Ch.7. ' ru1Vifcouifeoj Witchcraft. the plsces where they dwell, by infcding the A Ootpeli.Whcn our Sluiollr Chnll had ient the ayre, and fuch like. The oncly cffcCluall means fcauemic D1fciples to preach in !uric, :n their to rcmedie rhiscuill, is a S:lllClificadon of the tcrurne he gauc this tcHimonic of rhc effeCt of places ofour habitation. Lookc as we are wont their miniflerie, Thnt hee j(JWe Satanfall downe rofanCHfieourme:Jtand drink,byGods-.,,rord .ftom hMuen lik..; lighrming , Luk. JO. t8. his andby prayer,and thereby procure his bl.cillng mco.ning was rhis,As liglJming is fuddc·nly and ! vpon his owne ordinance for cfur rcfidhmg:fo. violently fcnt out of the cloud,and(as it were),/ in like manner may wee fant}"ifi.e the places ot 1 earl do ..."·ne to the c:.anh by rhc crackc of the· our aboad, and thereby both procure the blcf- ~ thunder: eucn fo Satan the Prince·ofrhc world. lingwhich we wanr,2nd alfo auoide many cur~ thatrulcth jn the hearts oftbe difobedicnt,was I fcs and dangcrs,which ochcrwife would fal Yf'... call downe, and his kingdome ruimucd by the." on vs. power ofthe Gofpcl preached, In the time_s ·or j Ifany flull thinkc: t!le Confeeratio~ ofho_uIgnorance the dcuill triun1phcth freely withom. /· (es and places in this fort, to be a mccrc demfc co~crolcmcm, but the mifl ancl darkenc{fe o{ ofmans buine; let thctn rc:mcmbcr,.that in the hi! dcluli<?ns caimot poffibly abide the bright' Olde Tefiamcnt, befides the dedication of the B bc:ames ofgods glorious wHl ~e.uealtd by prea• I Temple, allowed by all, there was a Lawe preching. The: Lord .'!f auncient times comm:iunfi:ribcd to the Ic:·wes,for the fp~ciall dedicatien ded his people not to doe according tO thofe ofcu.cry mans houfe: lfaHJm~nharh!Juilt a nrw l'!.ations, among whom they dwelt in Canaan; houfo(ioith Mofes) "''dhAth not dtdicA:tit, ltt by praC!ifing Witchcraft, or following atier himretm·nJtgttin.&c.Dcu. 'lO.). As ~ho ihould Sorcerie, Deut.I 8.9. &c. And that they mig-ht. fay, he hath omitted a nccdfarie dutie. Nowe beable to obey this commaundep1enr, Mofct this dedication was nothing cls,but the fandip.r~fcribcth vmo them this refioratiuc,theretu· fication ofthemby word and prayer, wherein rent m:d ohedient hearingofthe Lord! Pr9phetJ, they made acknowledgment, that they became verf. 18. In this our Church if wee would bee·., theirs by the free gift and b!cffing ofGod,and healed of our woundes, ·and banilh Sathan~ further defired afree and lawful vfe ofthe fame from among vs, who greatly annoycth a grcu to his glorie, 2nd their mutuall go~a•.A dutie number of our people by hh dcJufions and which bath beene performed by the feruants of damnable praC!,i(es of Sorccrie: the o~lyway 1 God in auncient times. # to bring it to paf\e,is the maintaining of a lear- ! The: firfi thing that .Abrahamdid, w\1en he ned Minitlerie, the adu9nci,ng of Proph<'tS .by~! camcftomVr ofthcCha!deans,tothelandof " whofe b~urs the Goipcl!tmy flourilh. Fe<,! Canaan, which God.gaue him to pol\dfe, was C thc,faithfu!l ·4ifp<nfation thereof is the Lp(di the building of an Altar for the ~_orlhip of I ownc arme and fceptcr, whereby he bcatc!th God,his facrificing therc:on, and calling vpo'i' downe the kingdome of darkcncffe, and 'iOn-· thenamcofthe Lord,Gen,u.8.Thefamedid foundeth the workes and emcrpnfcs of the Noah before him at his·fir!\ comming out of deuill, the Arkc after the flood, Gen,8. zo. and Iacob The fecond fon of Relloratiucs, fcruc for· after him in Bethel. And theywere allmooucd the cure ofparticular pcrfons : for howfoeu~r hereunto,bec~lU(e they knew their comfortable ,the gift 2nd power ofcafiing out ofcleuills ~nd I aboad in tho(eplaces,c2me not by their owne curing witchcraft be ordinarjly ceafed, fincc: cndeauour,butfrom the blcffingofg<;>d.W~cn the Apofilcstimc:s,it being a gift pecruliar tPl~~ the good King Hcz.ckiah kept the Paffcoucr in Pdmiciuc Church,and giucn to icoutly duti:J1g Ic:rufalem,his principal care was that the pricfis the i.nfancic of the Gofpcll; yet there maf bci and all rhe people might fir!\ befanC!ificd, and mcanes vfed and rhat cffeC!uall, for the eafi1rg therefore he prayed vnto God to be mncifi1ll of any pcrfon that is bcv\•itchcd by Sat2nsinto them that were not fanCl-ified, 'l. Chron. jO. flrumencs. Thofc therefore that arc iri thcfc 18.And as he behaucd himfclft in his kingdom, d:~ies tormented in this kinde, mufi doe th,rce fo lhould euery matlcr ofa family bchaue him- 0 things. felft: in his hou(e where he dwelleth, labouring F:irfi,thcy;muCl enter into fcrious examinati- ' to fanClifie the fame that it may be comfortable on of thcmfdues, and confider the caufc for ro him and his;!eatl for neglect thereof,he pull which it pleafeth God to fuffcr Satan to exervponhimfdfc,and thofc that belong vnto him, ci(c them with that kind ofcrotfe.Andher~upthe heauie hand ofGod,in pl:lgues and punifhon diligent inquirie, they (hall findc that their menu, owncflnncs are the true and proper cauf-cs of Tne fecond kinde ofRcrnedics arc Retloratbefe cuills. When Saul wasdifobediem to thl: tiuc, '"'hich ferue to deliuer men from Witchcornmaundcmcnt of God, the lord fent vpon crafc, by curing the hurts ofWitchcs in the bohim an cuillif>irit to vcxc him, 1,$am.x5. Hydies ofmen ,or other creatures. In, the handmeneus and Alexanderfor theirpeflilc:Jn errorS' lin'g INherof, firll,we will confid~r,how whole were both cafl out of the Chmch,.. and giucn countries,and then h9w euery priuate man may vp a.lfo to Satan, that they might lcarne not to be cured aud dcliucred. Whole Cvm~tries,:litd blafphcme, 2.Tim. t. 20. in the f<llllCmanner Kingdoms are freed and cured fpecially byone wa~ the incclluous pcrfon dealt withall,r.Cor. meancs; ThepubiHhing and embracingofthe 5· 5· ---'------~--------------·-_:_ _ __ _ _ ___ Sccon_d~·-'--..~-- j 1 I I ' I. ~;