I (Ch-.-?-.--d-o-nc-tl-,i-s-gr_e_at_w_o-rk_c_b_y-~-he_p_o-~ 7 ··e-~-:-;_:_:-~-e-~-,-~-:-o.::':d-t~-,~:-,C-:b~-~-l:-et-e:--e-C't-r-~a-ll-"-.o- .r-ki-n-g-'~-fS- .a-ta-n-,a-;7/"- 6 ·-4 -!J- (, they pretended) the holy Ghdl would not I it"'" foretold by the Apotllc,2.Thefi~ '·9· o f ' I.o(t~.Antlqurt.Iudaic: u.c.l. hauc called them ExorciHs and Vag3bonds, .. \>vhich forr were and arc ;~.ll tho(e riliraclcs of l neither could chc cuH fpirit poffibly hauc ouerI the Romdh Church, whereby fimplc peOple come them as he did. Ag::.ine, in che H1Rorics hauc bccnc notoriouOy clclu~lcd. Thcfc in~·h:cd of the Iewes are recorded many praClifes of t hauc t~crc. cominucd frO r.hat.t_imc to this day. l fuch ascxcrciCe this power among them, Ra- [ But d11s g1fc of the holy G~oft, whereof eh: pbruichcAngcll tcllcch78bia.f, ch.1t a perfume Qlcfiion is m!ldc, ccafcd long before. made ofthe heart :tnd liucr ofa fi{h, w11l hclpc I To procc.cdc ycr further, \\'C :lrc here tO con-_ 1 a man troubled \\'ith an euilt ~lirit, Tob.6.7•. lider the p3rticulo.r Remedies, which they of' which coun!CIJ is aGat Mlgickc, for there is no the Popifh Church hauc P,rcfcribed againll rhc 1 fuch venue in chc liuc:r ofa fi(h.. And in other huns that h:me cdme by\Vicchcrafi:. And the)' : hi!lorics we rcadc. that 011c Elea::..t!r a Jc\Nc,by arc principally tiuc. the fmcll_ofa ccrtaine mote put to the nofe ofa /, Thcmmu l~fiu. nun po!fdfcd with a dcuill, eaufed the dc:uil to If. Thcvfoofthc R~liCfiiU dfSt~il1fl. come out ofhis noflhrills, and forlakc him; Ill, ThcjigncoftheCrojJ(;. which thing was done i11 publike place before B 1V. Jiallowedcrettfllres. VefP.Ji•n and others, This alfo was cffecred by V, E.<orciftneJ. mccrc coniuration. For what venue can there I. Firfl, for the l13me lefi#: Thus much wC be i11 any ,i.OOtc or hearb in the world, auaileagram, thac any Chrifiian may lawfully call vpblc to command ;md cnforceSad1an td dcparr, on the name Of l(fUJ in pro.ycr, for rhe hclpc from a. man poff"dfcd? And yet fuch feats were and diliucrance ofthofc char are po!fdfcd and plaicd by fundric Magi~ians :lmong the Iewt~. Dewirchcd,but yet wich the eaheat :md conditiWhcrupon I conclude,that the mca.ning ofour on before fpccificd, If it be the will of God, 1 1Sauiour in the place allcadged, is in dfetl- thus and iftheir rccoueric may make for his glorie, much; If !b; the power of BeelubHb, &c. that the benefit of the Church,and the noodof the is,you hauc among you fimdrie M3gici:ms and panics difca{Cd. 0 ExorcHls, who pretend and cxcrcifc the gift of Hut the Papifl by the vfe of this name, incalling out dcuilh, and you rhinkc: they doe: it tcndc1h a fimhcr m:ztter, to wic, that the veriC by the power ofGod,why then do yonnor eaname vuered in fo many letters and fj 1 llabcs, ric the fame opinion ofme al(o? is powcrfull to catl out dcuills, and eo belpc Their fccond reaCon is grounded on the prothofc that arc bewitched. For when it is vue; n1ife of ChrHl, Mark. t 6. •7· Th<fe tok;ns J1>411 red, then (fay they) the aurhoririe of Chri(\ ts fo/Jqw them th4t 6e!mte, In m}'••m• the; fb4/l C prefenr, thatthc wo1 ke may be donc.A flat vncAjl- out deuills, &c. whence they gather, that truth, and apraCI:ifc full of danger. For let this there fhall be alwaies fomc in the Church,who be well confidercd, wharfocucr any man doth /haft haue power to eafi forth deuills,if they in this cafe; he mu£\ doe it by vcrrue ofhis ealbeleeue, ling, and haue alfo his warrant forthe doing An f. That promife was made by Chri!l vn- . thereof out of the word ; which if he wane, to his Church, robe fulfilled immediately after and yet w1ll vndcrtakc fuch a worke, hee may his a(cenfion.It did not c:xcc:nd to all timcs,and iuflly fcare the like cuem th:!t befell the v:tga.. per(ons (o long as the world indurcth,but onebond Iewes that were ExorciHs, A". J 9. J 3• ly ro the times of the primitiue Church, and to Now the Church ofChnH hath no warrant in fuch as then Jiued. For ti> themondy the dothe word, to vfc this na_mc of Chrill for any chine of the Gofpel was tO be confirmed by ·~eh purpofe; neither harh any ordinarie Chrifisnts and miracks. Ancl thislafled about wo. !lian a fpeciall calling from God [o to doe, ycares_next after Chri!l hts a(cenfion. During Therefore he may not doe ic. which time, not onc:Jy the Apollles and MiniAnd whcras they would bearc men in h3nd, fi.c:rs;but euery priuac m3n,& foldiers wro'ught th3t che faid name, of all the names ofChrilt, manv miracles. D and abouc all ochc:r things , is of rnofl fpcciall The third rea(on is taken (~om experience, venue, though it be vfcd cucn by a man that which(as they (ay)in all ages from the Apo£\les wanteth faith,becaufc the Apofile faith, At th• times to this d3y fheweth, that there: hauc: bin namtoflefmCIICYJ/z.neefoall6ow,6othofthiugs in alwaies Come in the Church, which hauc had hearsm,inearth,«ndvndcrtlucJtrth, Phi!. 2.10. this gift of"caflingoutDcuills_,.andcuring'thc and by thingi vnder the: earth arc mcantthe huruof"'vVitchcraft. dcuills: we mufl know that their allegation is Anf. This gift contiuued not much aboue weake, and that they greatly abu(e the place, the fpacc oflOo.yeres after Chrill.From which For there lhc name le flu, is not onely a titre of time many herefics Uegannc to fprcad themChril1, but ,.,·irhall fignific:th the power, maie. fc:Jucs; and then fhonly after Popcrie thac my- {tie,and amhoritie ofChriH,fitting at rhc right !lcrie of iniquitie beginning to fpring vp, and hid ofthe father,to which all crcacures in heato <\ilatc ic fclfe in the ChUrches ofEuropc,the ucn,c:mh, & hell :ue made fi.JbicCt; and by that true gifr ofworkmg Miracles then ccafc:d, and power indecd(if they h3d it at comm:tnd)they in Hc:.1d thereof came: in delufions, an? lyin~ 1-.ighc be able to cure: the hurts ofVVitchcr:\tt. ----'-- -·------------- ---- - ---- ----.:.1:.: 1. !.h_e___