sixdy, fame do adde this for 1 prdi1mption; tn1th it is,conlidcring thnt thereby m:my times .[ If the panic fufpeClcd be found to hauc tbc dean innocent man mJy be condemned, and al uills markc: for it is commonly thought,whcn raneke Witch fcapc vnpunill1rd. thCdcuiil makcth his coucnant with them, he Againc, our owne times hauc aft"ordcd in.:. I alwaies lcaueth his markc behind-him, wherefiances oHi1ch ~take and_iniUfficicm proofcs. by he knowes thCm for his 'owne. Now if by As firJl, Scratchmg ofrhe lufpct1cd panic, and f~mccafuall mcanes, fuch a markc be dcfcricd B prcfcm rccouerie therL!pon.s~condly, burning I on the body of the partic fufpcCtcd, whereof I ofchc thing bc:wirchc<.l, ifit be not aman as a no cuident reafon in nature can 'b~ giuen, the hoggc, or o:ce, ?r fuch like crc::nurc, is imagi- lj MagHhatc in this cafe may c:~ufe fuch to be c:-~... necl to be aforc1ble mcancs eo c:~~ufc the Witch; amined.or take themarter into his ownc hand, to difcoucr her felfe.Thirdly,~hc burning oftloe·l that the truth may appearc. thatch ofthe fufpc:Cled n.anics hou(c, which is LaJlly,ifthcpntie c:x:uninc:dbe vncon{hnt, thought to bee _ab'e tq cure the panic bewitor contrarie to himfclfc in his deliberate anched, and to make the Witch to bewray her:! fwers, it argueeh a guiltic rnindc& confcicnce fclfc. I tc:rance, and may giuc iuft occafion to the Mafurther proofe iuHified by feme ofthe learned. 1 I which !loppcth the fre<dome offpcachand VtBcfidcs thcfc, in otlm cou11tries they haue a gillrate to make further inquirie. I fay)lot if The panic is taken,and bound hand and footc, .i he or lhc be cimorous andfcarefull; for a good and cafi 'roffc waies into the w:1tcr,if01e fink, man may be fearefuJI in a good cau[e, {omc- {}1ce is counted innoccnc,and cfcapeth, iffl1cc_ times by nature, fotnetimci: in rcgud of the flccte on the w.:1ter; 211d hnkc not~ fhec js taprefenceofthe Iudge, and the greames of rhe c ken r.Or a VVitch)conuiClcd,& accordingly p~-:- audiencc. Againc (ome may be fodcnly taken, nilbed. · & others naturally want the libcrtic of fpecch, , .All the(cproofes ore (o farre from being ~·f-, which other men haue.And thcfeue thc.caufes fidem, th:J.t fame .of them) ifnot alll arc3ftera offeare and aA.onilhmem,which may be.f3l the fort.pratlifes of Witchcr3fi:,hauing in them n~1 good,a.s well as the bad. power or venue to deteCT aSorccrcr,cithcr by, Touching the manner ofExamination,there Gods ordinance in the creation, or byany fpebe ewe kinds ofproceeding; either by,a finglc cialJ appointment fine e. For what \•crtue cat! QQ.~flion, or by JOme Torture. A fingle queHitheScratching ofa Wirch hauc to cure ahur.t? on is,when themagiflrate himfclfonlymakcth JA1 hcte Joc V.-c finde it in any p~rt of the v\•ord . enquirie, what was donc,or not done, by bare .ofGod,th3t fcratching fhonld bevfed?or what andnaked interrogations. A torture is, when -prornifc ofrecouene vpon thc~"!!fe ,thcreof• . befides t~e cnquhie in \Vords, he vfeth alfo the :• 1But how then comes 1t to paffc, that hcipc racke, or fame other violem melnes to .vrgc jseftcnprocured by thefe and iUch like mean~? confc!Iion. This courfc hath bin takC:n in fome 1 A11jiv.It IS the il1ght and filbtiltlc ofthe dcu1Il countries,and may no doubt lawfUlly and with wvpou fcr:uching the Witch, to rcmoque fu~b good confcie-ncc be vfcd,howbeitnorin cuery I· hurts,as. himfe~fc bath infliCtcd,that thereby he cafe, but oncly vpon llrong& great prefump- b ~may invrc men to the pratlife of wicked a~rd tions going beforc,.and when the panic is ob- .fuptrfiitious,.meancs. And what 1 fay .offcr.atflinate•.Af1d thus much for Examinativn: now -ching, the fa1nc may be enlarged to all oth~r followeth C®nuiC\ion. proofcs of this kinqe before n>med, Cod h"h § 3· Conuh9ion, is an 3CHon of the M:1gi- .imprinted no fuch · venue jn their natures to flnte,aftcr iurl examination, difcoucring the .thefc~purpofes, or added the f:-nncvnro them Witch. This adionmufl procecdefrotn iull &. .by fpccialland cxtr_aordinariea!Iignmrm. That fufficicnt proofes, and not from bariprefumi'- ther.cforc·\\ hich is brought to p01!fc by them tions. For thoughprefi.1mptions giue occal1on when they arc vfcd, commeth from the Deto examine, yet they are no fufficiem: c1ules of ~uill. . conuiCtion. Now in gencrdll the proofcS vfcd And y~t to iuflifie the cafling ofaVVitch infor conuiltiona.rc of two f0ns, tOme be lcffc to the wate-r, it i~ all~adgrtl, th:l.t h:wing made I fuAlci~tlt, fame be more (uffi.cicnt. 3. co;Jc-ru'tn wirh the deuill,ihc h:lth rcno~nce.d The leffe fufficicn~ proofcs arc the~~· Firn,in ~~ her ~3pti~me, and t-hereupon thcr:c grov\'CS an \ former ages,the pan1e fi.1fpctl-cd ofWuchtrafc, Anupathte, betw~cnc her :md \V:ltcr. Anfir~. 1 \vas brought before the Mag.iflrate, who eauThis a~g~tion femes to no purpofe: for I 0 o oo 3 all I - --=:;--· ----- ··-