Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i 652. i - '~Vi Vifcouijeoj Witchcraft. i cTi.:: \ ~S hCdor-h. . f-!.c h:~d ncu:r-a_p{reilrc_d i;1 ~am~~ls A of his rep~faanc_c. An~·~bcreas_ they t3.y,thai /----=. 1 1 ltkeueS h.a-d he not b-ecn11ol!t-cncdDy theWttch by cxccUung an tmpcnttenrWitch, the Mluj_ ' ofEndpr. He would nqt hauc caufcd1 ~0umcr.. Ctrate c:~Hcrh away thcfoult.; ..we mufi kna-~~e fcit fcrpcnts ·:~nd trog_gcs tO ':lppcarc'iii Egypt> that theende of rhc Maai(t'rarc i; b_u( fbtllahncs an'd'fatHbi.'cs, and other Inchanno': the damnation ofthc mah:faClorsfoule but ters. An in this agc''thcrc would not 'in likelithat Gnnc might bee punHhcd.that othe-rs :nay hood ffc fo much h't\rn:nd h?ndrance procured beware of the like crimes and offenccs,and that vnl:p mt"h and otlle·r'crc:m:rcs by his. me,anes, the wicked t11i'ght be taken away from :J.inOnc but fdr the ·in1Hg:niot1 of ill difpo\cd pcdOns, God-s people.· ·· , ' , 0 fclowlhit1 and facie tic ..,."ith hln~. But fortiC Witchcs.thcrc be thoucanncict'bec Ag~inc, tll'cy oGictl~t.harWitchcS'conuictcd tonuiClecl ofkilling any :whatfhall bcco,me-ef cirhe'~ rCpcdl; Or f~p.Cnr nor'!It thr:fre_pc~r t~1cn them ?An[. As the killing\lVit-ch mull 'ciie bY God p.ard01'thh !ll'C1r firme1 , & \'Vhy fl)ould not :mother la.wc,though he Witch{fo the the MJglOi~tc: as\vcll<f:~.ue tbcir bodicSand let healingandb~rmcldfeWitch muft dic·· by this ih'em liueas God ~Otb their fouks~ Ifthey do la-we though he kill not, oncly for·cour·narri n.ot rep,cnr, thcrl it is frdangerous thihg for the ~. made with Satan. For this tl\1.1fi alwaics 6e TC'- Magiftrate to put th'emto1deatH':'.for b)' this mcmbred 35-a conclufion', that by 1 WitChc-sVtc tne3nes·hc ki!is the bdaie,and cafh the foUle lo vndcr(bud not thofc onely whichlkill'and-torlkli. ~ " 1 ~ ':'1 ._. • mcnt: but all Diuincrs, Charmers, Iuole-rs- -a11 . .A~;fl-ff. }.1l \~"it ches iudH:ially and lawfuHy · Wizzards comp10nly calledwife metana \~'i(c 1cOnUi?.ti::d, Ought t'6 1 h:u{e li,acc Of repentance women; yea, whofOeuer do any thinu(k'howgranted \lnro them,,whC:'il'i'n th'cr-may bcin~ ing what they do) which-< ctl~Cl'c-d•by H:rnCl-cd and exhoru:d,qnd then a,fterward cxcn~mrcor 3rt; and in thc.fame numbcr·\vC r'cccuted', For it is polf.bldoqhcm to be Jaucd by kon all good :Witches,' which do no hulcbuc Gods m<-:rcie, thougll rhcy h<J.tic dcnyed liim. good,which donot fpoile and deO:roy,buc·fauc Second!\-; the 'fvt:.~gi'lhate nn:fl:·execute iuflicc and dcliucr.All thcfc: come Vrrder this fcnieDce vporicm'!cfaClots law;ft~lly coci'uicted, whether of Mofo!, bccaufe they dcnic God and·ore they repent or not. For God approoueth the COilfederarcs ·withSathan. By the!awes ofEn1 iu{texecution ofiudgment vpon ~ncn without gl:lnd the thcifc is executed for flc:ling, and refpc~ tO 't.hcit: r,ePt•nthnce:.~1e. mufl t~cir '''CC t~in~e·,ic iufl and p~oficablc; .but it-~vere a impemtende htndd r'he cxccutt~Hl of Iufl1ce. C thoufad times better for the land,tfall \'.{aChes, ·When che pCople dfii"idCI hadcOmmitted Idobut cfpccially the bleffing Witch might fuff;.er I latde in "''orfh ipping the goldffi calfc, Mofcs death. For the thcifcby his.tle:lling, and the didnot expeCt the,ir :rcr,~mancc, and in the: hurtfillllnchantcr by charming, bring hindemcane while forbcare the punifhment. but he ranee and hurt to the bo~icsand goods of mC; and the Leuitcs prcfcntly tookc their fwords but thefe :lrc·che right hand of the Dc:ui"l!;by and flue them, and the Lord approoucd their which he taketh and dc:fti-OY,cth the foules of Courfc ofprocccding,Exod3 2.28. When Zim. men. Men dot mofr c_ommonly hate and fpit ri an Ifraclite liad comn'litted fornication with at t11c d<J.mnifying Sorcerer, as vnworchic ro aMidianitilh ·woman, Pbincas in zealc Jiut a-mong them; whereas ,the other is fo deere ofGods aloric executed iud.gmcm vpon them Ynto them, th:n they ho!d themfehJcs and their both,without any rcfpcct vmo theif rcpCtancc, counrrie blc[ed rhat hauc him among the:m, Numb.2~.8. and is therforc commcildcd,Pfal. they fli~ vnto him in !'lecdlitie, they depend . to6. jO. \V:trres arc a \·Vorchy ordin:1nce of vpon him jlS their_god,and by this means 'thou-. God,-and yet no Prince could cucr attempt the fands arc c<J.rri'cd away t9 their finall confufion. fame bwfully,ifcuery foldicrin the fieldihould Death therefOre is tb~ iuftand dcferucd ppnillay the killing ofhis cncmie,vpon expeCtation on ofthe good \Vitch. F l:J\(IS.