Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i[hq. I .rv{:Viflourft oflfif.c.hcraft. . · ---:--~~ \---1 borh now and for~u<rto the worlds eud. . A fcluesrp th~. dcuill,-~fJ,~r-owt:c,accprd,-as is ;---:- ! Patrons of\.YitChcs cxc('pt a..garrdl th!S;:holmamktl ~uc-9 by.l~1c1r O\\'n contcili~l_l~;<U chc1: , dingthat it was-.n !Udici:~Ir Law.cWhich coAti.:.. arr<~ig:Jl.t]llchts. ~ . •: ..;, . ; nt:cd but for a time ', and concCrnc:d oncly the The t,hird ~ca{ori. ~E~cry fcd~cer in , the ; Na.~ion of the ]cvvcs, and is no\v cc:alcd. But I Ch_urch, whdfcp'ra~lil~ ~v~~to _d1;aw 111~1], frOm ! tak~ the comrarit tQ.bc lhe; and tha~ vpthe truc:(!oO to tl!c \'\'~rQHp ot Idols, ~hough : on chc(e grounds.. ::1 1 . it :·Ne re a-~lJall~ 9wn~ foqO;~_.<?.~ 4~ughtcr,\)·i(e.oc 1.•. Thofc l!tdi,(i3ll LawCs, whofc pcQaluc fncnd, by the pc:~cmpcon~ ·dcC'n:c an_J corn- J iSdcath,bccauYc they hauc in thC!}'l ~fcrpctnall mandcn~cnt ofG~d,was at no han_d to 9cfj)a- f· eqYitic.,and cloe (pi'ttQ cO.maiiJt~in,c Jqme mor:t!l red 9r pn1~d, but i.hc.!1a.nd ofrhc 1 "o;VJ_toclfc fir(t, I p.r.ccopt, arc perp.nuall. The I~wes.indceQ.had and th~n the hands o~ all the peel? le inufl ~)CC !· JOine Lawcs of thiS: k~n.d, y.>hof~ punifhmcnt~ 1 vpon hun, to kill h~m,Dc.:':.Jt.I ?·6:9· If tt.ils 1 bc \\'c-r.csemporall ,.~and they bficd oncly for a fo, no \Vitchcs ccnujth;dp!Jgla tp cfc~pe dr~ I ccftaiQe time: but t-he pen:l.ltic ol Witchc.rafc, f"\'qrd ofeh~ _!t1agihratc;.fguhcy tr.e the mc(t bc~ing Death by ,0ods appoimtncnr, and the I notoriou:~ fec;!tJccrs of al!o~hcrs. } \Vhen tht'y 1· in6i~ng ofth3.t p~;~ntihmcm,(c!ui·ng to maul- . be once !!~tangled ~\'ith t~e))~ui.!s le<'!guc:,!l:ey ! tainc_) lhc c.quitie pf the ~h_rcc firH moral! prc,. B l~~Ol~r tc;>J!~~!S th~•r dcercll li1~nds and·p ..... oHc.~ :: ccpts ofche fidl TaQlc, Whtch c-annot bee kept j puc.,111 thc!r5~1r.fcd a~d a~l~omma~7~c practifest. ~nlcJf~ this Lawe Pe put in cxcc..u_tipn: it mull 'l that they may bee the more cafily dra ..xne imo : ncccffari,y follo w '·that ic is_in thas regard mo• 1 the fame confcderacie; :whernvith.Ihcy rhcp-:- 1 rall,·!HJd binds vs, andJ);lall in lik,c(on bind all ·1 fclues arc ynitc:d (0 ?athan. I might here a-1- • ah ::~ges,:is.w'cl 'ls the lcwes thcmfelucsi lcadgc. tha.t ~t1_cy dCf"rue.dcath; bccauJC m:H~Y I to~h6 it w~s :lt that tim'c perfoqal\y direCted# of therhbec lnunhcrc,~_s, }:>ut I fbnd not vpon.j 1 H ..Eucry Iud!<ialHawe, that hath in it the th~t in£\ancc, bccaufcI~ol_d in the gweral dm , . cqtlirie of the lawe ofnamre,is perpemall; but wl~ches:arc not t~ be fu~cred to liue' though \ ' tb~s.L.awe ofpuniil1ing the VVitc.h ~Y death, is , they doe no hurt enher tq ~aq, or other nea~ j 1i1ch. F ...or it is aprinciple ofthe La\'ve ofnatu(e, · turcs, and th,:nby vcnu~pfMof':s_i~w~, oncly i' holden for:l grounded truth in all Countries for their lcaguc:i fake, \oYherc9y they b~c.ome. l-and Kingdoms, ainong all people in euery age; rebells to.Y,pd, Idola~~rs and fe~liJccrs, ~s 1iow I that the trayror who is an encmic to the State, bath beene fbcwed. Ye-t ~lOlWithflan~ing ·all Iand rebcllerh 3gainfl his lawfull Prince, iliould 1 ~hat h:nh becnc faid, many1 t~ings yrc hro~ght be put to death; now the moft notorious trayin defence of them, by_(u~h as bcAheir f!·ictlds- · tdr a-nd rebell that can be, is the Wirch.for fl)e and welwillcrs, · . . : . . , ; rcnounccth God himfclfe, the- King ofKings *· C Firfi, it is f:tidc, th~t tbe, hu~t- that_j~ done 1 fuec leaucs the focietic of his Church and pco... . comes not from the \.Yitc~,but from the dc.m: 3 pie, {he bindcth her fclfc in league with the de-! he defemes the blame becaufc it is his worke; . 1 uiH: and therefore ifany o.ffendor:tmong men, . and f11c is not to die for his finne .• .Ar.fw. Lcr_ic ought to fuffer death for his fact, much more be gr:tmcd,tPat the·\.Virch. is not chc author of ought fhcc, and that ofdue defert.. the eui.ll that is clo1~c, yet Ihec is a confederate The fecond rtafon for the proofe of the · andpanner wi\hthcd~uil,l inthcfa&, andfo point in hnnd is this: .According to Mofes 1 thelawct;i~esholdon.her. Sec it in;mili:Jr law eucry Idolater wns'to be Honed eo death: comparifon;b, companic <{men c.onfpirc roge• Dent. 17. vcr. 3·4·5. lfth:r~hefolhtd~tnJamong gcthcr in a robbcry,by cpmmon confcmfon~e yo11, that bathgoneandforntd other godt, aJ the. Jhnd in optn place ro cfpie qut the bootic, a 1 ;d Sunpe, the Moone, or Jtn} ofthehoafl ofhenHen: if to giuc the W:Jtch-word, other~ arc fet about the thingvponenquiriehefound to he trneandcer-. the po!f:~ge,priuily to ru!h vpon the man, & ro taine, thou}J;a/t bring thtmfoorth vnto th;gaus, fpoyle him of his goods. In this cafe what whether it be '!mm or woman ,and/haltjlone thtm f3ith the law? TheP~rties that gaue the \-Vatchwithflones till rbqdic. Now this is thcvcrie D \-\'Ord,thoughthcydidnothing tothcm:m,yet ! cafe ofaWitch, !he rcnounceth the rruc God, bceiug accefforics and abettors to tile robcrie ' and maketh choice to fcrue the dcuill, lhcc i~... by confcut, they arc thccues,:md liable ro con• ! therefore a gro!fc Idolater,and her punifhmcm dcmn:1tion ::nd execution, :;s v:cli as rhe prin- 1 mull be fut:tble. le is ; by the fauoucipalls.Eucn fo fi:md51he cafe \\'ith the ~'irch. l rers ~f the comr:1ric p:trt, that Peter denied In the wo~~ing ofw~dcr~ and in ali miifC'hicChnH, and ycc w:1s not put to death: I :mfwer uous pratufcs, heor fhee 1s partaker with the there is g:e:tt differ:ncc bctwe:n Peters denydcuill by confem ofcouc.nant: the Witch only I all ofChntl,:tnd \.Vaches denymg of God.Pcvfcth the \--.::nchword in iomC' di:!unc or otherter_s deniall_was vpon infirmitic :1nd in hafl: the \\_·HC,::~nd dod1 1~0 morc;the deulll vpon notice' I ~Vnch_ demc_rh_God vpon ~~~owkdge 7ncl degmen by the Ch~rm:, rakes his opponur.itic 1 hberatwn,wmmgiy and \\'llimgly.Agamc,Pe- :md \'\'01 ks the nufcbJcfc. H.c.js the princirnll 3 _ tcr did not \•panhis dcniall betakc himf'clfc to gent, bm the othcrycelt~c::h help, <~nd is ri•'ht- 1 the dcl~ill,but tm~lcd vnt? Chrili: ogai~c,which ~ ~~ li:1b!c'r~ puni fhmcnt. The rcafon is, bc~ufc·! 1 he tdbficd _bybu hearoc :md fpceclJc reprnif the dc\1~:1 were not ff irrcd "P, and prouokcd 1 I--___ ,_•'_"_'_'b_u_t_w_"_'_h_cs_d_c_n_y_G_o_d_a_n_d_b_et_a_k_c _th_c'-": --~~FJ~:%l~;~:~=~d_n_r_uc_r~~~~u~~~n~:- -----