'Cb.7. \-----·-- .. t!.il'Difcourjeo)Witchoaft. ____ --:- 6,.}~..,~ t had conf~rcncc "''tth a)tn for.11c or hkcndfc of A r couctl:l'H, (o Js hcc hath crcrnal!y Jdt :htm, a lllotllC, cane, or Come other vdiblc creature. 1 H ence n ts, th:lt he iabom., b) tmghrand m?m, Tb,rdly, 1fchcy :Jffitmc vpon oath, chat the w kccpc them tn J!;llOQ!lfc,o.nd co prc~.cnt d1c fu(pcC1ed pcrtOu hach don any aCtion or work, vf.1gc ofmconcs rffcdu::~ll to their conuerfion; ! which ncccff:uily infcrrcth acoucnant made; by J:;ying :1 pioc tOr their di{{oucric. B~1t ho:,--.c f as chat h.e harh fhc~,.,·cd tbe f.1cc ot' a 111311 JU(pcthen comes it to paO!-, rb:u all fi!cll pcrfonsarC . 1 • Ctcd bcc\llg ab!'cm,in a gbffc; or v(ed lnch::mtnor fj1ccddy dctcdcd, bnr fome liuelonf;, and mcm, or Ji.JCh like feats. In :1 word , ifthey both others die \Nithom :my mans priuiLic? .Anf.Thc I can' auo.uch,,vpon thC:ir owne proper knowrc:~fons hc1cof m::zy be diucrs. I ledge, that li1ch a man or woman lil~)e~1cd, Fidl,bcc:~urc fiHnc one or more ofrhem ,t:nay i hauC put in pr1Ciife any other aCtions of W1tchbelong to Gods eleCtion: and therefore a\bc~r, J craft , as to hauc diuincd of things afore they for nufes bcHknov\'ne to bimiC;fc, he fi1f1 er I! came to pa(fe, and th•r peremptorily; to bauc them for a time to bee holden in the (nares of r::~ifed tcmpefls, to hauc eau led the forme of a Satan,ycr at length in mercy he reclaims them; dead man to appearc, or the like, fl:anding ciand in the mcane time fuffneth nor the deuil to eher in diuination or opcrati.on,it prooueth fufcxercifc rhe depth ofhis maiice in difcouering ficicntly that he or !he is aVVitch. them to their confufion. Againc,forothCd,,thc But fomc may fay, if thefc be the onely B Lord may in inHicc and anger fuffcr tla·mnot thong proofes for the conuiClion ofaSorcerer, to be difdofed, that liuing ,·nder the tneancs, it will be then impollible to put any one to where they might be reclaimed, ~ltld willfully dc.nh, bccaufe the league \Vith Satan is clofely contemning the fame, thr:y may liuc to·fill vp made,and the puChlcs ofSorcerle arc alfovery the meafurc of their iniquitics,nnd thereby Qec f-:crer,and hardly can a man be brought,which made finally incxcufablc, that they 1my rcceiuc vpon his owne knowledge, c211 auerre fuch their iuller condemn:aioq. -··· · things. Secondly, chcdcui~lJ~;~ffere.th fOn1c to Iiue l anfwcr, howfocucr both the ground :md long vndifclofed, that they niay exercifc tl~e praCtiCe be fecrct, and to many vnknowne, yet greater mc:1furc ofhis n~a!i~c ~n the wo,r.J 1 ,);f})_ctherc is a way to come to the knowledge therciaUy if they be parties malitioufly bent to doe of. For it is vfuall \\'ith Satan m promife any bun ro men, and other creatures., thing,till the league be ratified: but when it is Thirdly,fome\Nitd)CS do ._.,:aril.yngrec \\ ith 1 once made, and the panic intanglcd in focietic the Deuill, for a ccnainc reanr.c -?f_yr:-ar~.s, q~J~ 1 with him, then he indcauourcth nothing more, ring which time ht= bindctb himfclfc, 110~ ~p th<'n his or her difcoueric, and vfeth aJI meanes hurt them, but to be at their cqmruaund~ A1l,d poflible to difclofe them, So that-what ende fo- 'C Satan is carefull, lpecia\Jy. il\p,1fc o.f j1is pwne eucr the \JVitch propoundeth to her fclfc in the aduamage,to kccpc touq~--~"'~til thcril th'qf thfif' ' league, he intendcth nothing elf'e,but her Vtter may the more flrongfy cfca,l:lc Vt}toh,in) op t}iCir confufion. Therefore in the iu(l i~1Qgcmcnt of parts. But ifthe cafe fo dan<i, 31 th3..t neither il-~e God, it often faneth out, that the(e which ate panic fufpected confclfeth, n<>r 'yet fnlficieqt true \IVitches indecde, fuall either by confcffiwitndfes can be produced , v\1hich arc aJ)Jc to on difcouer themfelues, or by true tcOimonic conuitl: him or her, either ofto"tefc. two wayc;s; be conuinced, The caufes which mooue the \VC hauc no warrant out ofthe \>\'Ord cit~1er gN Dcuill not oncly to effeCt,but to hafl:cn this neralJ, or in fpcciall,to put fuch a one to death. difcoucrie,arc two principally. For .though prefumption be ncu~r fo Ardi,g; The firfl is, his malice tovvards all men, in yet they are not proofes fu~cicm for ~.:olluitti.. (o high adegree, that he can not indure they on, but onely for examination. : ·. fhould enioy the world, or the benefits of this 1would therefore; ..,vjfh and aduife all IU'r~rs, life(ifit were polliblc) fo much as one hourc. who giue their VcHHtl vpon) ife. and ,tfertfi in Though therefore by venue of the prcconcourts of Alf1fcs, to take good hccdc,._.,t,ll2t as traCt,he be C'ock-fure ofhis inllrumcnc, yet his they be cliligcm in 1.ealc-pfgods glory,~vd the malice is not herewith fatisficd, till the partie D good ofhis Church , in det.~.~ling ofVV~It.ch,e's, be brought to light, and condenu~ed to death, by allliillicient and Jaw(ufl me~o,cs;{o.Ji~ewjfc Which may be a caueat to all J!l 01fpofcd p.erthey would bee corcfuU w\m they Joc',,~nd fons, th3t they be'v\'are of yeildmg thcmfclucs not to cond~mne any partie .fufpeClef)~:~ ..yJ?on vn·o him. bareprcfiunfnions, wirhoUr fou~d an~(uffici- . The [ccolvl, is his infatiablc defire of the en( pioofcs, that ths:y bee)not guiltic,through prcfcnt 3nd full poffcllion of them, whome hC their owne rafbneffc of lht.dding inno(.C11t I hath got "' ithio the bonl'l5 of the coucnanr. blood. ·, .., ~ · For th<:nlgh he hauc good hope of them, yet is (' n JJl I he not certain of(heir cominu3nce.Thc reafon a.Ject • • io;,bcc:lu(c i'ome vnited with him in confed traI l cie, hatic through.the great mcrcieof God , by Q.:<'l1. 11 I. whether aman mtlJpr.eHel'lt t/1~ orcful! vfagc of holy'mcanes, and faith in daunger·of Wirchcrafr, andif h~ m~y,rhen \ Chri!l, bccnc recbimed and dcliuered out of what Rcn·J(di~s h:emay !aufully "md cJfiCf-,tj hi<i bt.~nd.,gc, :tnd fo at l('ng:th freed fi·om his allyv[cag:tinjl it? ----------------------------------------~~O~o~o~o~4 To