Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

ItA Vifcourjc ofWitchcraft. 1I. The fccond fpcciall Rcmcdie is the Vfc lA j mir:}dc, was God himfclfC,-A;di~chi5-c.:;ji"d~c of S<lints Rcliqu~s; as their books, bones, ap- ~ I vcric m.mhood ofour Sauiour Chrift, confi.:lcparcll, ~aucs,or.luch likc,which being bm ton- :cd 3pan from his Godhead, had nopo• of chcd ot the p!!rtlcs vcxcJ,arc.cxccllcnt mcancs 1t fdfe, but \o\'35 oncly the in!humcm of bis 1 to n:coucr them. Godhca'd ;' whcnfOcucr it plcafed him in thJ.:: ../1;1{. The: v!C ofthcfc things, to the purpokind tom:mifdt the famc.\Vhcrcforc to ::afcribc : fcs aforcfaid, is a meere f11pcdlitious pradifc. this vcrtuc tP the croffc,bcinga crcamrc,ortho-. 1 For firft, they h~uc not the true Rcliqucs of wmkc ofa cRaturc,is to communicate the in- ~ the Saints, us "\'ould plait~c\y appcarc, it"a rruc communioblc power of the Creator to it lnu·cmoric V\' ere taken ofall fucb as they fay arc which is plaine bla(phemic. ' to be found in their Monaftcricsand Churches. 1 IV. The founh Rcmedie, is the vfing ofba! ... I Sccondly,though they had thcm,yct hauc they Jawed things; as h::lilo"A1 cd grains, falt, water, no warram or calling to vie the;m to this ende: 1brc~d,images;efpccialy the imag~ofAfmudei. for in all the word of God_, there is neither I An[. Hallowed creatures :m: m truth vnhal- 1 commandment to warrant'thc vfc, n?rpromife lowcd fupcrfiidons. For cucry creature is fan- ~ · to affurC' any man of r. !.>Idling vpon tli'c vfe of Cl:ificd by the word and prayer, 1. Tim, i·4· by ' them. Albeit they would leeme to hauc fame 1 B l the word, when God in his word commaunds J warrant, anJ thcrforc they allcadge that which vs to for fomc end; o:md by prayer when ll is written, 2. King I;. 21. ofa dead man, who we giue him thanks for giuing che creamre,3nd becing for hafl: throwne into the fcpulchrc of ""ith all ddire his bleffing in the vi,e thereof, EIHba, fo loone as he tou,hed the bones of~- Now let any Papift fhewe me one letter or fylhCha, reuiued, and fiood vpon his fcete.To thu: ]able inall thebookc qfGod,commanding this alfo they adde the examples of cures done by vfe ofa creature for any fuch endc. · PeterJ nl~dowc, ACt. 5. I50 and fundric dieafThey affirmc indeedc' chat Elljbawrought fcs healed by Pa"ls handkerchifcs, ACl. 19. 1 z. mir>cles by hallowed falt,fot by it he cured the .An f. Thclc things indecdc a:c true, but they bitter waters, :. Kin. z. :u. Burrhe Piopht"t ferue nothing to their pmpolc. For fidt, the:: vfcd not hallowed but common falc,&' that not qu·ickning ofthe dc:u! fouldicr, came: not from ordinarily, but onely then, as ameancs whereany venue in rhc corps ofElifl1a; but it was a by to worke amiracle. le was thercforepowermirade ... ,•hich itplcafcd God then to worke, full in his hands,bccaufc·for the doing thereOf, by mcanes ofthe corps, that the le~J~.:es at that he had power and warranc from God extr"a<?rtime might bee confirmed in the truth efchat C dinarily;and it cannot be fo in anyother,which doCltinc, which Elil11a had caught them from haue not the fame gifc. . God, and which before his death they had V. The fifrand !all Remedie, is Exorcifme; ncglcClcd,as Ihaue before Ihc\"-Jed.And it \vas which is an adiuring and commaunding the de.. a thingonelythen donc,and neucr ca11 uill in the name ofgod,to depart from theparnot therefore be a ground for the ordlnarievfc tie poffetfed,and ceafc to moleO: him any more. ofReliqucs•.Againe, touching thr other examThis mcanes was vfcd by our Sauiour Chrift ples: I anfwer,thot both Peter and Paul had the himfclfe, and aficr him by his Apoll!cs, an'd ogifc ofworking ~iraclcs, and hauing the gift, thcr bclecucrs in th~ time of t~e Pri~_i_tiue they might vfe fuch mrancs for the prefent to Chu:ch, when ~he g1fc o~workmg:. Miracles cure difeafcs. But the Papt!lsarc not able to wastnforce:bmmchefedaJcs(aslfatdbefore) .{hewe, ch:~.tGod hath giucn them the like gift, thar gift is cca(ed, &: alfo t~cpromifc ofpower whereby they might be warranted fOr the vfe annexed to the vfc?fadiurarion :and therefore: ofthe like meanes: neither can they atfuredly the mcanesthercof mull ncedes ccafe. And for hope for fucccrfc, :llthough they fhould vndcran ordinarie man now to'command the Deuill take to vfC them. in fuch fort,is mccr prcfumption,and aptaClifc Ill. The third Remdic, is the figne of the ofSorccrie, Croffe, m:tdc vpon the bodieofthe partic tor- D mcnted. Behold to wha.ta hcighcofimpictie they :uc grownc_,afcribing that to the creature which is proper to the Creator. For the power of working miracles, is proper oncly to the Godhead. The Prophm and Apollles in their times did not workc themof thcmfclucs, but were onely Gods paffiuc inflrumc-nts, in this manner: When the Lord intended by ~hem to worke any miracle, they recei_ucd from l_)im. at the fame timcatt cxtraordinane 3nd fpccJallln– flinCl-, whereby they were mooucd to attempt the worke. They therefore ycc!ded thcmfc!ucs to the prefcnt motion of Gods fpirit, to behis infhumcnts oncly in the difpen(ariott of the \~rkc;b~1c foie author 3!ld producer ofthe SeC!. IV. IV. Q<cfl. -Whnhertht Wirchaof onr Age 11re to hepuni]btdwith d,arh_, tmd tl~at 6J veriHe 6[1 thill•weof Mofeti _ I doubt not;but in this bfl age ofth; world, among vs alfo, this fionc of VVitshcrafrought as l11arpcly to be punifhed as in former times; and :~.11 Witchf's bcci!1g tbroughly conuiCt:ed by the M:1giflratc,ougbc :Iccording to the Law of.MofeJtObe put to death. For pr6ofC hereof, confider thefc rcafons. · Firfl, thisLaw of Mofcs Harly enioyne:h all' .men ,in aH agcs,wi~hout limitat-ion ofc-ircurh-, Hances, not to fuffcr the Witch to liue, :md I hereupon1gather, t~a~Jymufi fbnd the{~~ both ------------------------------~~.~