~~~~~~~~~~~ RESOLAVTIONJI ro ·rH JP--[OV:J\LT1\ L--8vl. A :A(_ , proouiri'g ic vnlawfull for him to buie or ,.:or . ; 'life ~iir je7,re!J p R 0 GN 0 STlCAT 10 N $t Ood'Rcoder; l hauc thought it conucnient ( forlfomc fpc– dall·caufcs) in this Choreuca· tifc, to difdofe il pan of my mindc vino thee, tonccrning tht m::tking of Ptugnojlicati· onJ,and if it might o·e, to per– fwadc rhcc, not tO fpcmd thy mo1ley in buying any of them. I hauc long Wudied this Arr, and was ncucrquiet Vmill I had fcCne1llh~e fecrcu ofthe fame:but at the kogth;itpleafcd Cod to lay before me thc.p~ofanndfc of it1'n2y, 1dare boldly fay, ldolmie, although it be couered with fairc and golden Chcwcs. 'N·hercforc, rha~ which ·! will fpeake with griefe, the .Came I would defire thee to markewith iOmc: attcnti... on. My rcafon lhall partly concerne thce,part– ly the Prognojlir•tat<rhimfdfe. Firfl on thy be: h:llfc, I reafon thus: l A ffi,ewc his like goodnc!fc vbto vs. Ag2in~ih the fame place, 'our Sauiour'Chrifl fpeaketli on rhis'Aifc,..C.ar.enottbenfor'rhemorrope: f"r thi ~ tit t mo;'1·oWe flJa!/ care for If folfq rhe daJ hlliht- J at • ·J4· nough witli hU OW'I1e gri~fe. By this we JC3tnt, that God will pr6'uidc f0r cu.cry.day ::Ill tbiilgs ncccifary,though we doe notencreafc the prc.t fer.t grid", wjth caring& caAing in our heads how we fuall liue in the rime tocome. Now tell me ,.,·hat' is ihc caufe rhat thou 'ye:rrelj doll buiC~a Prognojlication,.:and oneofthofC, which tel) the•tlrangcll \hing•? ·Is it becaufc thou l10!l adelight to read the (lyle·of P•·ognojlicRtiont! 0r bccaufe thot! wou!dc!llearnetoPt ogr,oftl" CAN? Or becau{c the piCtures 3nd Charatlcrs· yvhich rh~y m::~kc, ddight thy rOindr? it Were B foil\<to Heperfwaded of this, fecing thpcty caufe it fdfe is manifell.Thy whole ddire is tu– fill thy coffers,> and .to hcape vp viea!th, thou iltt afraid lcaH.thou !halt become pOore,l'here... Ti."heforfl reafan, imm:' ode~ forethoU!gre.edily buyell the PrognojlitRIIOIJ!, ;• f" ond comin.ually feaichell all the cornt·rs of rale, care. th"cm, to feethe Oatc oft·hc year<w comc,c– ucn thus in mii1d~ reafoning with thy felfc: I I AS a man doth fee the bte.ffings.bf God can ncucr be quiet; nor take my flccpe, vmjll vpon him, fo he mufi alfo.bbour ~ith a fuch time as I haue knowne the !late of tliC carefull diligence to m:tiiltainc tlicfl:atc of this 'J yeare in.fuing, that I may frame n1y buCineffe litC. But bccaufe the ~ftCCHon ofman is carried :~.ccordingly;Thisnext y~arc there wiJ be much· headlong vmo a grcedie couctOlililcrfe·:this de. 1 raine, it will ro.J.te co~ne vpon the groppd, le fire of ou<n)luch carping and caring, m::ll be wtll be fpoylcd, I will hepe my cornc' •ntill J bridled "''ith two llrong bittcs. FirR, all ou,r C the nextyc-arc following.l finde thar come wil l Ma~:t:l.& .• tt, carcmuftcxtendc-it felfe no furchcr, then the be decrc about halfc aycare heocct l wJH i1ot J ·'l prcfc.nt day: Secondly, in caring \\'C mull not Jell my corne now, but ket"pe it·, that I may I tru{l:'vmo our felucs,but fixe all our confidcnc(: ·haue plentic.of money for it, and fuffident be~ in the mereit & prouidco.ccpfGod,~who blcCfide, to 111aintaine my houfe: the (ea and land fs 1 1 ·1 fcth all,and without wboCc goodnc!Te,nothiog calm~and quiet thisyear(', t~e ncxt ryc::~rc•ma- ~ can come to p:tffc, doe \'"I hat wewill. As tour ny Onpwracks.and troubles 10 many coemrie.s'l 1 I chin.g the fi.ril,~'!C 1-.U.(:.lhc diJ'eCfion.ofour Sawill f.1l1, now I wlll fr:1ughc my /hips thar-then' 1 •j uiour ChriO:: who t~:J.cheth V;t. ro\ pnyon this 1 1may bcquiC't. Thcfc im:~tgr'n~nons ~rd4uc)y:i ; . wi(c; (Jiu~ vs Jful day ou;· dai(lb.read; ~.hereby nrgumcnts ofthy diffidence nn<hdc:fp3ir.om rhc1 ! J' I \\'C arc giucn tovndcr{htnd, ch?1: we ':Ire oncly goodncffc& loning l<indncffc.of.Go<h Jfi 1 hou l . tf) !c~kc tOr the prcfcJlt time, \-.cf$in!! witJl this tC:trcOod, louc G~d, .pUt• thy ..,,1holc t;ufi in!, : pcrt\vafio1?.., th:u he which hath ·b!dfcd v,s this I Gocl, r,hou art content: to rdc!TC .thy whole I ! ~)', "viJl :1lfo to morrowc, and th~ nCxr d::ty prc(crtwtion ,·nro thc'h:u~ds ofGod:.nOvl,t'hcfe'j. . } ----~---·- ·--~---_:P_!Pt:_.l' p l !'.~':~'_\___.,~ . I