~ 'Difcot!rfl'ofWitchcraft. Ch.7. 1 s :condly' ~ftcr th_is Exam~ndd:on' the fame "I A: And for the fame cndc were all C'Xt~~ordinaric 1parttcs mu!l fhc-....•e forth 1hc1r fa1th, whereby gifts then giuen. Seeing therefore the doClrinc J they d~cpcnd_ onthr free fauour :md mcr~ic of of thcGofpell hath becnc :J.\rcadlc cHablilbcd, \ God tor their ~lchucrancc. How may tl.ts ~cc and the truth tl•C"rcoffuffi.cicmly confirmed by done? by hcarue prayer vmo god, 1oyncd ·wnh miracles in the Primitiuc Church tHe fame faHing that the fame rn:~y be m_ofc carncfl. ln gift mull: needs cea{C vmo vs. For if it {] 10 u\d , which praicr the mainc de tire ot th_c heart muH_ flil cohtinuc,i~ would call into qucHion·the ef~ I be abfolmciyfnr the pardon orthm finncs,and fctl ofthe Apoflolicall preaching, and implie then for '~ci!Uc_f:mcc tram the hurt.s.~nd t~rth~s much·, that' thcGofpe1 was no~well cJbntcnts ofdtaboltcal pcr~ons:y_ct not a~lolmdy, bldhcd, nor fuiliciently' cOnfirmed by thc!ir exas forth~ or_hcr , bu~ \\'1\h thts co~dmonJo f~r I tra_ordinaric MinificncJ :mdmiracles accompaforth 3S tt hands wtth Gods glone, and their nymg the fame. Ag:~.ine,ifthc gifi Of working ov..:nc good. For thcfc are the bounds and li-' iniraclcs n,ould rcm:linc, then the promifc of mits of all temporal\ good thi_~gs; oft~cm rh: God for his fpcciall & cxtr3ordinaty aflitlancc Lord m:1ks no abfolutc prom1teJ but Wtth thde thereto lhould yet continue; for the oift and conditions :md qualific:nions. B· promifc goc together, fo long as the prgmifc is ~Thirdly,rhc p3rtics bcwitcllid rnufl pltieni:- in force, folong is the gift 3HO;but the promife Jf bc::ue the .prefc~lt ann~y~nce, comforting rnadeby Chrift,lnm1 ilamtfoAilthrycafl 0111 dethemfclucs '-''nh thJS, th::tt ttts the Lords owne. Hills, And[peal:.; with newe tengltts, Mark. 16. hand, by whofe fpeciall prouiden« it comes to was in forcconcly in the pcrfons and lfHnifle. pa!fe,and who tUrneth all things to the good of rie ofthe Apofiles,and tho.fe that had <'Xtraorhis chofcn. Againc, they 3rc to remember, th::tt dinaric and immediate calling from c ·ad, and be beeing a mo!t wife God, and louing Father it ceafed when they and th<ir calling c<afcd, in Chrill,wil not fuffer them t'o bC tried abouc: ThcrefQrC" if Minifiers now lhould lay their th3.t they are able to be:Irc,but in his good time hands on the fic.ke , diey fbould not recoucr will grant a ioyfull iCfuc.Now wheh the bewic:. them:if ~heY fhould !l~noint thetb wit~ Oylc)it" ched fbal thus fubmit thcmfducs 'vmo God,in fbould ·do;ihenl no good;bccaufc they ~aut no the crolfc bcitthat he (vpon fomc caufcs)defcr promife, · ' - their dc!lucrance, yet they (ha)! not finally be Howbeit the l'apifls !land fliffcly in defendecciued of their hope. For either in this life, diug the continuancc.ofthcfc gifts. 2tthcappointed time, Or in the endofthis life, C Fnfi:, they fay, the Church ofthe NeWc Teb}' death they flnll be eternally dc:liuercd, and !lament is nothing inferiour to chat ofthe Old. put in prcfcncpoffcffion ofeuerla{ling C:\fc 2ncf The Icwi~ ~hur<:h bcf6t c the commi_ng of bappinclfc. Thus much of the true remedte> .,_ Chnfl, wan~cChurch of the Old Tcflament, gain!l:Witchcrafr. ·' , 11 " .; alldhadtlic.po\l'.crand gi(tofcafiingout DeIn the next place wcc3rc 2little to txaminc uitls. So faith our Sauiour himfelfc, M3.t,rh.r 2. the falfe and !itpcraitious Rcmcdics.prefcribed >7·/fI ih>'ough Beei<.rbub c.jl "" tkml!s. thrn bJ and vfcd by them ofthe l'opifh (;hurch. ..homuio}'Hr childrrn c.jlthrm out? In which The mofi learned P<1piHs of {his age doe \"-ords }lee afctibeth ·'this· g!ft vmo the !ewes, teach and 'auouch, that there is in Gods churCh therefore.if !hould feeme) that the [Jme remaian.ordinary sift and power,whereby fome men ncth !lill·in·tl1c Church. , may caR out deuills and he\pc annoyances that Anf. .That placeof Sqipture is diuerfly ex- , comC' byWitches. The Protc!lam is of >a conpoUrided. Some by chi!tlr~n there mcntif!>~ed, J narie iudgemcnt, and holdcth according to vndcrA.and the ApoA.les , who wt:rc 1_c:wes truth, that there is now no fuch orrlinaric uift borne 3t1d h:~.d rccciucd from Ch1 Hl this gift left to the Church ofGod,6ncc the daies ofthe and po ...,·cr to cafl our dcuiils.Which ifit be fo, A.poAles. ,D 1 it m~kcth nof for them,becaufe they had ir ex- , Reafotu ofthis opinion may be thefc. traorrlinarily. But 1rather thinkc ,that b'y chiJ. Firft, eaCHngout ofdemlls, and curing fuch dren, are mC'anr the Exorcifing ]ev. cs, before annoyances, are extraordioane<~nd miraculous Chrills time,v. hn lhd c11fl om deuils <tmOg thC, works. For Chriftaccounteth handling offer. pretending an abilitie to dOe rhis worke in the pents without hurt, f~eakin.g.with new t6gues, n;~mc of God; whc:~ea_s in truth, they v:etc all curing ofdifc3fcs by tmpohuon of h:mds, .(all fl:u 5orccrcrs,and. d1d lt byv.erwe o~a lcague.6c which arc things of lcffc moment) to be- mir~- compael m:~de wnh the deutll. WhiChpraChfc dcs,Mark.t6.t8.19.but all thc(e l.e!fcr work~, harh bccneof long.continuance, and i~ ar this yea the ordinane power of work1ng them, IS chy common 3nd v{ual amorig t~e Pop1th fort* ccafed: for it wJt oncly giuen to the Apofiles Ancl rhat there were fi1ch Exorc1As among the in the Primit\uc C\:lut·ch , ao; amcancs to con- }c\\·cs,it is euidcnc. For fuch were thufe Vag3firme the doClrinc of the Gofpd to vnbdcebonds "''hieh came to Ephcfi1s and tookevpon ucrs rh:Jt ncucr heard ofCimA: before. So Paul them to c:1f.t out dcuills by the n:~mc of le{m, faith, Strange- rongrus ( th:u is, the gift of fpeaand PAul, At:t: 19. q. bunhe m:1n in '"''~ome king flrangc lan~u:tgcs, without ord1n~ric reathe <"u~11. f~irit v.::~s, (fo fodnt" as he ~ad ~dJured ~."hing) twefor a fi.'(,nc, not to themtbat helune, the fp1nr) nnne vpon th('m,and m1.ghnly pre- /;ut to tf;em thAt helteHe not, 1. Cor, 14. zz. uailcd ag:tinfl thcm,verf. I 6. No\\' tf thC'y h~ -~~ . --~~--