ru1 Vifcourfe ofWitchcraft. ---- Ch.7. 1 :::.ll water i.s n~t th_c "~::u~r of B:lptifme, bu~ ~hat· A plac_c and time hauc ordinnrily vfcd,for the de~ 1onc!y whtch 1s vied 11~ the vc_ry ad ofbapntmc, I tcChng of fuch vngodly pcrfons: bur the bc!l and n?t before nor aher.. 1 he tlemcnc our of that n;a¥ bc.faid of tbcm, is thatthcy be all eithc vfc ofrh: ):KrJn_l:nt, 1s no Sacramcm, but thcr falte orvnccnainc fjgncs, or vnauailej,bJc rcwrncs :1g:Hnc to IllS common vfc. for the condemnation ofany man wh:nfocucr. To g?c yet fu:rhcr .' an other i~lfufficicnt f Now followc the true proofcs,aod fufficient proof::-,'" the rdhmontc of fomc WlZJ..ard. It I mcancs of conuiC1ion, all which mav be rcdu. haeh beene chc ordinaric cuHomc offame men;· ccd ro two heads. " when they hauc had any thing ill at: cafer prc: The firrt, is the free and volunraric conf'cffi .. fcmly to gocor fend to fomc wi!Cman, or wife on of the trhne, made by the par~1c fufpct1cd woman, by whorn they hauc becnc infonncd, anJ. accufed after examination. This hach been that the tim1g isbc··:·iu:hcd: and to.winnc erethought generally ofal men both Diuines,arJd die to their anG.vcr,tome of thcml1luc offered Lav•yers aproofe tUfficicm. For what ncedcs to Chew the Wicchc5 face in a glaffc: whereof more ~it•cffe or further inquiric, when a man the partic h:lUing taken noticc)returnes home, frorry the touCh ofhis'own cunfcicnce ackqowand dcteCI:cth the man or wom3n of \.Vitchledgcth the faulr. . craft. This I grant may be a.good prcfumprion B And yet thepatrons and aduocates of Witto caufc flrait examination: bur a fiLfficienc ches except ag:unfl: it, and obieCt in this manproofc of conuiCtion it cannot be. For put the ner: rh:u: aman or woman may confdfe ao3infi cafe the grand-Iuric at the Affifes gocrh on a thcmfelucs an vmrurh, bceing vrgc.d cher~o eipartie fufpcClcd, and in rhc1r confulration the rher by feare or threatning, 0r by a defirc vpDcuill comes in the likcneffc of fume knowne on fomc gricfe to be out of rhc world: or at man, :~.nd tells rhcn1 the pcrfon in queflion ii Icafi, bccing in trouble, and pcrfw.adcd it is the indecdc a VVirch,and olf(:rs witb::tl to confirme bell courfc to faue their Hues, and obtainc the fame byathe: f1.1ou·IJ the Inquell rcceiue ' libertie, they may vpon fimplicirie be induced his-oche or accufatiO.!,l to condcmne the man? to confeffe th,3[•whicllthcy neucr did, cucn aAAtlrcdly no; and yet that is 3S much as the te... gain!l themfeh1es . .An[. ] fay not that.a bare fiimonic of another wiz7.ard, who onely by conf(:ffion'is fufficit·m , bur a confcf{ion afrer the dcuills hclpe rcuealeth the Wirch. If this due examination taken vpon pregnant prc- {hould be taken for a fufficicnt proofc; the defumptipns. For ifa man eXamined,witi"-Qut any uill would not leauc one good man aliuc in the ground or prefumpdons, lhould openly acwOrld. C knowledge the crim~, his aCt 1ilay be infliu .Ag::tine, all other prdi1.mptions commonly fufpeCled, ~s grounded yponby-refpeCh; bu~ vfc:d,~rcinfi1Aicicnt,thoughrhcym:\yminifler whcn· is made againtl him at the occailon oftriall:for example;Ifaman in open firtt,l'p.o.ogood ptobabilities,and hcre.uponhe cOurt fhould afli.nnc before rhe Iudge; Sud1 a be dra}"'OC to afree conldlion, that which hee one fell out with me,and curfed me, giu'mg me; bath manlfcfled thereby, c:.tnnOt but be truth. tbreatning words, that I fl1oiild fmarr for ir; Otlier points of exception vrged by them,:.tre I and fame mifchic~c fl10uld light vpon my per• of finall,_nlomcnt, and may e~fily be anfwered fon or goods,ere Jt were long.Vpon thefe cur- .outo~che·gro.unds before dcltuercd>~nd ihc:rcfes :md threats prefemly fuch and iUch cuils b~- fore !-omit them, fell mce, and I fUffercd thcfc and thcfc lolfcs; Now,ifthe panic ~elde in fufpitio,n, be ~xThc Magillratc thus infohncd may f.,fcly pro: ·amincd, :md will not confeffe, QucoQflmatcly cCcdc to inquire into the matter, but hee hath pcrfiH iri deni:lll, as cOU!IliOilly.jr falleth out; nor from hence :my furc ground of conuit1i6n, then there isanotherc·ourfc to be:, takenby a fe~ Fdi' it plcafcth God many times to lay his hand cond ft1fficient mcancs of conui'Cht;m: '"'·hich ~pon mens pcrfons :mcl goods '""ithout th~ is, the tc~imonic of two v. itndfes, of gol"1d pro'curemcnt of w-itches. And yer experience and honeH report, auouching before t·hc Mafhewcs, rhat ignorant people who carric arage .D gi!hatc vpon their own knov.ledge 1 thefc t'.' o aoainll them, will make Hrdng proofCs o£.fo,h things: Either that the partic accufcJ, h:nh p,~efumptlons,whereupon fometimes lurers do made a Ic:~gue with the deuill ;·or harh done 'oiue their VerdiCt againfl p:mic:s innocent. . fomc know ne praC1ifcs of Witchcraft. And all. :;, Laflly, ifo. ;wan bccing daogerouOy bckc, argt)rnents char do nccdfarily prQ9tl.e either_o~ ::md like to die, v,pon fufpition will t:Jke it.on thcfe, bccing brought by two fufficif'nt '-''it- ! his death, that fnch a one harh bewitched hinl, odfcs; arc of force fully to conuincc the paniel I it is an :J!lcgation ofthe fame naturc,which may fufpCGlc.d. For example: · · 1 :nooue the Iudge to naminc rhe panic, bm it Fidl, if they can prooue ~hat [h(.> partle fi1f-, liS ofno momcm for conuitl-ion. The rc:tfon i.:, 1 peCl:cd, h:uh inuocntcd and called vpon tbcl ~ecaufe ir v.:as bur the (ufpitiol1 of one man, & dcuil,or defired hishelpe.For this is a Pr5ch ofl 3-i'n:ans-o\•Vne word for himfdfc,though in time that worllup, which Saran bmdcth his intlru~ I ' 'of cxtrcmit~c, when iris lik~ly he "'·ill fpcake mcnts ro giue vnro him. And ir iS:. a pregnant) nothing bur the ofno more force then proofc.O.falca~uc formerly 1~3lk ~etwccn thC. :tnothcr rtJ:tns worcla.,aintl him. Secondly, 1f they c:Jn gme et11deece, chatt And thcfe arc the~ proofc!, which men in ! • the p:twe bath intcna'incd a familiar fpirir, and . h~ -· -· --··-- -- ' . -- ____,